A half rewrite of the previous userscript! Some highlights of this update includes:
- The UI has been fully rewrote in solid-js, with better frame rate and less rendering issues.
- Switched to a new backend with A4000 GPUs, should perform much better than before, and result in less queueing.
- A new None translator, which does all human translators a huge favor: removes all texts in the image!
- Countless bug fixes around edge cases.
You'll need to uninstall and re-install in order to update, sorry for the inconvenience!
- 用 solid-js 重写了整个 UI,现在在翻阅图片的时候帧数会比之前好很多,顺带修了一些显示问题。
- 换到了个有 A4000 的新后端上,处理速度有很大提升,排队的现象也应该会少一些。
- 新的 None 翻译模式,一键把图片内的文字去掉,汉化组福音!
- 还有一堆的 bug 修复。
这次的更新需要卸载重装,更新按钮估计是没有用的,非常抱歉 > <