Instagram Video Controls

Adds video player controls to Instagram videos

< 脚本Instagram Video Controls的反馈

评价:一般 - 脚本能用,但还有一些问题



Your script works well, but here are some problems encountered with him :

- The video always starts in mute

- When you click on the play/pause button to pause the video, it mutes the volume

- The downloading of the video doesn't work

- The volume button of Instagram is always hidden/blocked by the video controls bar

- The volume button of Instagram is always on mute even if the volume button on the video controls bar is not muted

Thank you for your answer.

Google Chrome Browser with Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey


Thanks for the report! I updated the script today to fix the issues with the mute button and auto-muting. I don't have plans to allow downloading the videos currently.



Incredibly on my side, the video controls bar has disappeared and the video always starts in mute because the script doesn't work at all with the new update :-(

It's the same on your side ?

Thank you again for your answer.


Script doesn't work :c


@Cool722 and @yahh_dsad, sorry to hear the script was not working for you. I have finally gotten around to updating the script again, please try version 1.0.0 and let me know if this fixes your issues. Thanks!


I like your script, it does what it's supposed to do.
But the Instagram volume button is always blocked by the video controls bar, which is a problem.
It would be nice if ...
* the video controls bar visibility could be delayed a few seconds to allow accessing the Instagram volume button or,
* the video controls bar had a functional volume button or,
* the video controls bar was shorter as to not block the Instagram volume button or,
* the video controls bar could be repositioned.


@Chris Simeone, I just released an update that should address your concerns. The volume controls are now available in the native controls panel when you mouse over the video. Hopefully it works as needed.

