YouTube - whitelist channels in Adblock Plus

Helps whitelist YouTube channels in Adblock Plus

這裡顯示腳本的所有版本。 只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。

  • v1.7 2017-11-11
  • v1.7 2016-02-02 Supposed fix for an issue I can't reproduce:
  • v1.6 2015-11-07 Supposed fix for an issue I can't reproduce:
  • v1.5 2015-02-14 Some pages lack username metadata in the source code. In those cases, the username is fetched from the element below the video.
  • v1.4 2014-11-29 Sometimes page content changes dynamically (for instance, when clicking a video on the main page). Those situations should be handled now.
  • v1.3 2014-08-21 Rewrote the script from scratch. It should now work on all video pages. Firefox: on any video page, you can right-click the author's name to show the relevant Adblock Plus whitelist filter.
  • v1.2 2014-08-18 On the channel search page, links added by the "Load more" button are rewritten as well.
  • v1.1 2014-08-17 On the channel listing page, links added by the "Load more" button are now rewritten as well.
  • v1.0 2014-08-13