Greasy Fork is available in English.

Custom Feedly Styles (+ Always Show Left Menu)

Custom Feedly Styles(wide, slim, clean styles for all Views, open feed in background tab, config menu) Universal script! Works with: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Pale Moon, Safari, IE...

// ==UserScript==
// @author      Dexmaster
// @date        2016-07-26
// @description Custom Feedly Styles(wide, slim, clean styles for all Views, open feed in background tab, config menu) Universal script! Works with: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Pale Moon, Safari, IE...
// @grant       GM_deleteValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_openInTab
// @homepageURL
// @icon
// @include*
// @include*
// @name        Custom Feedly Styles (+ Always Show Left Menu)
// @namespace   CustomFeedlyStyles
// @noframes
// @run-at document-end
// @screenshot
// @version     3.1.1
// ==/UserScript==
(function (window, unsafeWindow) {
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    /** Declare Variables
     RES(et) Settings true/false;
     LOG to Console true/false
    var w = unsafeWindow || window,
        def, is, what, lg, lg2, RES = false,
        LOG = false,
        TESTS = false,
        CFS_info, name2col, CFS;

    /** Forbid loading script in sub-frames **/
    if (w.self !== {
        return 1;

    /** Logical functions def - defined; is - is type; what - what it is? **/
    def = function (obj) {
        return obj !== undefined && obj !== null;
    is = function (obj, type) {
        var clas = def(type) ? what(obj) : type;
        return def(obj) && clas !== 'undefined' && clas === type;
    what = function (obj) {
            .slice(8, -1)

    /** Load script only once**/
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        return 2;

    lg = function () {
        if (LOG || TESTS) {
            try {
                var a = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
                console.log.apply(console, a);
            } catch (e) {
    lg2 = function () {
        if (TESTS) {
            lg.apply(w, arguments);

    /** Version/Author info **/
    CFS_info = '<a href="">' +
        'CFS v3.1.1</a> by <a href="">Dexmaster</a>';

