V2EX 增强

自动签到、链接转图片、自动无缝翻页、使用 SOV2EX 搜索、回到顶部(右键点击两侧空白处)、快速回复(左键双击两侧空白处)、新标签页打开链接、标签页伪装为 Github(摸鱼)

< 腳本V2EX 增强的回應

評論:正評 - 腳本一切正常




同希望增加一个楼中楼功能,现在v2ex pro 有楼中楼功能,不过v2ex pro 不能像v2ex 增强一样 单独禁用某个功能



/* globals jQuery, $, waitForKeyElements */

// ==UserScript==
// @name         V2EX 增强
// @version      1.1.7
// @author       X.I.U
// @description  自动签到、链接转图片、自动无缝翻页、使用 SOV2EX 搜索、回到顶部(右键点击两侧空白处)、快速回复(左键双击两侧空白处)、新标签页打开链接、标签页伪装为 Github(摸鱼)
// @match        *://v2ex.com/*
// @match        *://*.v2ex.com/*
// @match        *://www.sov2ex.com/*
// @icon         https://www.v2ex.com/static/favicon.ico
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_openInTab
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_notification
// @license      GPL-3.0 License
// @run-at       document-end
// @require      https://lib.sinaapp.com/js/jquery/2.0/jquery.min.js
// @namespace    https://github.com/XIU2/UserScript
// @supportURL   https://github.com/XIU2/UserScript
// @homepageURL  https://github.com/XIU2/UserScript
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    var menu_ALL = [
        ['menu_autoClockIn', '自动签到', '自动签到', true],
        ['menu_linksToImgs', '链接转图片', '链接转图片', true],
        ['menu_pageLoading', '自动无缝翻页', '自动无缝翻页', true],
        ['menu_pageLoading_reply', '帖子内自动翻页', '帖子内自动翻页', false],
        ['menu_backToTop', '回到顶部(右键点击两侧空白处)', '回到顶部', true],
        ['menu_quickReply', '快速回复(左键双击两侧空白处)', '快速回复', true],
        ['menu_linksBlank', '新标签页打开链接', '新标签页打开链接', true],
        ['menu_sov2ex', '使用 SOV2EX 搜索', '使用 SOV2EX 搜索', false],
        ['menu_fish', '标签页伪装为 Github(摸鱼)', '标签页伪装为 Github', false],
        ['menu_louzhonglou', '楼中楼', '楼中楼', true]
    ], menu_ID = [], pausePage = true;
    for (let i=0;i<menu_ALL.length;i++){ // 如果读取到的值为 null 就写入默认值
        if (GM_getValue(menu_ALL[i][0]) == null){GM_setValue(menu_ALL[i][0], menu_ALL[i][3])};


    // 注册脚本菜单
    function registerMenuCommand() {
        if (menu_ID.length > menu_ALL.length){ // 如果菜单ID数组多于菜单数组,说明不是首次添加菜单,需要卸载所有脚本菜单
            for (let i=0;i<menu_ID.length;i++){
        for (let i=0;i<menu_ALL.length;i++){ // 循环注册脚本菜单
            menu_ALL[i][3] = GM_getValue(menu_ALL[i][0]);
            menu_ID[i] = GM_registerMenuCommand(`${menu_ALL[i][3]?'✅':'❌'} ${menu_ALL[i][1]}`, function(){menu_switch(`${menu_ALL[i][3]}`,`${menu_ALL[i][0]}`,`${menu_ALL[i][2]}`)});
        menu_ID[menu_ID.length] = GM_registerMenuCommand('💬 反馈 & 建议', function () {window.GM_openInTab('https://github.com/XIU2/UserScript#xiu2userscript', {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});window.GM_openInTab('https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/424246/feedback', {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});});

    // 菜单开关
    function menu_switch(menu_status, Name, Tips) {
        if (menu_status == 'true'){
            GM_setValue(`${Name}`, false);
            GM_notification({text: `已关闭 [${Tips}] 功能\n(点击刷新网页后生效)`, timeout: 3500, onclick: function(){location.reload();}});
            GM_setValue(`${Name}`, true);
            GM_notification({text: `已开启 [${Tips}] 功能\n(点击刷新网页后生效)`, timeout: 3500, onclick: function(){location.reload();}});
        registerMenuCommand(); // 重新注册脚本菜单

