Darkino Tools

Toutes les options pour profiter pleinement de Darkino.

// ==UserScript==
// @namespace       https://greasyfork.org/fr/users/868328-invincible812
// @name            Darkino Tools
// @match           *://www*.darkino.*/**
// @match           *://www2.darkino.*/**
// @match           *://www*.sumoweb.*/**
// @grant           none
// @version         2.6.4
// @author          Invincible812
// @description     Toutes les options pour profiter pleinement de Darkino.
// @supportURL      https://www2.darkino.net/user/Invincible812
// @icon            https://www2.darkino.net/images/logo.svg
// @run-at          document-end
// @grant           GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant           GM_getValue
// @grant           GM_setValue
// @grant           GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant           GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

window.addEventListener('load', function () {

  var cfg = new MonkeyConfig({
    title: 'Options - Script Darkino Tools',
    menuCommand: true,
    params: {
      /**Sauvegarder_prez: {
        type: 'select',
        choices: ['Oui', 'Non'],
        default: 'Non'
      Auto_Affiche_Liens: {
        type: 'select',
        choices: ['Oui', 'Non'],
        default: 'Oui'
      /*Afficher_tous_les_liens: {
        type: 'select',
        choices: ['Oui', 'Non'],
        default: 'Non'
      Auto_tri_des_liens_panel: {
        type: 'select',
        choices: ['Oui', 'Non'],
        default: 'Non'
      Remplace_Uptobox_eu: {
        type: 'select',
        choices: ['Oui', 'Non'],
        default: 'Oui'
  if (location.hostname.includes('darkino')) {
    console.log('[DARKINO TOOLS] Script lancé sur Darkino')
    if (!location.href.includes('/panel')) {
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        console.log('[DARKINO TOOLS] [MENU-SCRIPT] Non connecté • Ajout bouton');
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        <span>Options Script</span></a>`)
      console.log('[DARKINO TOOLS] [MENU-SCRIPT] Connecté • Ajout menu sur le panel');
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        <span>Options Script</span></a></li>`);
      console.log('[DARKINO TOOLS] [MENU-SCRIPT] Connecté • Ajout menu');

    const link = document.getElementById('options-script');
    link.addEventListener('click', function (event) {

  //let saveprez = cfg.get('Sauvegarder_prez');
  let autoaffiche = cfg.get('Auto_Affiche_Liens');
  //let affichtoutliens = cfg.get('Afficher_tous_les_liens');
  let tri_liens = cfg.get('Auto_tri_des_liens_panel');
  let replace_upto = cfg.get('Remplace_Uptobox_eu');
  /*if (saveprez == "Oui") {
    saveprez = true;
  } else {
    saveprez = false;
  /*if (autoaffiche == "Oui") {
    autoaffiche = true;
  } else {
    autoaffiche = false;
  if (affichtoutliens == "Oui") {
    affichtoutliens = true;
  } else {
    affichtoutliens = false;
  if (tri_liens == "Oui") {
    tri_liens = true;
  } else {
    tri_liens = false;
  if (replace_upto == "Oui") {
    replace_upto = true;
  } else {
    replace_upto = false;


  document.title = document.title.replace(' - Darkino Officiel', '').replace('gratuitement', '').replace('Télécharger ', '').replace('ou voir en Streaming ', '');

  /*if (saveprez) {
    if (document.location.pathname.includes('/mypanel/addlink/')) {
      document.getElementsByClassName('addnews')[0].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<b id="b_restore" class="inline-block align-middle text-center select-none border font-normal whitespace-no-wrap rounded py-1 px-3 leading-normal no-underline bg-gray-600 text-white hover:bg-gray-700 restore" title="Restore">Restore Prez</b>`);
      document.getElementsByClassName('flex justify-end')[0].insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<b id="b_save" class="inline-block align-middle text-center select-none border font-normal whitespace-no-wrap rounded py-1 px-3 leading-normal no-underline bg-gray-600 text-white hover:bg-gray-700 save" title="Save">Save Prez</b>`);
      document.getElementsByClassName('panel')[0].children[1].children[0].insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', `<span id="prez_logs"></span>`);
      function save_prez() {
        let options = [];
        document.getElementById('prez_logs').textContent = "Sauvegarde de la prez comportant : ";
        let langues = "Langue(s) : ";
        let qualité = "Qualité : ";
        let subs = "Sous-titre(s) : ";
        for (let a = 0; a < document.getElementsByTagName('option').length; a++) {
          if (document.getElementsByTagName('option')[a].selected) {
            if (a >= 0 && a <= 40) { // Langue(s)
              langues = langues + document.getElementsByTagName('option')[a].textContent + ', ';

