* ==== Wanikani Phonetic-Semantic Composition ====
* == by ruipgpinheiro ==
* It seems that many kanji were created using a process called phonetic-semantic
* composition. This process joins two (or more) kanji (radicals), one (or more of them)
* usually called the bushu or dictionary section header establishes the meaning of the
* kanji, and another one, the phonetic component that establishes the (on'yomi) sound.
* This means that a lot of kanji have a built-in mnemonic that I haven't seen being
* referred to in Wanikani, and so it's quite useful to know some of them, especially
* when having trouble with a specific reading!
* For example (using non-Wanikani kanji names):
* 反・はん "to rebel" ("anti" by Wanikani mnemonics)
* 飯・はん "rice"
* 版・はん "print"
* 板・はん "a board"
* 坂・はん "slope"
* 販・はん "sale"
* 叛・はん "to betray"
* As you can notice, these kanji all use the first one as a phonetic component, placing it
* to the right of the semantic component (mostly, phonetic components are drawn right-most).
* Due to the evolution of the language, many such kanji have since then slightly changed
* pronunciation (仮・か "temporary"), but knowing this information can be a major help.
* This script imports a database of over 100 phonetic components with over 400 regular Kanji
* that use their on'yomi reading onto Wanikani. This means that over a fourth of Wanikani's
* Kanji should be included in here somewhere and have a "built-in mnemonic" of sorts.
* Depending on how you study, it could be a huge help (or no help at all - you decide what's
* best for your brain). The information will be shown on the Kanji info page, during reviews
* (if you check the details for a Kanji) and during lessons, provided the relevant Kanji is
* included in the database.
* Note that the database used in this script was automatically generated from a PDF file,
* and even though I tried to check it for mistakes, it is possible that it contains an error or two.
* This userscript contains the whole Kanji table from Hiroko Townsend's Thesis about phonetic
* components, which means the script's database includes 143 different phonetic components
* encompassing 417 regular kanji (kanji that use the on'yomi reading from the phonetic component)
* and 210 irregular ones (kanji that use a different reading, though with - supposedly - similar
* roots). Some of these Kanji aren't available on Wanikani, though, even though they'll be shown
* by the userscript as they are part of its database.
* This script contains a database of phonetic components adapted under Fair Use
* (for nonprofit educational purposes) from
* Phonetic Components in Japanese Characters
* by Hiroko Townsend
* Master of Arts in Linguistics, San Diego State University, 2011
* Obtain a complete copy of the Thesis at http://sdsu-dspace.calstate.edu/bitstream/handle/10211.10/1203/Townsend_Hiroko.pdf