    // 返回菜单值
    function menu_value(menuName) {
        for (let menu of menu_ALL) {
            if (menu[0] == menuName) {
                return menu[3]

    // 默认 ID 为 0
    var curSite = {SiteTypeID: 0};

    // 自动翻页规则
    let DBSite = {
        recent: { // 最近主题页
            SiteTypeID: 1,
            pager: {
                type: 1,
                nextLink: '//a[@class="page_current"]/following-sibling::a[1][@href]',
                pageElement: 'css;.cell.item',
                HT_insert: ['//div[@id="Main"]//div[@class="box"]//div[@class="cell"][last()]', 1],
                replaceE: 'css;#Main > .box > .cell[style]:not(.item) > table',
                scrollDelta: 1500
        notifications: { // 提醒消息页
            SiteTypeID: 2,
            pager: {
                type: 1,
                nextLink: '//a[@class="page_current"]/following-sibling::a[1][@href]',
                pageElement: 'css;#notifications > div',
                HT_insert: ['css;#notifications', 3],
                replaceE: 'css;#Main > .box > .cell[style] > table',
                scrollDelta: 1500
        replies: { // 用户回复页
            SiteTypeID: 3,
            pager: {
                type: 1,
                nextLink: '//a[@class="page_current"]/following-sibling::a[1][@href]',
                pageElement: '//div[@id="Main"]//div[@class="box"]//div[@class="dock_area"] | //*[@id="Main"]//div[@class="box"]//div[@class="inner"] | //*[@id="Main"]//div[@class="box"]//div[@class="dock_area"][last()]/following-sibling::div[@class="cell"][1]',
                HT_insert: ['//div[@id="Main"]//div[@class="box"]//div[@class="cell"][last()]', 1],
                replaceE: 'css;#Main > .box > .cell[style] > table',
                scrollDelta: 1500
        go: { // 分类主题页
            SiteTypeID: 4,
            pager: {
                type: 1,
                nextLink: '//a[@class="page_current"]/following-sibling::a[1][@href]',
                pageElement: 'css;#TopicsNode > div',
                HT_insert: ['css;#TopicsNode', 3],
                replaceE: 'css;#Main > .box > .cell[style] > table',
                scrollDelta: 1500
        reply: { // 帖子内容页
            SiteTypeID: 5,
            pager: {
                type: 1,
                nextLink: '//a[@class="page_current"]/preceding-sibling::a[1][@href]',
                pageElement: 'css;.cell[id^="r_"]',
                HT_insert: ['//div[starts-with(@id, "r_")][last()]/following-sibling::div[@class="cell"][1]', 1],
                replaceE: 'css;#Main > .box > .cell[style] > table',
                scrollDelta: 1500
        reply_positive: { // 帖子内容页(正序)
            SiteTypeID: 6,
            pager: {
                type: 1,
                nextLink: '//a[@class="page_current"]/preceding-sibling::a[1][@href]',
                pageElement: 'css;.cell[id^="r_"]',
                HT_insert: ['//div[starts-with(@id, "r_")][1]', 1],
                replaceE: 'css;#Main > .box > .cell[style] > table',
                scrollDelta: 1500
        balance: { // 账户余额页
            SiteTypeID: 7,
            pager: {
                type: 1,
                nextLink: '//a[@class="page_current"]/following-sibling::a[1][@href]',
                pageElement: 'css;#Main .box > div:not(.cell) > table > tbody > tr:not(:first-child)',
                HT_insert: ['css;#Main .box > div:not(.cell) > table > tbody', 3],
                replaceE: 'css;#Main > .box > .cell[style] > table',
                scrollDelta: 1000
        sov2ex: { // sov2ex
            SiteTypeID: 8,
            pager: {
                nextLink: '.paging>a',
                scrollDelta: 1000