            if (a >= 41 && a <= 102) { // Qualité
              qualité = qualité + document.getElementsByTagName('option')[a].textContent + ', ';

            if (a >= 103 && a <= 142) { // Sous-titre
              subs = subs + document.getElementsByTagName('option')[a].textContent + ', ';
        document.getElementById('prez_logs').textContent = document.getElementById('prez_logs').textContent + langues + qualité + subs;
        localStorage.setItem('options', JSON.stringify(options));

      document.getElementsByClassName('inline-block align-middle text-center select-none border font-normal whitespace-no-wrap rounded py-1 px-3 leading-normal no-underline bg-gray-600 text-white hover:bg-gray-700 save')[0].addEventListener('click', function () {

      function restore_prez() {
        let options = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('options'));
        document.getElementById('prez_logs').textContent = "Restauration de la précédent prez comportant : ";
        let langues = "Langue(s) : ";
        let qualité = "Qualité : ";
        let subs = "Sous-titre(s) : ";
        if (options) {
          for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
            document.getElementsByTagName('option')[options[i]].selected = true;

            if (options[i] >= 0 && options[i] <= 40) { // Langue(s)
              langues = langues + document.getElementsByTagName('option')[options[i]].textContent + ', ';

            if (options[i] >= 41 && options[i] <= 102) { // Qualité
              qualité = qualité + document.getElementsByTagName('option')[options[i]].textContent + ', ';

            if (options[i] >= 103 && options[i] <= 142) { // Sous-titre
              subs = subs + document.getElementsByTagName('option')[options[i]].textContent + ', ';
          document.getElementById('prez_logs').textContent = document.getElementById('prez_logs').textContent + langues + qualité + subs;

      document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
        if (event.target && event.target.classList.contains('restore')) {
  }; */

  if (autoaffiche) {
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        document.getElementsByClassName('space-y-2 font-semibold')[0].children[1].children[0].click()
         console.log('[DARKINO TOOLS] [AUTO-AFFICHE-LIENS] Click effectué');
      } else {
        document.getElementsByClassName('space-y-2 font-semibold')[0].children[0].children[0].click()
        console.log('[DARKINO TOOLS] [AUTO-AFFICHE-LIENS] Click effectué');
  } //fin autoaffiche

  /*if (affichtoutliens) {
    if (window.location.pathname.match(/\/(.)+\/(\d)+/g) && window.location.pathname.search("/coll") != 0 && !document.location.pathname.includes('/addlink/') && !document.location.pathname.includes('/mylinks/')) {
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      function creationgigatable(table) {
      for (let a = 0; a < nb_table; a++) { // par page
        let codehtml = "";
        if (nb_page < 6) {
        } else {
  } // fin affiche tout les liens */

  if (tri_liens) {
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      setTimeout(document.getElementsByClassName('filament-tables-table w-full text-start divide-y table-auto dark:divide-gray-700')[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].click(), 4000)
      setTimeout(document.getElementsByClassName('filament-tables-table w-full text-start divide-y table-auto dark:divide-gray-700')[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].click(), 5000)

  if (replace_upto) {
    function attente_dl_premium(){
      const element = document.querySelector('.filament-link');
      element.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
        // Vérification de la classe et de l'attribut
        if (element.classList.contains('filament-link') && element.getAttribute('3').includes('download')) {
          // Le code à exécuter lorsque les conditions sont remplies
          let urlupto = document.getElementsByClassName('filament-modal-window w-full py-2 bg-white cursor-default pointer-events-auto dark:bg-gray-800 relative rounded-xl mx-auto max-w-4xl')[0].children[1].children[1].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].href


    if (location.hostname.includes('sumoweb')) {
      if (document.getElementById('captcha')) {

      if (document.querySelector('div.alert a')) {
        var link1 = document.querySelector('div.alert a')
        link1.href = link1.href.replace('uptobox.com', 'uptobox.eu')
        link1.text = link1.href.replace('uptobox.com', 'uptobox.eu')



function MonkeyConfig() {
  var cfg = this,
    /* Data object passed to the constructor */
    /* Configuration parameters (data.parameters or data.params) */
    /* Current values of configuration parameters */
    values = {},
    /* Identifier used to store/retrieve configuration */
    /* Is the configuration dialog displayed? */
    /* Currently displayed window/layer */
    openWin, openLayer,
    /* DOM element wrapping the configuration form */
    /* Darkened overlay used in the layer display mode */

