Greasy Fork is available in English.

Gfycat WebM Direct Link

Adds direct URLs to Gfycat GIF/WebM/MP4 files on Gfycat pages

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Gfycat WebM Direct Link
// @namespace       OTACON120
// @author          OTACON120
// @license
// @version         3.1.0
// @description     Adds direct URLs to Gfycat GIF/WebM/MP4 files on Gfycat pages
// @website
// @contributionURL
// @match           *://**
// @grant           none
// ==/UserScript==
var controlContainer,
	mainContainer         = document.getElementById( 'main-container' ),
	scriptCustomStyle     = document.createElement( 'style' ),
	urlsContainer         = document.createElement( 'div' ),
	urlLinks              = document.createElement( 'div' ),
	urlBtn                = document.createElement( 'i' ),
	urlBtnInit            = setInterval( insertUrlButton, 500 );

// Insert custom CSS styles          = 'o120-custom-script-style';
scriptCustomStyle.textContent = `
.ic-link {
	width: 15px;
	height: 15px;
	background: url(data:image/svg+xml;utf8, 0 0 / 15px;

document.head.appendChild( scriptCustomStyle );

// Create and append URL/description into URLs container
function addUrlListing( type, url ) {
	var urlBox      = document.createElement( 'div' ),
		urlBoxTitle = document.createElement( 'div' ),
		urlInput    = document.createElement( 'input' ),
		copyUrlBtn  = document.getElementsByClassName( 'copy-input-button' )[0].cloneNode( true );

	// URL Box
	urlBox.className = 'copy-input-container';

	// URL Box Title
	urlBoxTitle.className   = 'input-title';
	urlBoxTitle.textContent = type;

	// URL Input
	urlInput.className = 'copy-input';
	urlInput.type      = 'text';
	urlInput.value     = url;
	urlInput.setAttribute( 'readonly', 'readonly' );

	// Copy URL Button
	copyUrlBtn.dataset.clipboardText = url;                    = 'copy-' + type.replace( /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '' ).toLowerCase();

	urlBox.appendChild( urlBoxTitle );
	urlBox.appendChild( urlInput );
	urlBox.appendChild( copyUrlBtn );

	urlLinks.appendChild( urlBox );

function insertUrlButton() {
	if ( controlContainer = document.getElementById( 'controls-container' ) ) {
		clearInterval( urlBtnInit );

		var	controlsRight    = controlContainer.getElementsByClassName( 'right' )[0],
			closeUrlsOverlay = document.getElementsByClassName( 'close-overlay' )[0].cloneNode( true ),
			gifLink          = document.getElementById( 'large-gif' ),
			gifUrl           = gifLink.href,
			webmUrl          = document.getElementById( 'webmSource' ).src,
			mp4Url           = document.getElementById( 'mp4Source' ).src,
			socialBtn        = document.getElementById( 'share-button-open' ),
			embedBtn         = document.getElementById( 'embed-button' );

		// Get mobile URL
		mobileUrl = mp4Url.replace( /\/\/.*?\, '//' ).replace( /\.mp4$/, '-mobile.mp4' );

		// URL button        = 'urls-button';
		urlBtn.className = 'ic ic-link';
		urlBtn.title     = 'URLs';
		urlBtn.onclick = function() {
			urlsContainer.removeAttribute( 'hidden' ); = '';

		controlsRight.insertBefore( urlBtn, embedBtn.nextSibling );

		// URLs Container        = 'urls-container';
		urlsContainer.className = 'embed-container urls-container';
		urlsContainer.setAttribute( 'hidden', '' );

		// Close URLs Overlay
		closeUrlsOverlay.setAttribute( 'on', 'tap:urls-container.hide' );

		// URLs container inner
		urlLinks.className = 'embed-links urls-links';

		urlsContainer.appendChild( closeUrlsOverlay );
		urlsContainer.appendChild( urlLinks );
		mainContainer.appendChild( urlsContainer );

		// Add URL Listings
		addUrlListing( 'GIF', gifUrl );
		addUrlListing( 'WebM', webmUrl );
		addUrlListing( 'MP4', mp4Url );
		addUrlListing( 'Mobile (MP4)', mobileUrl );

		new Clipboard( '.urls-links .copy-input-button' );