    if (location.hostname === 'www.sov2ex.com') {
        curSite = DBSite.sov2ex;
    } else {
    switch (location.pathname) {
        case '/': //              首页
        case '/recent': //        最近主题页
            curSite = DBSite.recent;
        case '/notifications': // 提醒消息页
            curSite = DBSite.notifications;
        case '/balance': //       账户余额页
            curSite = DBSite.balance;
            if (location.pathname.indexOf('/go/') > -1) { // 分类主题页
                curSite = DBSite.go;
            } else if (location.pathname.indexOf('/t/') > -1) { // 帖子内容页
                if(menu_value('menu_pageLoading_reply'))curSite = DBSite.reply_positive; // 帖子内自动无缝翻页
                if(menu_value('menu_quickReply'))quickReply(); // 快速回复(双击左右两侧空白处)
            } else if (location.pathname.indexOf('/replies') > -1) { // 用户回复页
                curSite = DBSite.replies;

    curSite.pageUrl = ''; // 下一页URL
    if(menu_value('menu_linksBlank')) linksBlank(); //               新标签页打开链接
    if(menu_value('menu_fish')) fish(); //                           标签页伪装为 Github(摸鱼)
    if(menu_value('menu_autoClockIn')) setTimeout(qianDao, 1000); // 自动签到(后台),延迟 1 秒执行是为了兼容 [V2ex Plus] 扩展
    if(menu_value('menu_pageLoading')) pageLoading(); //             自动翻页(无缝)
    if(menu_value('menu_backToTop')) backToTop(); //                 回到顶部(右键点击左右两侧空白处)
    if(menu_value('menu_linksToImgs')) linksToImgs(); //             链接转图片
    if(menu_value('menu_sov2ex')) setTimeout(soV2ex, 1000); //       替换为 sov2ex 搜索
    if(menu_value('menu_louzhonglou')) setTimeout(louzhonglou, 1000); //             楼中楼

    // 自动签到(后台)
    function qianDao() {
        let timeNow = new Date().getUTCFullYear() + '/' + (new Date().getUTCMonth() + 1) + '/' + new Date().getUTCDate() // 当前 UTC-0 时间(V2EX 按这个时间的)
        if (location.pathname == '/') { //                               在首页
            let qiandao = document.querySelector('.box .inner a[href="/mission/daily"]');
            if (qiandao) { //                                            如果找到了签到提示
                qianDao_(qiandao, timeNow); //                           后台签到
            } else if (document.getElementById('gift_v2excellent')) { // 兼容 [V2ex Plus] 扩展
                GM_setValue('menu_clockInTime', timeNow); //             写入签到时间以供后续比较
                console.info('[V2EX 增强] 自动签到完成!')
            } else { //                                                  都没有找到,说明已经签过到了
                console.info('[V2EX 增强] 已经签过到了。')
        } else { //                                                      不在首页
            let timeOld = GM_getValue('menu_clockInTime')
            if (!timeOld || timeOld != timeNow) {
                qianDaoStatus_(timeNow) //                               后台获取签到状态(并判断是否需要签到)
            }/* else { //                                                新旧签到时间一致
                console.info('[V2EX 增强] 已经签过到了。')

    // 后台签到
    function qianDao_(qiandao, timeNow) {
        let url = (location.origin + "/mission/daily/redeem?" + RegExp("once\\=(\\d+)").exec(document.querySelector('div#Top .tools, #menu-body').innerHTML)[0]);
            url: url,
            method: 'GET',
            timeout: 5000,
            onload: function (response) {
                let html = ShowPager.createDocumentByString(response.responseText);
                if (html.querySelector('li.fa.fa-ok-sign')) {
                    html = html.getElementById('Main').textContent.match(/已连续登录 (\d+?) 天/)[0];
                    GM_setValue('menu_clockInTime', timeNow); // 写入签到时间以供后续比较
                    console.info('[V2EX 增强] 自动签到完成!')
                    if (qiandao) {
                        qiandao.textContent = `自动签到完成!${html}`;
                        qiandao.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
                } else {
                    GM_notification({text: '自动签到失败!请访问 V2EX 首页试试。\n如果持续几天都签到失败,请联系作者解决!', timeout: 4000, onclick() {window.GM_openInTab('https://github.com/XIU2/UserScript#xiu2userscript', {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});window.GM_openInTab('https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/424246/feedback', {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});}});
                    console.warn('[V2EX 增强] 自动签到失败!请访问 V2EX 首页试试。如果持续几天都签到失败,请联系作者解决!')
                    if (qiandao) qiandao.textContent = '自动签到失败!请尝试手动签到!';

