Zoom function for YouTube

YouTube video zoom feature

< 腳本Zoom function for YouTube的回應

評論:正評 - 腳本一切正常


Works great in YouTube's default view. It has bugs in YouTube's theater mode and full screen mode because it zooms into the wrong areas, but you can sort of work around that by zooming on the far right side of what you actually want to zoom into. Not sure if that's because of my widescreen monitor or because the script is a bit old and YouTube layout has changed over the years? Good job on the zooming in/out animation


Thank you for your bug reporting, and I'm so sorry for the late reply. I updated the script to v2.0.3! Please try it.

> that is because the script is a bit old and YouTube layout has changed over the years?


> that is because of my widescreen monitor?

Yes, It caused the bug. But this is not your fault. The testing for the script was not enough.


Thank you for the update! The script is perfect now. It works great in normal mode, theater mode, fullscreen mode, on my widescreen monitor. Wonderful!