* Thank you Hiroko for the very useful thesis!
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Database
* Adapted from
* Phonetic Components in Japanese Characters
* by Hiroko Townsend
* Master of Arts in Linguistics, San Diego State University, 2011
* Obtain a complete copy of the Thesis at http://sdsu-dspace.calstate.edu/bitstream/handle/10211.10/1203/Townsend_Hiroko.pdf
* This database adapts the tables starting at page 38
var database = [
/* PART 1 - Phonetic Components That are Mostly or Completely Regular */
phonetic: "几", reading:"き",
regular: ["机","肌","飢"],
irregular: [["役","えき"],["疫","えき"],["投","とう"],["穀","こく"],["秀","しゅう"]]
phonetic: "亡", reading:"ぼう",
regular: ["忙","忘","盲","荒","望","妄"]
phonetic: "干", reading:"かん",
regular: ["汗","肝","奸","刊"],
irregular: [["岸","がん"]]
phonetic: "己", reading:"き",
regular: ["起","記","紀","忌"],
irregular: [["改","かい"],["配","はい"]]
phonetic: "工", reading:"こう",
regular: ["紅","空","虹","江","攻","功","肛"]
phonetic: "及", reading:"きゅう",
regular: ["吸","級","扱"]
phonetic: "士", reading:"し",
regular: ["仕","志","誌"]
phonetic: "方", reading:"ぼう",
regular: ["肪","紡","防","妨","房","謗","傍","放"],
irregular: [["芳","ほう"],["訪","ほう"],["施","し"],["旅","りょ"],["族","ぞく"],["旋","せん"]]
phonetic: "中", reading:"ちゅう",
regular: ["忠","沖","仲","虫","狆"],
irregular: [["風","ふう"]]
phonetic: "化", reading:"か",
regular: ["花","貸","靴"]
phonetic: "反", reading:"はん",
regular: ["版","板","坂","飯","販","叛"],
irregular: [["仮","か"]]
phonetic: "分", reading:"ふん",
regular: ["粉","紛","雰"],
irregular: [["盆","ぼん"]]
phonetic: "半", reading:"はん",
regular: ["絆","拌"],
irregular: [["伴","はん/ばん"],["判","ばん"]]
phonetic: "白", reading:"はく",
regular: ["伯","拍","泊","迫","舶","狛","柏","箔","珀"]
phonetic: "皮", reading:"ひ",
regular: ["彼","被","疲","被","披"],
irregular: [["破","は"],["波","は"]]
phonetic: "付", reading:"ふ",
regular: ["府","符","附","俯"]
phonetic: "包", reading:"ほう",
regular: ["抱","泡","胞","砲","飽","咆"]
phonetic: "可", reading:"か",
regular: ["河","何","荷","苛","呵","歌"],
irregular: [["阿","あ"],["婀","あ"]]
phonetic: "古", reading:"こ",
regular: ["居","固","故","枯","個","湖","箇","沽","苦"]
phonetic: "生", reading:"せい",
regular: ["姓","性","星","牲","惺"]
phonetic: "正", reading:"せい",
regular: ["征","政","整","性","牲"],
irregular: [["症","しょう"]]
phonetic: "司", reading:"し",
regular: ["伺","詞","嗣","飼"]
phonetic: "且", reading:"しょ",
irregular: [["粗","そ"],["祖","そ"],["狙","そ"],["阻","そ"],["組","そ"],["助","じょ"]]
phonetic: "旦", reading:"たん",
regular: ["但","胆","担"],
irregular: [["疸","だん"],["垣","えん"],["宣","せん"]]
phonetic: "令", reading:"れい",
regular: ["冷","鈴","零","領","齢"]
phonetic: "立", reading:"りゅう",
regular: ["竜","滝","粒","笠","龍"],
irregular: [["端","たん"]]
phonetic: "申", reading:"しん",
regular: ["伸","呻","押","紳"]
phonetic: "召", reading:"しょう",
regular: ["招","沼","昭","紹","詔","照"],
irregular: [["超","ちょう"]]
phonetic: "安", reading:"あん",
regular: ["案","按","鞍","鮟"],
irregular: [["宴","えん"]]
phonetic: "同", reading:"どう",
regular: ["洞","胴","恫","銅","洞"],