    // 后台获取签到状态(并判断是否需要签到)
    function qianDaoStatus_(timeNow) {
            url: 'https://www.v2ex.com/mission/daily',
            method: 'GET',
            timeout: 5000,
            onload: function (response) {
                let html = ShowPager.createDocumentByString(response.responseText);
                if (html.querySelector('input[value^="领取"]')) { //     还没有签到...
                    qianDao_(null, timeNow); //                          后台签到
                } else { //                                              已经签到了...
                    console.info('[V2EX 增强] 已经签过到了。')
                    GM_setValue('menu_clockInTime', timeNow); //         写入签到时间以供后续比较

    // 替换为 sov2ex 搜索,代码来自 v2ex-plus 扩展:https://github.com/sciooga/v2ex-plus (懒得重复造轮子了~)
    function soV2ex() {
        document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).textContent = `
                var $search = $('#search')
        var searchEvents = $._data($search[0], "events" )
        var oKeydownEvent = searchEvents['keydown'][0]['handler']
        var oInputEvent = searchEvents['input'][0]['handler']
        $search.unbind('keydown', oKeydownEvent)
        $search.unbind('input', oInputEvent)
        $search.on('input', function(e) {
            $('.search-item:last').attr('href', 'https://www.sov2ex.com/?q=' + $search.val()).text('sov2ex ' +$search.val());
        $search.keydown(function(e) {
            if (e.code == 'Enter' || e.code == 'NumpadEnter' || e.keyCode === 13) {
                if ($('.search-item:last').is('.active')) {
                    window.open("https://www.sov2ex.com/?q=" + $(this).val());
                    return 0

    // 回到顶部(右键左右两侧空白处)
    function backToTop() {
        document.getElementById('Wrapper').oncontextmenu = document.querySelector('#Wrapper > .content').oncontextmenu = function(event){
            if (event.target == this) {

    // 标签页伪装为 Github(摸鱼)
    function fish() {
        window.document.title = 'GitHub'
        if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) {
            document.querySelector("link[rel*='shortcut icon']").href = 'https://github.githubassets.com/favicons/favicon-dark.png'
        } else {
            document.querySelector("link[rel*='shortcut icon']").href = 'https://github.githubassets.com/favicons/favicon.png'

    // 链接转图片,修改自:https://greasyfork.org/scripts/14182
    function linksToImgs() {
        let links = document.links;
        Array.from(links).forEach(function (_this) {
            if (/^https.*\.(?:jpg|jpeg|jpe|bmp|png|gif)/i.test(_this.href) && !(/<img\s/i.test(_this.innerHTML))) {
                _this.innerHTML = `<img src="${_this.href}" style="max-width: 100%!important;" />`;

    function louzhonglou() {

        var a = $('div.cell > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > div.fr > span').get().map(i=>i.innerHTML);
        var b = $('div.cell > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > div.reply_content').get().map(i=>i.innerHTML);
        var c = $('div.cell > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > strong > a').get().map(i=>i.innerHTML);

        var d = $('div.cell > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > div.reply_content');
        var m = $('#Main > div:nth-child(4) > div[id].cell');

        var e = $('div.cell > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > strong > a');
        var x = $('#Main > div:nth-child(2) > div.header > small > a')[0].innerHTML;
        var loginUser = $('#Rightbar > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > table:nth-child(1) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > span > a')
        loginUser = loginUser.length ? loginUser[0].innerHTML :null ;

        let i = 1;
        while(i< m.length){

            if( c[i] == x )
            else if( c[i] == loginUser )


            for(var j=i-1;j>=0;j--){

    // 快速回复(双击左右两侧空白处)
    function quickReply() {
        document.getElementById('Wrapper').ondblclick = document.querySelector('#Wrapper > .content').ondblclick = function(event){
            if (event.target==this) {
                if (document.querySelector('.box.reply-box-sticky')) {
                } else {
                    let _top = document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;