    /** Colors stuff **/
    name2col = function (col) {
        if (col) {
            col = col.toLowerCase()
                .replace(/[\|&;\$%@"'\-\ <>\(\)\+,]/g, "");
        var cols = {
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            slim_condensed_tools: '.u0Entry .condensedTools a,.u0Entry .condensedTools img{margin: 0 -6px;}.u0Entry .lastModified{max-width: 30px;}',
            some_new_stuff: '.column_0_2{float: left;margin-right: 1%;overflow: hidden;padding: 0 !important;width: 23% !important;}.column_0_2 .relatedLabel,.column_0_2 .related{width: 100%}.column_0_2 .relatedLabel{height: 100px;}.boxEntryHolder .column{float: left;margin-right: 1%;padding: 0 !important;width: 32%;}.boxInfo{padding-left: 5px !important;padding-right: 5px !important;width: 24% !important;}.boxRank{padding: 1%;width: 2%;}.boxOverview{margin-right: 0;padding-bottom: 5px !important;padding-top: 5px !important;}.boxEntryHolder{float: left;width: 60%;height: 150px;}.u19Entry{width:100% !important;}.u19Entry > div.visual{height: 95px;width: 100%;padding: 0 !important;}.u19Entry > div{padding: 6px !important;}.boxOverview{width: 98%;}.boxIcon{height: 13%;width: 4%;}#feedlyPage > div{margin-top: 0 !important;}#section0.section > .label > div{height: auto !important;}#feedlyBacksplashPart{max-width:100% !important;max-height:100% !important;position:fixed;}',
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            fixed_preview: '#recommendationInlineArea .inlineFrame{width: 579px;top: 10px;}#recommendationInlineArea .inlineFrame,.u5EntryList .inlineFrame{margin: 0 auto !important;position: absolute;left: calc(50% - 290px);}.u5EntryList .u5Entry{display: block !important;}.u100Frame .u100Entry{margin:0 !important;}.headerInfo.headerInfo-article{margin-top:0 !important;z-index:0;}#realtimeSign{margin-bottom: 10px !important;margin-top: 10px !important;}.floatingEntryContent.sliderContainer{width: calc(100% - 220px) !important;}.sliderWidth{width:96% !important}.entryholder .u100Entry,.sliderContainer .u100Entry{max-width: 100%;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:-1rem;}.headerInfo.sliderContainer{background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);width: calc(100% - 220px);z-index: 1;}.slideEntryContent{position: inherit;}.sliderPad.left,.sliderPad.right{padding-right:0 !important;z-index: 2;}.sliderPad .slideBumper div{background-color: #f4f4f4;opacity: 0.5;}.u0EntryList .u100Entry{max-width: 100%; width: 100%;}.inlineFrame .entryholder{padding-bottom: 0;}.u100Entry .shareBarHolder{margin-bottom: 0.5rem; margin-top: 0.5rem;}.inlineFrame .frameActionsTop{height: 0; line-height: 0; margin-top: 9px; opacity: 0;}', //top: 10px; to stay at top
			hide_ads: '#feedlyTabs .fx-button.primary.small, #feedlyTabs .fx-button.primary.small ~ a, #feedlyProBar, .promo{display:none !important;}',
            my_styles: '/* */body{} %my_css body{}/* */'
        ini: false,
        getValue: '',
        setValue: '',
        deleteValue: '',
        cl_ini: false,
        cl_css: {}
    /** fix_GMes for any browser **/
    CFS.fix_GM = function () {
        var gmCh = false;
        try {
            lg('[CFS.fix_GM]: Started GM_ functional fixes');
            GM_setValue("gmCh", true);
            gmCh = GM_getValue("gmCh");
        } catch (ignore) {}
        if (gmCh) {
            CFS.getValue = GM_getValue;
            CFS.setValue = GM_setValue;
            CFS.deleteValue = GM_deleteValue;
            lg('[CFS.fix_GM]: No need to Fix GM_ get/set/delete Value');
        } else {
            CFS.getValue = function (key, def) {
                return localStorage[key] || def;
            CFS.setValue = function (key, value) {
                localStorage[key] = value;
                return localStorage[key] === value;
            CFS.deleteValue = function (key) {
                delete localStorage[key];
            lg('[CFS.fix_GM]: Fixed GM_ get/set/delete Value');
        lg('[CFS.fix_GM]: Finished GM_ functional fixes');
    CFS.init = function () {
        if (CFS.ini) {
            return false;
        CFS.ini = true;
        lg('[CFS.init]: Script Initialized');
        document.body.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", CFS.add_tog);
        lg('[CFS.init]: CFS.add_tog on body insert');
    CFS.initconf = function (RES) {
        if (!!RES) {
            CFS.conf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(CFS.conf_def));
        } else {
            CFS.conf = JSON.parse(decodeURI(CFS.getValue('conf', encodeURI(JSON.stringify(CFS.conf_def)))));
        lg('[CFS.initconf]: Settings init //conf'); //conf= ', JSON.stringify(CFS.conf));
    CFS.calc_css = function () {
        if (CFS.cl_ini) {
            return false;
        CFS.cl_ini = true;
        lg('[CFS.calc_css]: Calculation Started');
            .forEach(function (key) {
        lg('[CFS.calc_css]: Calculation Finished');
    CFS.calc_each = function (key) {
        if (!def(CFS.conf[key])) {
            CFS.conf[key] = CFS.conf_def[key];
        lg('[CFS.calc_each]: Adding ' + key);
        if (CFS.conf[key].use) {
            CFS.cl_css[key] = CFS.css_vars(CFS.css[key], CFS.conf_def[key].vars, CFS.conf[key].vars);
            lg('[CFS.calc_each]: Added ', key, ' CSS');
        } else {
            CFS.cl_css[key] = '';
            lg('[CFS.calc_each]: Missing ', key, ' CSS');
    CFS.css_vars = function (css, vars, vars2) {
            .forEach(function (key2) {
                if (!def(vars2)) {
                    vars2 = vars;
                if (key2.length > 0) {
                    if (!def(vars2[key2])) {
                        vars2[key2] = vars[key2];
                    lg('[CFS.calc_css]: Replacing variable ', key2, ' CSS');
                    css = CFS.str_mask(css, key2, vars2[key2]);
        return css;
    CFS.str_mask = function (str, mask, data) {
        return str.split('%' + mask)
    CFS.open_tab = function (url, back) {
        /** back - background_tab flag, tried more universal approach, but hasn't been tested **/
        if (back) {
            var browser = 'Dunno',
                el, evt, res = false;
            //if (is(CFS.openInTab)){ // SH*Ts chrome and other browsers
            if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') !== -1) { /** Firefox *( possible need in about:config "browser.tabs.loadInBackground: true", but it is default for a lot of releases )**/
                browser = 'Firefox!';
                res = GM_openInTab(url, true);
            } else {
                el = document.createElement("a");
                el.href = url;
                if (is(document.createEvent, "function")) { /** Chrome/Opera/?Safari?/?IE10? *( if you'd found some problems please report to Script Discussion section )**/
                    evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
                    browser = 'Chrome/Opera/?Safari?/?IE10+?!';
                    evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, w, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, false, false, false, 0, null); // ctrl+left button
                    res = el.dispatchEvent(evt);
                } else if (document.createEventObject) { /** ?IE9-? *( if you'd found some problems please report to Script Discussion section )**/
                    evt = document.createEventObject();
                    evt.ctrlKey = true;
                    evt.button = 1; // ctrl+left button
                    browser = 'IE < 9!';
                    res = el.fireEvent("onclick", evt);
            lg('[CFS.open_tab]: ', res ? 'Opened "' : 'Forbidden to open "', url, '" (in ', browser, ') ', back ? 'new background' : 'new', ' tab ');
        } else {
    CFS.key_ch_right = function (evt) {
        lg2('[CFS.key_ch_right] Proceed!');
        CFS.key_check(evt, true);
    CFS.key_ch_left = function (evt) {
        lg2('[CFS.key_ch_left] Proceed!');
        CFS.key_check(evt, false);
    CFS.key_ch_doc = function (evt) {
        lg2('[CFS.key_ch_doc] Proceed!');
        CFS.key_check(evt, true);
    CFS.key_check = function (evt, right) {
        var el = null,
            all_lbls = [],
            non_emp_lbls = [],
            index_all, index_non_emp, key_char, pt = document.location.pathname;
        evt = evt || w.event;

