mmmturkeybacon Logged Out Alert

Alerts you if you've been logged out of mturk. Your dashboard page must remain open in a tab for this script to work. To have this script open a new sign in page when a log out is detected change OPEN_SIGNIN_WIN to true.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        mmmturkeybacon Logged Out Alert
// @version     1.04
// @description Alerts you if you've been logged out of mturk. Your dashboard page must remain open in a tab for this script to work. To have this script open a new sign in page when a log out is detected change OPEN_SIGNIN_WIN to true.
// @author      mmmturkeybacon
// @namespace
// @match
// @require
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==

var CHECK_DELAY = 61000; // milliseconds delay between logged in check
var OPEN_SIGNIN_WIN = false;

    var alerted = false;
    function check_logged_in()
            method: "GET",
            url: '',
            timeout: TIMEOUT_TIME_LIMIT,
            onload: function(response)

                if (response.finalUrl === '')
                { // logged in
                    alerted = false;
                    setTimeout(check_logged_in, CHECK_DELAY);
                else if (response.finalUrl.lastIndexOf('', 0) === 0 || response.finalUrl === '')
                { // logged out
                    if (alerted == false)
                    { // only alert one time after being logged out
                        alerted = true;

                        if (OPEN_SIGNIN_WIN)
                  "data:text/html,<html><title>mmmturkeybacon Logged Out Alert: You are not signed in.</title><body><center><h2>mmmturkeybacon Logged Out Alert has detected you are not signed in.</h2>You are being redirected to the <a href=''>worker sign in page</a>.</center></body><script type='text/javascript'>alert('mmmturkeybacon Logged Out Alert: You are not signed in.');document.location.href=''</script></html>");
                            alert('mmmturkeybacon Logged Out Alert: You are not signed in.');
                    // if a sign in is immediately followed by a sign out variable alerted won't get reset to false and another alert won't happen
                    // so reduce the delay to 5 seconds to make it less likely that we miss a sign in immediately followed by a sign out
                    setTimeout(check_logged_in, 5000);
                    alert('mmmturkeybacon Logged Out Alert: An unknown error occurred. Are you signed in? Reload page to restart this script.');
            onerror: function(response)
                alert('mmmturkeybacon Logged Out Alert: An unknown error occurred. Are you signed in? Reload page to restart this script.');
            ontimeout: function()
                alert('mmmturkeybacon Logged Out Alert: Timed out. Reload page to restart this script.');