Youtube Auto Quick Buffer

Quickens the bufferer on all Youtube videos

< 脚本Youtube Auto Quick Buffer的反馈

评价:好评 - 脚本运行良好


hey dude, i fixed your problem with how it kept infinitely reloading the website the video was playing on.

simple fix really, you just forgot to type "true" in a few areas. might also want to say that you need to enable all the compatibility options and run it at document start in order for everything to work as intended.

here's a paste of the code / script.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Youtube Auto Quick Buffer
// @namespace
// @description Quickens the bufferer on all Youtube videos
// @include*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-end
// @version 1.4
// ==/UserScript==

// reload script on page change using spf events (normal youtube)
window.addEventListener("spfdone", function() {

// reload script on page change using youtube polymer fire events (material youtube)
window.addEventListener("yt-page-data-updated", function() {


function main() {
if (isPlayerAvailable()) { true
if (document.URL.indexOf("&gl=CA") === -1) { true
window.location = document.URL + "&gl=CA";

function isPlayerAvailable() { // true if a youtube video is available ( false if live video)
return /https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=.*/.test(document.location.href) && document.getElementById('live-chat-iframe') === true;

Deleted user 103157

Thank you


Figured out where to change document start, but where do we do this "enable all the compatibility options"? I'm using Violentmonkey.

Figured out where to change document start, but where do we do this "enable all the compatibility options"? I'm using Violentmonkey.

i do not know how things are in violentmonkey, since i use tampermonkey. however in tampermonkey, after you click the userscript's edit option, you then go to the tab where it says settings, and then you scroll down to where the compatibility options are, and simply turn them on. so if violentmonkey is similar in how it works, you may be able to do it the same way on there. - sorry i couldn't be of more assistance to you.


here's an photo to help out.


- i unchecked one of them to show how you turn them on and off.


so for the compatability gfx options apply, fix and convert should be on and replace should be off correct? just like your image?


so for the compatibility gfx options apply, fix and convert should be on and replace should be off correct? just like your image?

the off one was purely for demonstration purposes, just turn them all on.