    // 新标签页打开链接
    function linksBlank() {
        if (location.pathname.indexOf('/settings') > -1) return
        document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('base')).target = '_blank'; // 让所有链接默认以新标签页打开
        Array.from(document.links).forEach(function (_this) {
            if (_this.onclick || _this.href.slice(0,4) != 'http' || _this.href.indexOf('#;') > -1 || _this.href.indexOf('night/toggle') > -1 || _this.href.indexOf('/favorite') > -1 || _this.href.indexOf('/?tab=') > -1) {
                _this.target = '_self'
        document.querySelectorAll('form').forEach(function (_this) {
            if (!_this.target) {_this.target = '_self'}

        const callback = (mutationsList, observer) => {
            for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
                for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
                    if (target.nodeType != 1) return
                    if (target.tagName === 'A') {
                        if (target.onclick || target.href.slice(0,4) != 'http' || target.href.indexOf('#;') > -1 || target.href.indexOf('night/toggle') > -1 || target.href.indexOf('/favorite') > -1) {
                            target.target = '_self'
                    } else {
                        document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(function (_this) {
                            if (_this.onclick || _this.href.slice(0,4) != 'http' || _this.href.indexOf('#;') > -1 || _this.href.indexOf('night/toggle') > -1 || _this.href.indexOf('/favorite') > -1) {
                                _this.target = '_self'
        const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
        observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });

    // 添加全站最近更新主题链接
    function addChangesLink() {
        let links = document.querySelector('#Main .box .inner:last-child');if (!links) return
        links.innerHTML = `<div style="float: left;"><span class="chevron">»</span> &nbsp;<a href="/recent" target="_blank">更多新主题</a></div><div style="text-align: right;"><a href="/changes" target="_blank" style="text-align: right;">全站最近更新主题</a> &nbsp;<span class="chevron">«</span></div>`

    // 自动无缝翻页
    function pageLoading() {
        if (curSite.SiteTypeID > 0){
            windowScroll(function (direction, e) {
                // 下滑 且 未暂停翻页 且 SiteTypeID > 0 时,才准备翻页
                if (direction != 'down' || !pausePage) return
                let scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop,
                    scrollHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight,
                    scrollDelta = curSite.pager.scrollDelta;
                if (document.documentElement.scrollHeight <= scrollHeight + scrollTop + scrollDelta) {
                    if (curSite.pager.type === 1) {
                        let autopbn = document.querySelector(curSite.pager.nextLink);
                        if (autopbn){
                            pausePage = false
                            setTimeout(function(){pausePage = true;}, 500)

    // 滚动条事件
    function windowScroll(fn1) {
        var beforeScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop,
            fn = fn1 || function () {};
        setTimeout(function () { // 延时执行,避免刚载入到页面就触发翻页事件
            window.addEventListener('scroll', function (e) {
                var afterScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop,
                    delta = afterScrollTop - beforeScrollTop;
                if (delta == 0) return false;
                fn(delta > 0 ? 'down' : 'up', e);
                beforeScrollTop = afterScrollTop;
            }, false);
        }, 1000)

