- // ==UserScript==
- // @name YouTube Web Tweaks
- // @version 4.1.8
- // @description This script optimizes YouTube's performance by modified configs, shorts redirect and much more!
- // @author Magma_Craft
- // @license MIT
- // @match *://www.youtube.com/*
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/933798
- // @icon https://www.youtube.com/favicon.ico
- // @unwrap
- // @run-at document-end
- // @unwrap
- // @grant none
- // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/arrive/2.4.1/arrive.min.js
- // ==/UserScript==
- // Enable strict mode to catch common coding mistakes
- "use strict";
- // Define the flags to assign to the EXPERIMENT_FLAGS object
- const flagsToAssign = {
- // Standard tweaks (YT config editor + Disable animations)
- IS_TABLET: true,
- polymer_verifiy_app_state: false,
- desktop_delay_player_resizing: false,
- web_animated_actions: false,
- web_animated_like: false,
- web_animated_like_lazy_load: false,
- render_unicode_emojis_as_small_images: true,
- smartimation_background: false,
- kevlar_refresh_on_theme_change: false,
- // Disable cinematics (aka ambient lighting)
- kevlar_measure_ambient_mode_idle: false,
- kevlar_watch_cinematics_invisible: false,
- web_cinematic_theater_mode: false,
- web_cinematic_fullscreen: false,
- enable_cinematic_blur_desktop_loading: false,
- kevlar_watch_cinematics: false,
- web_cinematic_masthead: false,
- web_watch_cinematics_preferred_reduced_motion_default_disabled: false
- };
- const updateFlags = () => {
- // Check if the EXPERIMENT_FLAGS object exists in the window.yt.config_ property chain
- const expFlags = window?.yt?.config_?.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS;
- // If EXPERIMENT_FLAGS is not found, exit the function
- if (!expFlags) return;
- // Assign the defined flags to the EXPERIMENT_FLAGS object
- Object.assign(expFlags, flagsToAssign);
- };
- // Create a MutationObserver that calls the updateFlags function when changes occur in the document's subtree
- const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(updateFlags);
- mutationObserver.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true });
- // Other adjustments to be tweaked (Re-adding Explore tab, redirecting shorts to watch, wtc...)
- function waitForElm(selector) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
- return resolve(document.querySelector(selector));
- }
- const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
- if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
- resolve(document.querySelector(selector));
- observer.disconnect();
- }
- });
- observer.observe(document.body, {
- childList: true,
- subtree: true
- });
- });
- }
- function restoreTrending() {
- var trendingData = {
- "navigationEndpoint": {
- "clickTrackingParams": "CBwQtSwYASITCNqYh-qO_fACFcoRrQYdP44D9Q==",
- "commandMetadata": {
- "webCommandMetadata": {
- "url": "/feed/explore",
- "webPageType": "WEB_PAGE_TYPE_BROWSE",
- "rootVe": 6827,
- "apiUrl": "/youtubei/v1/browse"
- }
- },
- "browseEndpoint": {
- "browseId": "FEtrending"
- }
- },
- "icon": {
- "iconType": "EXPLORE"
- },
- "trackingParams": "CBwQtSwYASITCNqYh-qO_fACFcoRrQYdP44D9Q==",
- "formattedTitle": {
- "simpleText": "Explore"
- },
- "accessibility": {
- "accessibilityData": {
- "label": "Explore"
- }
- },
- "isPrimary": true
- };
- var guidetemplate = `<ytd-guide-entry-renderer class="style-scope ytd-guide-section-renderer" is-primary="" line-end-style="none"><!--css-build:shady--><a id="endpoint" class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer" tabindex="-1" role="tablist"><tp-yt-paper-item role="tab" class="style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer" tabindex="0" aria-disabled="false"><!--css-build:shady--><yt-icon class="guide-icon style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer" disable-upgrade=""></yt-icon><yt-img-shadow height="24" width="24" class="style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer" disable-upgrade=""></yt-img-shadow><yt-formatted-string class="title style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer"><!--css-build:shady--></yt-formatted-string><span class="guide-entry-count style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer"></span><yt-icon class="guide-entry-badge style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer" disable-upgrade=""></yt-icon><div id="newness-dot" class="style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer"></div></tp-yt-paper-item></a><yt-interaction class="style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer"><!--css-build:shady--><div class="stroke style-scope yt-interaction"></div><div class="fill style-scope yt-interaction"></div></yt-interaction></ytd-guide-entry-renderer>`;
- document.querySelector(`#items > ytd-guide-entry-renderer:nth-child(2)`).data = trendingData;