        key_char = String.fromCharCode(evt.keyCode || evt.CharCode);

        lg2('[CFS.key_check]On ', right ? 'Right' : 'Left', ' Panel, key_char -', key_char, '- was pressed! Shift:', evt.shiftKey ? 'Pressed' :
            'Not Pressed', ', Ctrl:', evt.ctrlKey ? 'Pressed' : 'Not Pressed', ', Alt:', evt.altKey ? 'Pressed' : 'Not Pressed', ', CharCode:', key_char.charCodeAt(0), '.');

        if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || evt.metaKey) {
            return false;

        if ((key_char.charCodeAt(0) < 30) || (key_char.charCodeAt(0) > 111)) {
            return false;

        if ((!right) && (!document.querySelector('#navSelector_my')
                .classList.contains('selected'))) {
            return false;

        if (document.querySelector('#feedlyTabs > div:last-child') !== null) {
            el = document.querySelector('#feedlyTabs > div:last-child .label');
            all_lbls ='#feedlyTabs > div:last-child > .tab .label'));
            index_all = all_lbls.indexOf(el);
        } else {
            if (document.querySelector('#feedlyTabs > div:last-child') !== null) {
                if (pt.indexOf("/i/") > -1) {
                    pt = pt.substring(3);
                el = document.querySelector('#feedlyTabs > div:last-child[data-selector-target="' + pt + '"] .label');
                all_lbls ='#feedlyTabs > div:last-child > .tab .label'));
                index_all = all_lbls.indexOf(el);
        if (el === null) {
            el = document.querySelector('#feedlyTabs > div:last-child .label');
        if (document.querySelectorAll('#feedlyTabs > div:last-child > .tab .label.nonEmpty') !== null) {
            non_emp_lbls ='#feedlyTabs > div:last-child > .tab .label.nonEmpty'));
            index_non_emp = non_emp_lbls.indexOf(el);
            //if((index_non_emp <0) &&(non_emp_lbls.length>0)) index_non_emp = 0;
        lg2('[CFS.key_check] el = ', el, ' , all_lbls = ', all_lbls, ' , index_all = ', index_all, ' , non_emp_lbls = ', non_emp_lbls, ' , index_non_emp = ', index_non_emp);
        switch (key_char) {
        case 'H':
            if ((document.querySelector('.selectedEntry .title') !== null) && (!evt.shiftKey) && (!evt.ctrlKey) && (!evt.altKey)) {
                CFS.open_tab(document.querySelector('.selectedEntry .title').href, true); //open new background tab
        case 'L':
            if ((el !== null) && (evt.shiftKey) && (!evt.ctrlKey) && (!evt.altKey)) {
                if (non_emp_lbls.length > 1) {
                    if (index_non_emp <= 0) {
                        index_non_emp = non_emp_lbls.length - 1;
                    } else {
                        index_non_emp -= 1;
                    lg('[CFS.key_check] Shift+L Pressed (', index_non_emp, non_emp_lbls[index_non_emp], ')');
        case ';':
            if ((el !== null) && (evt.shiftKey) && (!evt.ctrlKey) && (!evt.altKey)) {
                if (non_emp_lbls.length > 1) {
                    if (index_non_emp >= non_emp_lbls.length - 1) {
                        index_non_emp = 0;
                    } else {
                        index_non_emp += 1;
                    lg('[CFS.key_check] Shift+; Pressed (', index_non_emp, non_emp_lbls[index_non_emp], ')');
        case 'O':
            if ((evt.shiftKey) && (!evt.ctrlKey) && (!evt.altKey)) {
                lg('[CFS.key_check] Shift+O Pressed (Pin/Unpin Left Menu)');
        case 'P':
            if ((el !== null) && (evt.shiftKey) && (!evt.ctrlKey) && (!evt.altKey)) {
                if (all_lbls.length > 1) {
                    if (index_all <= 0) {
                        index_all = all_lbls.length - 1;
                    } else {
                        index_all -= 1;
                    lg('[CFS.key_check] Shift+P Pressed (', index_all, all_lbls[index_all], ')');
        case 'N':
            if ((el !== null) && (evt.shiftKey) && (!evt.ctrlKey) && (!evt.altKey)) {
                if (all_lbls.length > 1) {
                    if (index_all >= all_lbls.length - 1) {
                        index_all = 0;
                    } else {
                        index_all += 1;
                    lg('[CFS.key_check] Shift+N Pressed (', index_all, all_lbls[index_all], ')');
        case 'U':
            if ((!evt.ctrlKey) && (!evt.altKey)) {
                if (!evt.shiftKey) {
                } else {
        case 'T':