    // 修改自 https://greasyfork.org/scripts/14178 , https://github.com/machsix/Super-preloader
    var ShowPager = {
        getFullHref: function (e) {
            if (e != null && e.nodeType === 1 && e.href && e.href.slice(0,4) === 'http') return e.href;
            return '';
        createDocumentByString: function (e) {
            if (e) {
                if ('HTML' !== document.documentElement.nodeName) return (new DOMParser).parseFromString(e, 'application/xhtml+xml');
                var t;
                try { t = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(e, 'text/html');} catch (e) {}
                if (t) return t;
                if (document.implementation.createHTMLDocument) {
                    t = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('ADocument');
                } else {
                    try {((t = document.cloneNode(!1)).appendChild(t.importNode(document.documentElement, !1)), t.documentElement.appendChild(t.createElement('head')), t.documentElement.appendChild(t.createElement('body')));} catch (e) {}
                if (t) {
                    var r = document.createRange(),
                        n = r.createContextualFragment(e);
                    for (var a, o = { TITLE: !0, META: !0, LINK: !0, STYLE: !0, BASE: !0}, i = t.body, s = i.childNodes, c = s.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) o[(a = s[c]).nodeName] && i.removeChild(a);
                    return t;
            } else console.error('没有找到要转成 DOM 的字符串');
        loadMorePage: function () {
            if (curSite.pager) {
                let curPageEle = getElementByXpath(curSite.pager.nextLink);
                var url = this.getFullHref(curPageEle);
                console.log(`${url} ${curPageEle} ${curSite.pageUrl}`);
                if(url === '') return;
                if(curSite.pageUrl === url) return;// 不会重复加载相同的页面
                curSite.pageUrl = url;
                // 读取下一页的数据
                curSite.pager.startFilter && curSite.pager.startFilter();
                    url: url,
                    method: "GET",
                    timeout: 5000,
                    onload: function (response) {
                        try {
                            var newBody = ShowPager.createDocumentByString(response.responseText);
                            let pageElems = getAllElements(curSite.pager.pageElement, newBody, newBody);
                            let toElement = getAllElements(curSite.pager.HT_insert[0])[0];
                            if (pageElems.length >= 0) {
                                // 如果有插入前函数就执行函数
                                if (curSite.function && curSite.function.before) {
                                    if (curSite.function.parameter) { // 如果指定了参数
                                        pageElems = curSite.function.before(curSite.function.parameter);
                                        pageElems = curSite.function.before(pageElems);
                                // 插入位置
                                let addTo;
                                switch (curSite.pager.HT_insert[1]) {
                                    case 1:
                                        addTo = "beforebegin"
                                    case 2:
                                        addTo = "afterbegin"
                                    case 3:
                                        addTo = "beforeend"
                                    case 4:
                                        addTo = "afterend"
                                // 插入新页面元素
                                pageElems.forEach(function (one) {
                                    toElement.insertAdjacentElement(addTo, one);
                                // 替换待替换元素
                                try {
                                    let oriE = getAllElements(curSite.pager.replaceE);
                                    let repE = getAllElements(curSite.pager.replaceE, newBody, newBody);
                                    if (oriE.length === repE.length) {
                                        for (var i = 0; i < oriE.length; i++) {
                                            oriE[i].outerHTML = repE[i].outerHTML;
                                } catch (e) {
                                // 如果有插入后函数就执行函数
                                if (curSite.function && curSite.function.after) {
                                    if (curSite.function.parameter) { // 如果指定了参数
                        } catch (e) {
    function getElementByCSS(css, contextNode = document) {
        return contextNode.querySelector(css);
    function getAllElementsByCSS(css, contextNode = document) {
        return [].slice.call(contextNode.querySelectorAll(css));
    function getElementByXpath(xpath, contextNode, doc = document) {
        contextNode = contextNode || doc;
        try {
            const result = doc.evaluate(xpath, contextNode, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);
            // 应该总是返回一个元素节点
            return result.singleNodeValue && result.singleNodeValue.nodeType === 1 && result.singleNodeValue;
        } catch (err) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid xpath: ${xpath}`);
    function getAllElementsByXpath(xpath, contextNode, doc = document) {
        contextNode = contextNode || doc;
        const result = [];
        try {
            const query = doc.evaluate(xpath, contextNode, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
            for (let i = 0; i < query.snapshotLength; i++) {
                const node = query.snapshotItem(i);
                // 如果是 Element 节点
                if (node.nodeType === 1) result.push(node);
        } catch (err) {
            throw new Error(`无效 Xpath: ${xpath}`);
        return result;
    function getAllElements(selector, contextNode = undefined, doc = document, win = window, _cplink = undefined) {
        if (!selector) return [];
        contextNode = contextNode || doc;
        if (typeof selector === 'string') {
            if (selector.search(/^css;/i) === 0) {
                return getAllElementsByCSS(selector.slice(4), contextNode);
            } else {
                return getAllElementsByXpath(selector, contextNode, doc);
        } else {
            const query = selector(doc, win, _cplink);
            if (!Array.isArray(query)) {
                throw new Error('getAllElements 返回错误类型');
            } else {
                return query;

