Greasy Fork is available in English.

تجاوز الجميع الروابط المختصرة

تجاوز جميع مواقع الروابط المختصرة يتخطى تلقائيًا أدوات تقصير الروابط المزعجة ، مباشرة إلى وجهتك

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سؤال / تعليق

Posted: 09-08-2022

can you remove 'redirect to your blog' please. I find it very annoying so many times I get the error there. I know if you need money to maintain, you can create a donate link, if you want people to know you are a worker, you can create a small message in the corner of the screen. No need to do the 'redirect to a blog that could die at any time'. Thank

Posted: 09-08-2022

Edit: i have read through your update but i hope you add some functionality to disable 'redirect to your blog'.

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