irregular: [["筒","とう"]]
phonetic: "寺", reading:"じ",
regular: ["侍","持","時","塒","峙","待"]
phonetic: "旬", reading:"じゅん",
regular: ["洵","殉","恂"]
phonetic: "各", reading:"かく",
regular: ["格","喀","閣"],
irregular: [["額","がく"],["客","きゃく"],["略","りゃく"],["落","らく"],["路","ろ"]]
phonetic: "圭", reading:"けい",
regular: ["掛","畦","珪","罫","鮭","硅"]
phonetic: "糸", reading:"けい",
regular: ["系","係","繋"],
irregular: [["結","けつ"],["潔","けつ"],["緊","きん"],["繁","はん"]]
phonetic: "縣", reading:"けん",
irregular: [["紫","し"]]
phonetic: "光", reading:"こう",
regular: ["恍","幌","胱","晃"]
phonetic: "交", reading:"こう",
regular: ["校","絞","狡","較","郊","効","咬"]
phonetic: "共", reading:"きょう",
regular: ["供","恭"],
irregular: [["洪","こう"],["哄","こう"]]
phonetic: "次", reading:"し",
regular: ["姿","諮","資"],
irregular: [["盗","とう"]]
phonetic: "成", reading:"せい",
regular: ["盛","誠","筬","城"]
phonetic: "朱", reading:"しゅ",
regular: ["株","珠","殊","蛛"]
phonetic: "我", reading:"が",
regular: ["峨","蛾","餓","俄","鵞"]
phonetic: "甫", reading:"ほ",
regular: ["捕","哺","匍","補","蒲","輔","舗"]
phonetic: "見", reading:"けん",
regular: ["硯","蜆"],
irregular: [["現","げん"],["規","き"],["窺","き"],["覗","し"],["視","し"],["親","しん"]]
phonetic: "谷", reading:"こく",
irregular: [["欲","よく"],["浴","よく"],["俗","ぞく"],["裕","ゆう"]]
phonetic: "辰", reading:"しん",
regular: ["唇","振","賑","震","娠"],
irregular: [["辱","じょく"]]
phonetic: "肖", reading:"しょう",
regular: ["宵","消","硝"],
irregular: [["削","さく"]]
phonetic: "弟", reading:"てい",
regular: ["第","剃","涕"]
phonetic: "廷", reading:"てい",
regular: ["庭","挺","艇"]
phonetic: "良", reading:"りょう",
irregular: [["郎","ろう"],["浪","ろう"],["朗","ろう"],["狼","ろう"],["廊","ろう"],["娘","じょう"]]
phonetic: "直", reading:"ちょく",
regular: ["植","稙"],
irregular: [["埴","しょく"],["殖","しょく"],["置","ち"],["値","ち"]]
phonetic: "長", reading:"ちょう",
regular: ["張","帳","脹"]
phonetic: "非", reading:"ひ",
regular: ["悲","緋","誹","鯡","琲","扉"]
phonetic: "朋", reading:"ほう",
regular: ["崩","棚","硼"]
phonetic: "果", reading:"か",
regular: ["課","菓","踝","顆"]
phonetic: "官", reading:"かん",
regular: ["棺","管","館"]
phonetic: "奇", reading:"き",
regular: ["崎","埼","椅"]
phonetic: "其", reading:"き",
regular: ["期","欺","棋","基","旗"]
phonetic: "金", reading:"きん",
regular: ["欽","錦"],
irregular: [["銀","ぎん"],["鈴","れい"]]
phonetic: "采", reading:"さい",
regular: ["菜","採"]
phonetic: "青", reading:"せい",
regular: ["清","靖","精","晴","請","情","鯖","静"]
phonetic: "昔", reading:"しゃく",
regular: ["借","惜","錯"]
phonetic: "尚", reading:"しょう",
regular: ["常","裳","掌"],
irregular: [["党","とう"]]
phonetic: "昌", reading:"しょう",
regular: ["娼","唱","菖","晶"]
phonetic: "禺", reading:"ぐう",
regular: ["遇","寓","隅","偶"],
irregular: [["愚","ぐ"]]
phonetic: "扁", reading:"へん",
regular: ["編","偏","篇","蝙"]
phonetic: "則", reading:"そく",
regular: ["側","測","惻"]
phonetic: "相", reading:"そう",
regular: ["想","箱","霜"],
irregular: [["湘","しょう"],["廂","しょう"]]
phonetic: "莫", reading:"ばく",
regular: ["摸","膜","漠","博","縛","幕"],
irregular: [["模","ぼ"],["慕","ぼ"],["墓","ぼ"],["暮","ぼ"],["募","ぼ"]]