            if ((!evt.ctrlKey) && (!evt.altKey)) {
                if (evt.shiftKey) {
    CFS.css_join = function (arr) {
        var res = '';
            .forEach(function (key) {
                res += "/* " + key + " Begin */" + arr[key] + "/* " + key + " end */";
        return res;
    CFS.css_add = function (css) {
        var chld = document.createElement('style'),
            hds = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],
            prnt = hds || document.documentElement;
        chld.type = 'text/css';
        if (def(CFS.css_el)) {
        CFS.css_el = hds ? prnt.appendChild(chld) : prnt.insertBefore(chld, prnt.firstChild);
    /** CFS window BEGIN **/
    CFS.w_show = false;
    CFS.w_wind = '';
    CFS.w_css = '.CFS_conf{background-color:#FFF;box-shadow:0 0 2px 1px #000;display:none;padding:5px;position:fixed;right:1%;top:5px;z-index:900}.CFS_conf.shown{display:flex;max-width:calc(100% - 20px);max-height:calc(100% - 20px);overflow:auto;flex-direction:column}.CFS_conf .sels-wrap{display: flex;white-space: nowrap;position: relative;}.CFS_conf .sels{display:flex;flex-direction:row-reverse}.opts{border-left:1px solid #000;border-bottom:1px solid #000}.opts,.vars{display:block;float:right;margin:2px;padding:4px;overflow:auto;}.cb{display:inline;margin:0}.lb{cursor:pointer;display:inline;width:86%}.vr{margin:2px;padding:0;width:65px;height:16px;border:1px solid #000}#my_css_vr.vr{width:auto;height:auto}.opt .text{background-color:#F9F9F9;bottom:-35px;display:none;position:absolute;right:0;width:auto;max-height:32px;left:50%;white-space:normal;overflow:hidden;}.opt:hover .text{display:block}.bt{cursor:pointer;margin:0;width:auto}.tg.pageAction{display:inline-block;line-height:17px;cursor:pointer;opacity:.45;transition:opacity .2s;vertical-align:top}#feedlyPageHeader .tg{font-size:15px;line-height:26px}.tg.selected,.tg:hover{opacity:1}.gray{background-color:#DDD}#fixedProfile,#floatingBar,#floatingEntry,.CFS_conf{-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;backface-visibility:hidden}';
    CFS.togw_wind = function () {
        document.querySelector('#feedlyPageHeader .tg')
        document.querySelector('#floatingBar .tg')
        CFS.w_show = !CFS.w_show;
    CFS.wind_ini = function () {
        if (CFS.cl_css !== '') {
            //lg('[CFS.wind_ini]: ',CFS.cl_css);
            CFS.cl_css.w_css = CFS.w_css;
            lg('[CFS.wind_ini]: CFS.cl_css Added');
            lg('[CFS.wind_ini]: Added ws style w_css');
        CFS.w_wind = CFS.cr_el('div', document.body, 'CFS_conf');
        lg('[CFS.wind_ini]: Added cfsw_wind');
        var selsWrap = CFS.cr_el('div', CFS.w_wind, 'sels-wrap'),
            sels = CFS.cr_el('div', selsWrap, 'sels'),
            opts = CFS.cr_el('div', sels, 'opts'),
            vars = CFS.cr_el('div', sels, 'vars'),
            vars2 = CFS.cr_el('div', sels, 'vars'),
            count = 0,
            btns = CFS.cr_el('div', CFS.w_wind, 'btns'); /*  , info =*/
        CFS.cr_el('div', CFS.w_wind, 'text info', 'CFS_info', CFS_info);
            .forEach(function (key) {
                lg('[CFS.wind_ini]: ', key, what(CFS.conf[key]));
                if (!def(CFS.conf[key])) {
                    CFS.conf[key] = CFS.conf_def[key];
                var opt = CFS.cr_el('div', opts, 'opt', key + '_opt');
                if (!CFS.conf[key].use) {
                CFS.cr_el('input', opt, 'cb', key + '_use', CFS.conf[key].use);
                CFS.cr_el('label', opt, 'lb', key + '_lb', key);
                CFS.cr_el('div', opt, 'text', key + '_text', CFS.conf_def[key].text);
                lg('[CFS.wind_ini]: Added option ', key);
                lg('1' + key);
                    .forEach(function (key2) {
                        lg('2' + key + key2);
                        if (is(CFS.conf[key].vars[key2], 'undefined')) {
                            CFS.conf[key].vars[key2] = CFS.conf_def[key].vars[key2];
                        lg('3' + key + key2);
                        count += 1;
                        var varo = CFS.cr_el('div', (count < 20) ? vars : vars2, 'varo ' + key + '_v', key2 + '_varo'),
                            inp = 'input';
                        if (!CFS.conf[key].use) {
                        lg('4' + key + key2);
                        if (key2 === 'my_css') {
                            inp = 'textarea';