- var miniguidetemplate = `<ytd-mini-guide-entry-renderer class="style-scope ytd-mini-guide-section-renderer" is-primary="" line-end-style="none"><!--css-build:shady--><a id="endpoint" class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer" tabindex="-1" role="tablist"><tp-yt-paper-item role="tab" class="style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer" tabindex="0" aria-disabled="false"><!--css-build:shady--><yt-icon class="guide-icon style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer" disable-upgrade=""></yt-icon><yt-img-shadow height="24" width="24" class="style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer" disable-upgrade=""></yt-img-shadow><yt-formatted-string class="title style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer"><!--css-build:shady--></yt-formatted-string><span class="guide-entry-count style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer"></span><yt-icon class="guide-entry-badge style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer" disable-upgrade=""></yt-icon><div id="newness-dot" class="style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer"></div></tp-yt-paper-item></a><yt-interaction class="style-scope ytd-guide-entry-renderer"><!--css-build:shady--><div class="stroke style-scope yt-interaction"></div><div class="fill style-scope yt-interaction"></div></yt-interaction></ytd-guide-entry-renderer>`;
- document.querySelector(`#items > ytd-mini-guide-entry-renderer:nth-child(2)`).data = trendingData;
- }
- waitForElm("#items.ytd-guide-section-renderer").then((elm) => {
- restoreTrending();
- });
- waitForElm("#items.ytd-mini-guide-section-renderer").then((elm) => {
- restoreTrending();
- });
- (function() {
- let css = `
- /* Remove Shorts, Trending, Podcasts and Shopping buttons to make the sidebar less almost prior to late 2022 */
- #endpoint.yt-simple-endpoint.ytd-guide-entry-renderer.style-scope[title="Shorts"],
- a.yt-simple-endpoint.style-scope.ytd-mini-guide-entry-renderer[title="Shorts"] {
- display: none !important;
- }
- #endpoint.yt-simple-endpoint.ytd-guide-entry-renderer.style-scope[title="Trending"] {
- display: none !important;
- }
- #endpoint.yt-simple-endpoint.ytd-guide-entry-renderer.style-scope[title="Podcasts"],
- ytd-guide-entry-renderer > a[href*="/feed/podcasts"] {
- display: none !important
- }
- ytd-guide-entry-renderer > a[href*="/channel/UCkYQyvc_i9hXEo4xic9Hh2g"] {
- display: none !important;
- }
- /* Remove filter categories on search results and playlists to make the UI less usable on low-entry machines */
- ytd-item-section-renderer.style-scope.ytd-section-list-renderer[page-subtype="playlist"] > #header.ytd-item-section-renderer > ytd-feed-filter-chip-bar-renderer {
- display: none !important;
- }
- div#chip-bar.style-scope.ytd-search-header-renderer > yt-chip-cloud-renderer.style-scope.ytd-search-header-renderer > div#container.style-scope.yt-chip-cloud-renderer {
- display: none !important;
- }
- /* Remove (almost) all annoyances (excludes 'YT TV and Premium' banners) */
- ytd-action-companion-ad-renderer, ytd-display-ad-renderer, ytd-video-masthead-ad-advertiser-info-renderer, ytd-video-masthead-ad-primary-video-renderer, ytd-in-feed-ad-layout-renderer, ytd-ad-slot-renderer, yt-about-this-ad-renderer, yt-mealbar-promo-renderer, ytd-ad-slot-renderer, ytd-in-feed-ad-layout-renderer, .ytd-video-masthead-ad-v3-renderer, div#root.style-scope.ytd-display-ad-renderer.yt-simple-endpoint, div#sparkles-container.style-scope.ytd-promoted-sparkles-web-renderer, div#main-container.style-scope.ytd-promoted-video-renderer, div#player-ads.style-scope.ytd-watch-flexy, ad-slot-renderer, ytm-promoted-sparkles-web-renderer, masthead-ad, #masthead-ad, ytd-video-quality-promo-renderer {
- display: none !important
- }`;
- if (typeof GM_addStyle !== "undefined") {
- GM_addStyle(css);
- } else {
- let styleNode = document.createElement("style");
- styleNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));
- (document.querySelector("head") || document.documentElement).appendChild(styleNode);
- }
- })();
- var oldHref = document.location.href;
- if (window.location.href.indexOf('youtube.com/shorts') > -1) {
- window.location.replace(window.location.toString().replace('/shorts/', '/watch?v='));
- }
- window.onload = function() {
- var bodyList = document.querySelector("body")
- var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
- mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
- if (oldHref != document.location.href) {
- oldHref = document.location.href;
- console.log('location changed!');
- if (window.location.href.indexOf('youtube.com/shorts') > -1) {
- window.location.replace(window.location.toString().replace('/shorts/', '/watch?v='));
- }
- }
- });
- });
- var config = {
- childList: true,
- subtree: true
- };
- observer.observe(bodyList, config);
- };
- // Fully replace shorts links with regular videos
- /**
- * Shorts URL redirect.