   * Initialize configuration
   * @param newData New data object
  function init(newData) {
    data = newData;

    if (data) {
      params = data.parameters || data.params;

      if (data.buttons === undefined)
        /* Set default buttons */
        data.buttons = ['save', 'defaults', 'cancel'];

      if (data.title === undefined)
         * If GM_getMetadata is available, get the name of the script
         * and use it in the dialog title
        if (typeof GM_getMetadata == 'function') {
          var scriptName = GM_getMetadata('name');
          data.title = scriptName + ' Configuration';
          data.title = 'Configuration';

    /* Make a safe version of title to be used as stored value identifier */
    var safeTitle = data && data.title ?
      data.title.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '_') : '';

    storageKey = '_MonkeyConfig_' + safeTitle + '_cfg';

    var storedValues;

    /* Load stored values (if present) */
    if (GM_getValue(storageKey))
      storedValues = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(storageKey));

    for (var name in params) {
      /* If there's a value defined in the passed data object, use it */
      if (params[name]['value'] !== undefined)
        set(name, params[name].value);
      /* Check if there's a stored value for this parameter */
      else if (storedValues && storedValues[name] !== undefined)
        set(name, storedValues[name]);
      /* Otherwise, set the default value (if defined) */
      else if (params[name]['default'] !== undefined)
        set(name, params[name]['default']);
        set(name, '');

    if (data.menuCommand) {
      /* Add an item to the User Script Commands menu */
      var caption = data.menuCommand !== true ? data.menuCommand :

      GM_registerMenuCommand(caption, function () { cfg.open(); });

    /* Expose public methods */
    cfg.open = open;
    cfg.close = close;
    cfg.get = get;
    cfg.set = function (name, value) {
      set(name, value);

   * Get the value of a configuration parameter
   * @param name Name of the configuration parameter
   * @returns Value of the configuration parameter
  function get(name) {
    return values[name];

   * Set the value of a configuration parameter
   * @param name Name of the configuration parameter
   * @param value New value of the configuration parameter
  function set(name, value) {
    values[name] = value;

   * Reset configuration parameters to default values
  function setDefaults() {
    for (var name in params) {
      if (typeof params[name]['default'] !== 'undefined') {
        set(name, params[name]['default']);

   * Render the configuration dialog
  function render() {
    var html = '<div class="__MonkeyConfig_container">' +
      '<h1>' + data.title + '</h1>' +

    for (var name in params) {
      html += MonkeyConfig.formatters['tr'](name, params[name]);

    html += '<tr><td colspan="2" class="__MonkeyConfig_buttons">' +

    /* Render buttons */
    for (var button in data.buttons) {
      html += '<td>';

      switch (data.buttons[button]) {
        case 'cancel':
          html += '<button type="button" ' +
            'id="__MonkeyConfig_button_cancel">' +
            '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' +
            MonkeyConfig.res.icons.cancel + '" />&nbsp;' +
        case 'defaults':
          html += '<button type="button" ' +
            'id="__MonkeyConfig_button_defaults">' +
            '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' +
            MonkeyConfig.res.icons.arrow_undo + '" />&nbsp;' +
        case 'save':
          html += '<button type="button" ' +
            'id="__MonkeyConfig_button_save">' +
            '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' +
            MonkeyConfig.res.icons.tick + '" />&nbsp;' +

      html += '</td>';

    html += '</tr></table></td></tr>';

    html += "</table><div>";

    return html;

