SteamGifts comment formatting

Adds buttons to help you with formatting your comments and managing pictures and emoticons.

هذه إصدارات لهذا البرنامج النصي حيث تم تحديث الكود. عرض كل الإصدارات.

  • v0.7.1 10-09-2016 Synced from GitHub - fixed adding non-image to list after pasting url + fixed showing list off screen on higher zoom
  • v0.7.0 03-09-2016 Synced from GitHub - added emoji management (add/remove) + some new default emojis + some visual bugfixes for firefox
  • v0.6.1 21-08-2016 Synced from GitHub - added few new emojis
  • v0.6 15-08-2016 Synced from GitHub - removed updateUrl and set homepage to greasyfork profile
  • v0.5 14-08-2016 Synced from GitHub - added update url and homepage
  • v0.4 07-08-2016 Synced from GitHub - custom images can now be removed by user
  • v0.3 27-07-2016 Synced from GitHub - added images and text emoticons
  • v0.2 23-07-2016 Imported from URL