- *
- * This is called on initial visit only. Successive navigations
- * are managed by modifying the YouTube Desktop application.
- */
- (function(){
- /** @type {string} */
- var path = window.location.pathname;
- if (0 == path.search("/shorts"))
- {
- // Extract the video ID from the shorts link and redirect.
- /** @type {string} */
- var id = path.replace(/\/|shorts|\?.*/g, "");
- window.location.replace("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + id);
- }
- })();
- /**
- * YouTube Desktop Shorts remover.
- *
- * If the initial URL was not a shorts link, traditional redirection
- * will not work. This instead modifies video elements to replace them with
- * regular links.
- */
- (function(){
- /**
- * @param {string} selector (CSS-style) of the element
- * @return {Promise<Element>}
- */
- async function querySelectorAsync(selector)
- {
- while (null == document.querySelector(selector))
- {
- // Pause for a frame and let other code go on.
- await new Promise(r => requestAnimationFrame(r));
- }
- return document.querySelector(selector);
- }
- /**
- * Small toolset for interacting with the Polymer
- * YouTube Desktop application.
- *
- * @author Taniko Yamamoto <kirasicecreamm@gmail.com>
- * @version 1.0
- */
- class YtdTools
- {
- /** @type {string} Page data updated event */
- static EVT_DATA_UPDATE = "yt-page-data-updated";
- /** @type {Element} Main YT Polymer manager */
- static YtdApp;
- /** @type {bool} */
- static hasInitialLoaded = false;
- /** @return {Promise<bool>} */
- static async isPolymer()
- {
- /** @return {Promise<void>} */
- function waitForBody() // nice hack lazy ass
- {
- return new Promise(r => {
- document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function a(){
- document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", a);
- r();
- });
- });
- }
- await waitForBody();
- if ("undefined" != typeof document.querySelector("ytd-app"))
- {
- this.YtdApp = document.querySelector("ytd-app");
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /** @async @return {Promise<void|string>} */
- static waitForInitialLoad()
- {
- var updateEvent = this.EVT_DATA_UPDATE;
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- if (!this.isPolymer())
- {
- reject("Not Polymer :(");
- }
- function _listenerCb()
- {
- document.removeEventListener(updateEvent, _listenerCb);
- resolve();
- }
- document.addEventListener(updateEvent, _listenerCb);
- });
- }
- /** @return {string} */
- static getPageType()
- {
- return this.YtdApp.data.page;
- }
- }
- class ShortsTools
- {
- /** @type {MutationObserver} */
- static mo = new MutationObserver(muts => {
- muts.forEach(mut => {
- Array.from(mut.addedNodes).forEach(node => {
- if (node instanceof HTMLElement) {
- this.onMutation(node);
- }
- });
- });
- });
- /** @return {void} */
- static watchForShorts()
- {
- /*
- this.mo.observe(YtdTools.YtdApp, {
- childList: true,
- subtree: true
- });
- */
- var me = this;
- YtdTools.YtdApp.arrive("ytd-video-renderer, ytd-grid-video-renderer", function() {
- me.onMutation(this);
- // This is literally the worst hack I ever wrote, but it works ig...
