IMDb Tomatoes

Add Rotten Tomatoes ratings to IMDb movie and TV show pages

< 腳本IMDb Tomatoes的回應



Was working recently, but IMDB must have changed their page layout.


I can't reproduce this. In order to investigate, you'll need to provide more details (this applies to any issue report), e.g.:

  • A description of the problem
  • Browser name/version
  • Userscript engine name/version
  • Userscript version
  • Relevant custom browser/engine/script settings
  • Other relevant addons/userscripts?
  • Logged in or not logged in?
  • Any errors in the web/browser console?

Thank you for the quick response!
Before I commented here I had tried turning off tamper-monkey and the script and it didn't fix it. A red icon was showing on TamperMonkey in the Menu bar. but the RT rating was not showing.

After receiving your response I tried those troubleshooting measures again, and for whatever reason the red icon showed up briefly, but then went away and the RT Rating showed up!

So not sure what is gumming up the works, but it is working again.

