Update 1.1234567: In this update, I added an auto upgrade feature! You can find it in the Options menu! It will automatically choose your items for you, after you first choose your weapon, upto age Age 6 and 7. Then you will have to choose your secondary, and what item you want from your choices at the Age 7 point. After, it will continue automatically choosing your Age 8 and Age 9 item/weapon choices. NOTE: You will NOT be able to bow insta or choose crossbow/repeater bow. It goes for musket no matter what you want. Going Sword/Crossbow/Spinning Spikes? Nope, it'll go for Sword/Musket. You get the point. Solution? Just don't have AutoUpgrade turned on. Manually get the crossbow or repeater or whatever it is you're going for. Simple!
I also added autochats! There is now autochats that will automatically say predetermined things when a certain word or phrase is said. Don't want to see them? There's a check box to turn them on and off! Just hit the box and the auto chats won't be happening? (Kill chats and a couple other chats will still happen, but they're fine and not as annoying) "But IADO, I wanna add my own chats.." Alright! If you go into the code itself, you can find the auto chats. Once in the code, hit your Ctrl (Control) key and the 'f' key at the same time. This will open a search feature in the code. Look for "Autochat", and keep clicking the "Next" button, until you find the long lise of auto chat commands. From there, just copy and paste the lines of code. Changing what you want to change or adding what you want to add. For example:
} else if (message.includes("goat")) {
io.send("6", "I'm the Greatest of All Time.");
Here is one of the lines of code for the autochat "goat". What you would do, is copy that, from the first } to the very last ; , and then paste it on a new line. Or you could just change what it says like this:
} else if (message.includes("pro")) {
io.send("6", "I'm so pro.");
As long as you have the base body of the code, you can make as many auto chats as you want.
I also added a super cool background for the moomoo lobby and the mod image.