- (new MutationObserver(function(){
- if (me.isShortsRenderer(this))
- {
- me.onMutation(this);
- }
- }.bind(this))).observe(this, {"subtree": true, "childList": true, "characterData": "true"});
- });
- }
- /** @return {void} */
- static stopWatchingForShorts()
- {
- this.mo.disconnect();
- }
- /**
- * @param {HTMLElement} node
- * @return {void}
- */
- static onMutation(node)
- {
- if (node.tagName.search("VIDEO-RENDERER") > -1 && this.isShortsRenderer(node))
- {
- this.transformShortsRenderer(node);
- }
- }
- /** @return {bool} */
- static isShortsRenderer(videoRenderer)
- {
- return "WEB_PAGE_TYPE_SHORTS" == videoRenderer?.data?.navigationEndpoint?.commandMetadata?.webCommandMetadata?.webPageType;
- }
- /** @return {string} */
- static extractLengthFromA11y(videoData)
- {
- // A11y = {title} by {creator} {date} {*length*} {viewCount} - play Short
- // tho hopefully this works in more than just English
- var a11yTitle = videoData.title.accessibility.accessibilityData.label;
- var publishedTimeText = videoData.publishedTimeText.simpleText;
- var viewCountText = videoData.viewCountText.simpleText;
- var isolatedLengthStr = a11yTitle.split(publishedTimeText)[1].split(viewCountText)[0]
- .replace(/\s/g, "");
- var numbers = isolatedLengthStr.split(/\D/g);
- var string = "";
- // Remove all empties before iterating it
- for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++)
- {
- if ("" === numbers[i])
- {
- numbers.splice(i, 1);
- i--;
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++)
- {
- // Lazy 0 handling idc im tired
- if (1 == numbers.length)
- {
- string += "0:";
- if (1 == numbers[i].length)
- {
- string += "0" + numbers[i];
- }
- else
- {
- string += numbers[i];
- }
- break;
- }
- if (0 != i) string += ":";
- if (0 != i && 1 == numbers[i].length) string += "0";
- string += numbers[i];
- }
- return string;
- }
- /**
- * @param {HTMLElement} videoRenderer
- * @return {void}
- */
- static transformShortsRenderer(videoRenderer)
- {
- /** @type {string} */
- var originalOuterHTML = videoRenderer.outerHTML;
- /** @type {string} */
- var lengthText = videoRenderer.data?.lengthText?.simpleText ?? this.extractLengthFromA11y(videoRenderer.data);
- /** @type {string} */
- var lengthA11y = videoRenderer.data?.lengthText?.accessibility?.accessibilityData?.label ?? "";
- /** @type {string} */
- var originalHref = videoRenderer.data.navigationEndpoint.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.url;
- var href = "/watch?v=" + originalHref.replace(/\/|shorts|\?.*/g, "");
- var reelWatchEndpoint = videoRenderer.data.navigationEndpoint.reelWatchEndpoint;
- var i;
- videoRenderer.data.thumbnailOverlays.forEach((a, index) =>{
- if ("thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer" in a)
- {
- i = index;
- }
- });
- // Set the thumbnail overlay style
- videoRenderer.data.thumbnailOverlays[i].thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.style = "DEFAULT";
- delete videoRenderer.data.thumbnailOverlays[i].thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.icon;
- // Set the thumbnail overlay text
- videoRenderer.data.thumbnailOverlays[i].thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.text.simpleText = lengthText;
- // Set the thumbnail overlay accessibility label
- videoRenderer.data.thumbnailOverlays[i].thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.text.accessibility.accessibilityData.label = lengthA11y;
- // Set the navigation endpoint metadata (used for middle click)
- videoRenderer.data.navigationEndpoint.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.webPageType = "WEB_PAGE_TYPE_WATCH";
- videoRenderer.data.navigationEndpoint.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.url = href;
- videoRenderer.data.navigationEndpoint.watchEndpoint = {
- "videoId": reelWatchEndpoint.videoId,
- "playerParams": reelWatchEndpoint.playerParams,
- "params": reelWatchEndpoint.params
- };
- delete videoRenderer.data.navigationEndpoint.reelWatchEndpoint;
- //var _ = videoRenderer.data; videoRenderer.data = {}; videoRenderer.data = _;
- // Sometimes the old school data cycle trick fails,
- // however this always works.
