Inline Audio Player

Add to every link to an audio file (.mp3 .wav .ogg .m4a .mp4) on page a tiny button for play music with inline player. Use Html5 <audio> tag.

這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。

  • v1.3 2015-02-27
  • v1.2 2015-02-27 For minor intrusion and conflicts, script start only after click button
  • v1.111 2015-02-27
  • v1.11 2015-02-26 Added error event
  • v1.10 2015-02-26 Show Text info of played song on bottom of player. Perform next song automatically without clicking. Add class style for buttons and text song info.
  • v1.01 2015-02-25
  • v1.0 2015-02-24
  • v0.11 2015-02-23
  • v0.1 2015-02-23