phonetic: "高", reading:"こう",
regular: ["縞","稿","藁"]
phonetic: "曹", reading:"そう",
regular: ["遭","槽","糟"]
phonetic: "曽", reading:"そう",
regular: ["贈","僧","憎","増"]
phonetic: "童", reading:"どう",
regular: ["撞","憧","瞳"]
phonetic: "義", reading:"ぎ",
regular: ["儀","議","犠","蟻","艤"]
/* PART 2 - Phonetic Components That are Mostly Irregular */
phonetic: "丁", reading:"ちょう",
regular: ["町"],
irregular: [["汀","てい"],["灯","ひ"],["打","だ"],["亭","てい"]]
phonetic: "才", reading:"さい",
irregular: [["材","ざい"],["財","ざい"]]
phonetic: "元", reading:"がん",
regular: ["玩"],
irregular: [["完","かん"],["院","いん"]]
phonetic: "少", reading:"しょう",
regular: ["省","抄"],
irregular: [["秒","びょう"],["妙","みょう"],["劣","れつ"],["砂","しゃ"]]
phonetic: "台", reading:"だい",
irregular: [["胎","たい"],["怠","たい"],["治","ち"],["始","し"],["殆","たい"]]
phonetic: "永", reading:"えい",
regular: ["泳","詠"]
phonetic: "牙", reading:"が",
regular: ["雅","芽"],
irregular: [["邪","じゃ"]]
phonetic: "必", reading:"ひ",
regular: ["泌","秘"],
irregular: [["蜜","みつ"],["密","みつ"]]
phonetic: "句", reading:"く",
regular: ["駒"]
phonetic: "区", reading:"く",
regular: ["駆"],
irregular: [["欧","おう"],["殴","おう"],["枢","すう"]]
phonetic: "巨", reading:"きょ",
regular: ["距","拒"]
phonetic: "毎", reading:"ばい",
regular: ["梅"],
irregular: [["海","かい"],["晦","かい"],["悔","かい"],["敏","びん"]]
phonetic: "兆", reading:"ちょう",
regular: ["眺","跳"],
irregular: [["逃","とう"],["桃","とう"]]
phonetic: "亥", reading:"がい",
regular: ["咳","骸"],
irregular: [["核","かく"],["刻","こく"]]
phonetic: "舟", reading:"せん",
regular: ["船"],
irregular: [["航","こう"],["舶","はく"],["艇","てい"]]
phonetic: "朱", reading:"しゅ",
regular: ["珠","殊"]
phonetic: "周", reading:"しゅう",
regular: ["週"]
phonetic: "羊", reading:"よう",
regular: ["洋","痒"],
irregular: [["鮮","せん"],["群","ぐん"],["羨","せん"]]
phonetic: "宛", reading:"えん",
regular: ["婉","苑"],
irregular: [["腕","わん"],["碗","わん"]]
phonetic: "京", reading:"けい",
regular: ["景","鯨"],
irregular: [["影","えい"],["涼","りょう"],["就","しゅう"]]
phonetic: "奇", reading:"き",
regular: ["寄"]
phonetic: "居", reading:"きょ",
regular: ["裾"]
phonetic: "者", reading:"しゃ",
regular: ["煮"],
irregular: [["猪","ちょ"],["著","ちょ"],["暑","しょ"],["都","と"],["賭","と"]]
phonetic: "冒", reading:"ぼう",
regular: ["帽"]
phonetic: "盾", reading:"じゅん",
regular: ["循","楯"]
phonetic: "胡", reading:"こ",
regular: ["糊","湖"]
phonetic: "皇", reading:"こう",
irregular: [["凰","ほう"]]
phonetic: "単", reading:"たん",
regular: ["弾"]
phonetic: "然", reading:"ねん",
regular: ["燃"]
/* PART 3 - Phonetic Components That are Completely Irregular */
phonetic: "乙", reading:"おつ",
irregular: [["迄","まで"]]
phonetic: "了", reading:"りょう",
irregular: [["好","こう"],["承","しょう"],["蒸","じょう"],["乳","にゅう"],["浮","ふ"]]
phonetic: "刀", reading:"とう",
irregular: [["辺","へん"],["分","ふん"],["切","せつ"]]
phonetic: "又", reading:"ゆう",
irregular: [["双","そう"],["怒","ど"],["努","ど"],["最","さい"],["受","じゅ"],["叔","しゅく"],["淑","しゅく"]]
phonetic: "凡", reading:"ぼん",
irregular: [["帆","ほ"]]
phonetic: "土", reading:"ど",
irregular: [["社","しゃ"]]