- var _ = videoRenderer.cloneNode();
- _.data = videoRenderer.data;
- for (var i in videoRenderer.properties)
- {
- _[i] = videoRenderer[i];
- }
- videoRenderer.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", _);
- videoRenderer.remove();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sometimes elements are reused on page updates, so fix that
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
- function onDataUpdate()
- {
- var videos = document.querySelectorAll("ytd-video-renderer, ytd-grid-video-renderer");
- for (var i = 0, l = videos.length; i < l; i++) if (ShortsTools.isShortsRenderer(videos[i]))
- {
- ShortsTools.transformShortsRenderer(videos[i]);
- }
- }
- /**
- * I hope she makes lotsa spaghetti :D
- * @async @return {Promise<void>}
- */
- async function main()
- {
- // If not Polymer, nothing happens
- if (await YtdTools.isPolymer())
- {
- ShortsTools.watchForShorts();
- document.addEventListener("yt-page-data-updated", onDataUpdate);
- }
- }
- main();
- })();
- // Auto skip ads and force disable autopause (special thanks to CY Fung for the ads skip script code
- (() => {
- let popupState = 0;
- let popupElement = null;
- const rate = 1;
- const Promise = (async () => { })().constructor;
- const PromiseExternal = ((resolve_, reject_) => {
- const h = (resolve, reject) => { resolve_ = resolve; reject_ = reject };
- return class PromiseExternal extends Promise {
- constructor(cb = h) {
- super(cb);
- if (cb === h) {
- /** @type {(value: any) => void} */
- this.resolve = resolve_;
- /** @type {(reason?: any) => void} */
- this.reject = reject_;
- }
- }
- };
- })();
- const insp = o => o ? (o.polymerController || o.inst || o || 0) : (o || 0);
- let vload = null;
- const fastSeekFn = HTMLVideoElement.prototype.fastSeek || null;
- const addEventListenerFn = HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener;
- if (!addEventListenerFn) return;
- const removeEventListenerFn = HTMLElement.prototype.removeEventListener;
- if (!removeEventListenerFn) return;
- const ytPremiumPopupSelector = 'yt-mealbar-promo-renderer.style-scope.ytd-popup-container:not([hidden])';
- const DEBUG = 0;
- const rand = (a, b) => a + Math.random() * (b - a);
- const log = DEBUG ? console.log.bind(console) : () => 0;
- //$0.$['dismiss-button'].click()
- const ytPremiumPopupClose = function () {
- const popup = document.querySelector(ytPremiumPopupSelector);
- if (popup instanceof HTMLElement) {
- if (HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(popup, '[hidden]')) return;
- const cnt = insp(popup);
- const btn = cnt.$ ? cnt.$['dismiss-button'] : 0;
- if (btn instanceof HTMLElement && HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(btn, '[hidden]')) return;
- btn && btn.click();
- }
- }
- //div.video-ads.ytp-ad-module
- const clickSkip = function () {
- // ytp-ad-skip-button
- const isAdsContainerContainsButton = document.querySelector('.video-ads.ytp-ad-module button');
- if (isAdsContainerContainsButton) {
- const btnFilter = e => HTMLElement.prototype.matches.call(e, ".ytp-ad-overlay-close-button, .ytp-ad-skip-button-modern, .ytp-ad-skip-button") && !HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(e, '[hidden]');
- const btns = [...document.querySelectorAll('.video-ads.ytp-ad-module button[class*="ytp-ad-"]')].filter(btnFilter);
- console.log('# of ads skip btns', btns.length);
- if (btns.length !== 1) return;
- const btn = btns[0];
- if (btn instanceof HTMLElement) {
- btn.click();
- }
- }
- };
- const adsEndHandlerHolder = function (evt) {
- adsEndHandler && adsEndHandler(evt);
- }
- let adsEndHandler = null;
- const videoPlayingHandler = async function (evt) {
- try {
- if (!evt || !evt.target || !evt.isTrusted || !(evt instanceof Event)) return;
- const video = evt.target;
- const checkPopup = popupState === 1;
- popupState = 0;
- const popupElementValue = popupElement;
- popupElement = null;
- if (video.duration < 0.8) return;
- await vload.then();
- if (!video.isConnected) return;
- const ytplayer = HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(video, 'ytd-player, ytmusic-player');
- if (!ytplayer || !ytplayer.is) return;
- const ytplayerCnt = insp(ytplayer);
- const player_ = await (ytplayerCnt.player_ || ytplayer.player_ || ytplayerCnt.playerApi || ytplayer.playerApi || 0);
- if (!player_) return;