   * Update the fields in the dialog to reflect current values
  function update() {
    /* Do nothing if the dialog is not currently displayed */
    if (!displayed)

    for (var name in params) {
      var value = values[name];

      switch (params[name].type) {
        case 'checkbox':
          var elem = container.querySelector('[name="' + name + '"]');
          elem.checked = !!value;
        case 'custom':
          params[name].set(value, container
            .querySelector('#__MonkeyConfig_parent_' + name));
        case 'number': case 'text':
          var elem = container.querySelector('[name="' + name + '"]');
          elem.value = value;
        case 'select':
          var elem = container.querySelector('[name="' + name + '"]');

          if (elem.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'input') {
            if (elem.type && elem.type == 'radio') {
              /* Single selection with radio buttons */
              elem = container.querySelector(
                '[name="' + name + '"][value="' + value + '"]');
              elem.checked = true;
            else if (elem.type && elem.type == 'checkbox') {
              /* Multiple selection with checkboxes */
              var checkboxes = container.querySelectorAll(
                'input[name="' + name + '"]');

              for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++)
                checkboxes[i].checked =
                  (value.indexOf(checkboxes[i].value) > -1);
          else if (elem.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'select')
            if (elem.multiple) {
              /* Multiple selection element */
              var options = container.querySelectorAll(
                'select[name="' + name + '"] option');

              for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
                options[i].selected =
                  (value.indexOf(options[i].value) > -1);
              /* Single selection element */
              elem.value = value;

   * Save button click event handler
  function saveClick() {
    for (name in params) {
      switch (params[name].type) {
        case 'checkbox':
          var elem = container.querySelector('[name="' + name + '"]');
          values[name] = elem.checked;
        case 'custom':
          values[name] = params[name].get(container
            .querySelector('#__MonkeyConfig_parent_' + name));
        case 'number': case 'text':
          var elem = container.querySelector('[name="' + name + '"]');
          values[name] = elem.value;
        case 'select':
          var elem = container.querySelector('[name="' + name + '"]');

          if (elem.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'input') {
            if (elem.type && elem.type == 'radio')
              /* Single selection with radio buttons */
              values[name] = container.querySelector(
                '[name="' + name + '"]:checked').value;
            else if (elem.type && elem.type == 'checkbox') {
              /* Multiple selection with checkboxes */
              values[name] = [];
              var inputs = container.querySelectorAll(
                'input[name="' + name + '"]');

              for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++)
                if (inputs[i].checked)
          else if (elem.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'select' && elem.multiple) {
            /* Multiple selection element */
            values[name] = [];
            var options = container.querySelectorAll(
              'select[name="' + name + '"] option');

            for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
              if (options[i].selected)
            values[name] = elem.value;

    GM_setValue(storageKey, JSON.stringify(values));


    if (data.onSave)

   * Cancel button click event handler
  function cancelClick() {

   * Set Defaults button click event handler
  function defaultsClick() {

   * Open configuration dialog
   * @param mode
   *            Display mode ("iframe", "layer", or "window", defaults to
   *            "iframe")
   * @param options
   *            Display mode options
  function open(mode, options) {
    function openDone() {
      /* Attach button event handlers */
      var button;

      if (button = container.querySelector('#__MonkeyConfig_button_save'))
        button.addEventListener('click', saveClick, true);
      if (button = container.querySelector('#__MonkeyConfig_button_cancel'))
        button.addEventListener('click', cancelClick, true);
      if (button = container.querySelector('#__MonkeyConfig_button_defaults'))
        button.addEventListener('click', defaultsClick, true);

      displayed = true;

    switch (mode) {
      case 'window':
        var windowFeatures = {
          location: 'no',
          status: 'no',
          left: window.screenX,
          top: window.screenY,
          width: 100,
          height: 100

        /* Additional features may be specified as an option */
        if (options && options.windowFeatures)
          for (var name in options.windowFeatures)
            windowFeatures[name] = options.windowFeatures[name];

        var featuresArray = [];

        for (var name in windowFeatures)
          featuresArray.push(name + '=' + windowFeatures[name]);

        var win = window.open('', data.title, featuresArray.join(','));

        /* Find head and body (then call the blood spatter analyst) */
        var head = win.document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],
          body = win.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];

        head.innerHTML = '<title>' + data.title + '</title>' +
          '<style type="text/css">' +
          MonkeyConfig.res.stylesheets.main + '</style>';

        body.className = '__MonkeyConfig_window';
        /* Place the rendered configuration dialog inside the window body */
        body.innerHTML = render();

        /* Find the container (CBAN-3489) */
        container = win.document.querySelector('.__MonkeyConfig_container');

        /* Resize window to the dimensions of the container div */
        win.innerWidth = container.clientWidth;
        win.resizeBy(0, -win.innerHeight + container.clientHeight);