phonetic: "丸", reading:"がん",
irregular: [["熱","ねつ"],["勢","せい"]]
phonetic: "刃", reading:"じん",
irregular: [["忍","にん"]]
phonetic: "子", reading:"し",
irregular: [["好","こう"],["孔","こう"],["孝","こう"],["吼","こう"]]
phonetic: "也", reading:"や",
irregular: [["地","ち"],["池","ち"],["馳","ち"],["他","た"]]
phonetic: "云", reading:"うん",
irregular: [["転","てん"],["伝","でん"],["芸","げい"]]
phonetic: "田", reading:"でん",
irregular: [["思","し"],["累","るい"],["塁","るい"],["異","い"],["翼","よく"],["畑","はた"]]
phonetic: "占", reading:"せん",
irregular: [["店","てん"],["点","てん"],["粘","ねん"]]
phonetic: "主", reading:"しゅ",
irregular: [["住","じゅう"],["注","ちゅう"],["駐","ちゅう"],["柱","ちゅう"],["往","おう"]]
phonetic: "臣", reading:"じん",
irregular: [["臨","りん"]]
phonetic: "車", reading:"しゃ",
irregular: [["軍","ぐん"],["運","うん"],["連","れん"],["漣","れん"]]
phonetic: "走", reading:"そう",
irregular: [["徒","と"]]
phonetic: "雨", reading:"う",
irregular: [["雲","うん"],["曇","どん"],["雪","せつ"],["霞","か"],["霰","さん"],["霜","そう"],["雹","はく"],["雷","らい"],["霧","む"],["電","でん"],["霊","れい"],["零","れい"]]
phonetic: "首", reading:"しゅ",
irregular: [["道","どう"],["導","どう"]]
phonetic: "頁", reading:"よう",
irregular: [["順","じゅん"],["頌","しょう"]]
phonetic: "恵", reading:"けい",
irregular: [["穂","ほ"]]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"こう",
regular: ["孝","老","考"]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"けい",
regular: ["径","経","軽","怪","茎"]
phonetic: "乍", reading:"さく",
regular: ["作","昨","窄","酢","搾"]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"てい",
regular: ["低","底","抵","邸","抵"]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"けん",
regular: ["券","巻","圏","拳"]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"こん",
regular: ["根","痕","恨","懇","墾"],
irregular: [["眼","がん"],["退","たい"],["腿","たい"]]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"きょう",
regular: ["峡","狭","挟"]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"せん",
regular: ["浅","銭","践"],
irregular: [["桟","さん"]]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"しん",
regular: ["診","疹","参"],
irregular: [["惨","さん"],["珍","ちん"]]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"ほう",
regular: ["峰","逢","縫","蜂","蓬"]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"しゅん",
regular: ["俊","峻","悛","逡","竣","浚"]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"つう",
regular: ["通","桶","痛"],
irregular: [["踊","よう"],["涌","よう"],["勇","ゆう"]]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"けん",
regular: ["険","験","検"]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"か",
regular: ["渦","堝","鍋","蝸","窩","禍"]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"ふく",
regular: ["福","副","複","幅","富","蝠"],
irregular: [["搏","はく"]]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"てき",
regular: ["滴","適","敵"]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"へき",
regular: ["壁","癖"],
irregular: [["避","ひ"]]
phonetic: "obsolete", reading:"そう",
regular: ["燥","操","藻"]