- if (typeof ytplayerCnt.getPlayer === 'function' && !ytplayerCnt.getPlayer()) {
- await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 40));
- }
- const playerController = await ytplayerCnt.getPlayer() || player_;
- if (!video.isConnected) return;
- if ('getPresentingPlayerType' in playerController && 'getDuration' in playerController) {
- const ppType = await playerController.getPresentingPlayerType();
- log('m02a', ppType);
- if (ppType === 1 || typeof ppType !== 'number') return; // ads shall be ppType === 2
- // const progressState = player_.getProgressState();
- // log('m02b', progressState);
- // if(!progressState) return;
- // const q = progressState.duration;
- // if (popupState === 1) console.debug('m05b:ytPremiumPopup', document.querySelector(ytPremiumPopupSelector))
- const q = video.duration;
- const ytDuration = await playerController.getDuration();
- log('m02c', q, ytDuration, Math.abs(ytDuration - q));
- if (q > 0.8 && ytDuration > 2.5 && Math.abs(ytDuration - q) > 1.4) {
- try {
- log('m02s', 'fastSeek', q);
- video.muted = true;
- const w = Math.round(rand(582, 637) * rate);
- const sq = q - w / 1000;
- adsEndHandler = null;
- const expired = Date.now() + 968;
- removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'ended', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
- removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'suspend', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
- removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'durationchange', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
- addEventListenerFn.call(video, 'ended', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
- addEventListenerFn.call(video, 'suspend', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
- addEventListenerFn.call(video, 'durationchange', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
- adsEndHandler = async function (evt) {
- adsEndHandler = null;
- removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'ended', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
- removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'suspend', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
- removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'durationchange', adsEndHandlerHolder, false);
- if (Date.now() < expired) {
- const delay = Math.round(rand(92, 117));
- await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, delay));
- Promise.resolve().then(() => {
- clickSkip();
- }).catch(console.warn);
- checkPopup && Promise.resolve().then(() => {
- const currentPopup = document.querySelector(ytPremiumPopupSelector);
- if (popupElementValue ? currentPopup === popupElementValue : currentPopup) {
- ytPremiumPopupClose();
- }
- }).catch(console.warn);
- }
- };
- if (fastSeekFn) fastSeekFn.call(video, sq);
- else video.currentTime = sq;
- } catch (e) {
- console.warn(e);
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.warn(e);
- }
- };
- document.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', async function (evt) {
- try {
- if (!evt || !evt.target || !evt.isTrusted || !(evt instanceof Event)) return;
- const video = evt.target;
- if (video.nodeName !== "VIDEO") return;
- if (video.duration < 0.8) return;
- if (!video.matches('.video-stream.html5-main-video')) return;
- popupState = 0;
- vload = new PromiseExternal();
- popupElement = document.querySelector(ytPremiumPopupSelector);
- removeEventListenerFn.call(video, 'playing', videoPlayingHandler, { passive: true, capture: false });
- addEventListenerFn.call(video, 'playing', videoPlayingHandler, { passive: true, capture: false });
- popupState = 1;
- let trial = 6;
- await new Promise(resolve => {
- let io = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
- if (trial-- <= 0 || (entries && entries.length >= 1 && video.matches('ytd-player video, ytmusic-player video'))) {
- resolve();
- io.disconnect();
- io = null;
- }
- });
- io.observe(video);
- });
- vload.resolve();
- } catch (e) {
- console.warn(e);
- }
- }, true);
- })();
- Object.defineProperties(document, { /*'hidden': {value: false},*/ 'webkitHidden': {value: false}, 'visibilityState': {value: 'visible'}, 'webkitVisibilityState': {value: 'visible'} });
- setInterval(function(){
- document.dispatchEvent( new KeyboardEvent( 'keyup', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, keyCode: 143, which: 143 } ) );
- }, 60000);