MTurk HIT Database Mk.II

Keep track of the HITs you've done (and more!). Cross browser compatible.

< 腳本MTurk HIT Database Mk.II的回應

評論:負評 - 腳本失效或無法使用


new update just broke me 11:32 CDT 4/28/2016

TypeError: (AccessViolation) Database is not defined

notice that search box got moved.

I have 2 dashboards open ... the old one where I'm running Turkmaster I have not reloaded, and so
I could search there okay.


I believe I'm running 1.1.004.. Dashboard said it was 7 minutes old when I first saw error


inspect says 3 errors 2 warnings

last msg

VM2857 extensions::uncaught_exception_handler:8 Error in event handler for (unknown): TypeError: Cannot read property 'p' of undefined
at chrome-extension://npeidojcmghjibnbnmjloedchcgdkbeo/uz.js:1:1654handler @ VM2857 extensions::uncaught_exception_handler:8(anonymous function) @ VM2857 extensions::uncaught_exception_handler:100EventImpl.dispatch_ @ VM2856 extensions::event_bindings:376EventImpl.dispatch @ VM2856 extensions::event_bindings:393target.(anonymous function) @ extensions::SafeBuiltins:19publicClass.(anonymous function) @ VM2862 extensions::utils:94dispatchOnDisconnect @ VM2864 extensions::messaging:306
VM2857 extensions::uncaught_exception_handler:8 Error in event handler for extension.onRequest: TypeError: Q.updateOutliners is not a function
at Object.x.Messenger.handlers.globalDataChanged (chrome-extension://pnhplgjpclknigjpccbcnmicgcieojbh/js/content/diigolet.js:312:493)
at Object.x.Messenger.onMessage (chrome-extension://pnhplgjpclknigjpccbcnmicgcieojbh/js/content/diigolet.js:309:171)
at chrome-extension://pnhplgjpclknigjpccbcnmicgcieojbh/js/content/diigolet.js:308:74

okay I see this warning buried

HITdb needs to run an internal update.
Please close all tabs running HITdb to complete the process. This includes all other MTurk pages and all tabs running HIT Scraper.

I'll try that


yeah sorry; the newest version puts the message right into the interface for clarity

After closing everything else, it'll proceed to update automatically.

Edit: By the way, those errors you posted are all from your extensions and don't have anything to do with this script or any other script.


okay now I get on update database

fetching status page....


also odd ...

Tampermonkey dashboard says I'm running 1.1.003
shows 007 as the latest


I don't believe I've edited it ... only done that for tubedog ones for recent bugs and he doesn't seem to be in the game at the moment


1.1.003 had a bug that I didn't catch in time before I pushed out the update. That bug is causing it to fail when fetching status pages. Manually force an update to the most current version and it will be fine.


okay, that worked. Thanks

