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評論:OK - script works, but has bugs

Disable Recaptcha Auto, on almost all sites "The CAPTCHA was incorrect. Try again"


Disable Recaptcha Auto, on almost all sites "The CAPTCHA was incorrect. Try again"

i think you use bad IP, try to get audio challenge if you got message "Your computer may be sending automated queries" that means you use bad IP.
if you want to Disable Recaptcha Auto, Please edit the scripts then Remove this line " // @match *://*/recaptcha/api2/* "


What do you mean by "bad IP" ?

Before you integrate Recaptcha auto, everything works well with Buster....


What do you mean by "bad IP" ?

Before you integrate Recaptcha auto, everything works well with Buster....

If you try to solve Recaptcha and got Problems like this image , that mean Bad IP