        /* Place the window centered relative to the parent */
        win.moveBy(Math.round((window.outerWidth - win.outerWidth) / 2),
          Math.round((window.outerHeight - win.outerHeight) / 2));

        openWin = win;


      case 'layer':
        if (!MonkeyConfig.styleAdded) {
          MonkeyConfig.styleAdded = true;

        var body = document.querySelector('body');

        /* Create the layer element */
        openLayer = document.createElement('div');
        openLayer.className = '__MonkeyConfig_layer';

        /* Create the overlay */
        overlay = document.createElement('div');
        overlay.className = '__MonkeyConfig_overlay';
        overlay.style.left = 0;
        overlay.style.top = 0;
        overlay.style.width = window.innerWidth + 'px';
        overlay.style.height = window.innerHeight + 'px';
        overlay.style.zIndex = 9999;


         * Place the rendered configuration dialog inside the layer element
        openLayer.innerHTML = render();

        /* Position the layer in the center of the viewport */
        openLayer.style.left = Math.round((window.innerWidth -
          openLayer.clientWidth) / 2) + 'px';
        openLayer.style.top = Math.round((window.innerHeight -
          openLayer.clientHeight) / 2) + 'px';
        openLayer.style.zIndex = 9999;

        container = document.querySelector('.__MonkeyConfig_container');


      case 'iframe':
        if (!MonkeyConfig.styleAdded) {
          MonkeyConfig.styleAdded = true;

        var body = document.querySelector('body');
        var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');

        /* Create the layer element */
        openLayer = document.createElement('div');
        openLayer.className = '__MonkeyConfig_layer';

        /* Create the overlay */
        overlay = document.createElement('div');
        overlay.className = '__MonkeyConfig_overlay';
        overlay.style.left = 0;
        overlay.style.top = 0;
        overlay.style.width = window.innerWidth + 'px';
        overlay.style.height = window.innerHeight + 'px';
        overlay.style.zIndex = 9999;

        iframe.id = '__MonkeyConfig_frame';
         * Make the iframe transparent so that it remains invisible until
         * the document inside it is ready
        iframe.style.opacity = 0;
        iframe.src = 'about:blank';

        /* Make the iframe seamless with no border and no scrollbars */
        if (undefined !== iframe.frameborder)
          iframe.frameBorder = '0';
        if (undefined !== iframe.scrolling)
          iframe.scrolling = 'no';
        if (undefined !== iframe.seamless)
          iframe.seamless = true;

        /* Do the rest in the load event handler */
        iframe.addEventListener('load', function () {
          iframe.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = render();
          iframe.style.opacity = 1;

          /* Append the style to the head */
          var head = iframe.contentDocument.querySelector('head'),
            style = iframe.contentDocument.createElement('style');
          style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');

          var body = iframe.contentDocument.querySelector('body');
          body.className = '__MonkeyConfig_body';

          container = iframe.contentDocument

          iframe.width = container.clientWidth;
          iframe.height = container.clientHeight;

          /* Position the layer in the center of the viewport */
          openLayer.style.left = Math.round((window.innerWidth -
            openLayer.clientWidth) / 2.45) + 'px';
          openLayer.style.top = Math.round((window.innerHeight -
            openLayer.clientHeight) / 2) + 'px';
          openLayer.style.zIndex = 9999;

        }, false);

        setTimeout(function () {
          iframe.width = container.clientWidth;
          iframe.height = container.clientHeight;

          /* Position the layer in the center of the viewport */
          openLayer.style.left = Math.round((window.innerWidth -
            openLayer.clientWidth) / 2) + 'px';
          openLayer.style.top = Math.round((window.innerHeight -
            openLayer.clientHeight) / 2) + 'px';
          openLayer.style.zIndex = 9999;
        }, 0);



   * Close configuration dialog
  function close() {
    if (openWin) {
      openWin = undefined;
    else if (openLayer) {
      openLayer = undefined;

      if (overlay) {
        overlay = undefined;

    displayed = false;


 * Replace double quotes with entities so that the string can be safely used
 * in a HTML attribute
 * @param string A string
 * @returns String with double quotes replaced with entities
MonkeyConfig.esc = function (string) {
  return string.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');

