WaniKani Review Wrong Info Click JS - Automatically click the info button upon wrong review answer.
WaniKani Cursor Behavior JS - change cursor behavior so that it doesn't jump to the end when editing kana
WaniKani DotDotDot Expander JS - expand *... english text to full length
WaniKani Timeline JS - This UserScript is a descendant of the WaniKani Customizer Chrome Extension Timeline
WaniKani Lesson User Synonyms JS - adds User Synonyms to the lesson page. adds User Synonyms and Notes to unlearned item pages.
WaniKani Quick Info KT JS - Shows available information while waiting for the server response. Originally by Ethan, Modified.
WaniKani Review Audio Tweak JS - allow audio to be played after review meaning questions, when reading has been previously answered correctly. also includes enable autoplay when incorrect setting (default: off).
WaniKani Review Item Delay JS - skip the current item and move it to the end of the queue