MonkeyConfig.HTML = {
  '_field': function (name, options, data) {
    var html;

    if (options.type && MonkeyConfig.HTML[options.type])
      html = MonkeyConfig.HTML[options.type](name, options, data);

    if (/\[FIELD\]/.test(options.html)) {
      html = options.html.replace(/\[FIELD\]/, html);

    return html;
  '_label': function (name, options, data) {
    var label = options['label'] ||
      name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1)
        .replace(/_/g, '&nbsp;')
        .replace(/é/g, "\u002F")
        .replace(/0/g, "...")
        .replace(/1/g, "'");

    return '<label for="__MonkeyConfig_field_' + name + '">' + label +
  'checkbox': function (name, options, data) {
    return '<input id="__MonkeyConfig_field_' + name +
      '" type="checkbox" name="' + name + '" />';
  'custom': function (name, options, data) {
    return options.html;
  'number': function (name, options, data) {
    return '<input id="__MonkeyConfig_field_' + name + '" ' +
      'type="text" class="__MonkeyConfig_field_number" ' +
      'name="' + name + '" />';
  'select': function (name, options, data) {
    var choices = {}, html = '';

    if (options.choices.constructor == Array) {
      /* options.choices is an array -- build key/value pairs */
      for (var i = 0; i < options.choices.length; i++)
        choices[options.choices[i]] = options.choices[i];
      /* options.choices is an object -- use it as it is */
      choices = options.choices;

    if (!options.multiple) {
      /* Single selection */
      if (!/^radio/.test(options.variant)) {
        /* Select element */
        html += '<select id="__MonkeyConfig_field_' + name + '" ' +
          'class="__MonkeyConfig_field_select" ' +
          'name="' + name + '">';

        for (var value in choices)
          html += '<option value="' + MonkeyConfig.esc(value) + '">' +
            choices[value] + '</option>';

        html += '</select>';
      else {
        /* Radio buttons */
        for (var value in choices) {
          html += '<label><input type="radio" name="' + name + '" ' +
            'value="' + MonkeyConfig.esc(value) + '" />&nbsp;' +
            choices[value] + '</label>' +
            (/ column/.test(options.variant) ? '<br />' : '');
    else {
      /* Multiple selection */
      if (!/^checkbox/.test(options.variant)) {
        /* Checkboxes */
        html += '<select id="__MonkeyConfig_field_' + name + '" ' +
          'class="__MonkeyConfig_field_select" ' +
          'multiple="multiple" ' +
          'name="' + name + '">';

        for (var value in choices)
          html += '<option value="' + MonkeyConfig.esc(value) + '">' +
            choices[value] + '</option>';

        html += '</select>';
      else {
        /* Select element */
        for (var value in choices) {
          html += '<label><input type="checkbox" ' +
            'name="' + name + '" ' +
            'value="' + MonkeyConfig.esc(value) + '" />&nbsp;' +
            choices[value] + '</label>' +
            (/ column/.test(options.variant) ? '<br />' : '');

    return html;
  'text': function (name, options, data) {
    if (options.long)
      return '<textarea id="__MonkeyConfig_field_' + name + '" ' +
        'class="__MonkeyConfig_field_text" ' +
        (!isNaN(options.long) ? 'rows="' + options.long + '" ' : '') +
        'name="' + name + '"></textarea>';
      return '<input id="__MonkeyConfig_field_' + name + '" ' +
        'type="text" class="__MonkeyConfig_field_text" ' +
        'name="' + name + '" />';


MonkeyConfig.formatters = {
  'tr': function (name, options, data) {
    var html = '<tr>';

    switch (options.type) {
      case 'checkbox':
        /* Checkboxes get special treatment */
        html += '<td id="__MonkeyConfig_parent_' + name + '" colspan="2">';
        html += MonkeyConfig.HTML['_field'](name, options, data) + ' ';
        html += MonkeyConfig.HTML['_label'](name, options, data);
        html += '</td>';
        html += '<td>';
        html += MonkeyConfig.HTML['_label'](name, options, data);
        html += '</td><td id="__MonkeyConfig_parent_' + name + '">';
        html += MonkeyConfig.HTML['_field'](name, options, data);
        html += '</td>';

    html += '</tr>';

    return html;

/* Has the stylesheet been added? */
MonkeyConfig.styleAdded = false;

/* Resources */
MonkeyConfig.res = {};

/* Icons */
MonkeyConfig.res.icons = {

/* Stylesheets */
MonkeyConfig.res.stylesheets = {
  'main': '\
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