                        CFS.cr_el(inp, varo, 'vr', key2 + '_vr', CFS.conf[key].vars[key2]);
                        lg(inp, varo, 'vr', key2 + '_vr', CFS.conf[key].vars[key2]);
                        CFS.cr_el('div', varo, 'lb', key2 + '_lb', key2 + ' *(' + key + ')');
                        lg('div', varo, 'lb', key2 + '_lb', key2 + ' *(' + key + ')');
                        lg('[CFS.wind_ini]: Added var ', key2);
                        lg('5' + key + key2);
        CFS.cr_el('input', btns, 'bt', 'save', CFS.saveconf);
        CFS.cr_el('input', btns, 'bt', 'load', CFS.resconf);
        CFS.cr_el('input', btns, 'bt', 'default', CFS.defconf);
        CFS.cr_el('input', btns, 'bt', 'pin',;
         CFS.cr_el('input', btns, 'bt', 'import', CFS.re_imp);
         CFS.cr_el('input', btns, 'bt', 'export', CFS.re_exp);
        CFS.cr_el('input', btns, 'bt', 'close', CFS.togw_wind);
        lg('[CFS.wind_ini]: Added buttons! ');
        lg('[CFS.wind_ini]: Added info! ');
        CFS.cr_el('div', document.querySelector('#feedlyPageHeader .pageActionBar'), 'tg', 'CFS');
        CFS.cr_el('div', document.querySelector('#floatingBar .pageActionBar'), 'tg', 'CFS');
        lg('[CFS.wind_ini]: Added toggles! ');
        if (CFS.conf.hotkeys.use) {
             .onkeyup = CFS.key_ch_right;
             .onkeyup = CFS.key_ch_left;*/
            document.onkeyup = CFS.key_ch_doc;
            //window.onkeyup = CFS.key_check;
    CFS.add_tog = function () {
        document.body.removeEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", CFS.add_tog);
        lg('[CFS.add_tog]: Trying to initialize! ');
        if ((document.querySelector('#floatingBar') === null) || (document.title === "welcome to feedly")) {
            lg('[CFS.add_tog]: Absent floatingBar! ');
            setTimeout(CFS.add_tog, 500);
        } else {
            lg('[CFS.add_tog]: Present floatingBar! ');
    }; = function () {
        var tb_hld = document.querySelector('#feedlyTabsHolder'),
            unp_bt = document.querySelector('#feedlyTabsUnpin'),
            pin_bt = document.querySelector('#feedlyTabsPin');
        if (!!tb_hld) {
            if (!!tb_hld.classList) {
                if (tb_hld.classList.contains('pinned')) {
                    if (!!unp_bt) {
                        lg('[] Unpinned Left Panel');
                    } else {
                        lg('[] Error Unpin Button not found!');
                } else {
                    if (!!pin_bt) {
                        lg('[] Pinned Left Panel');
                    } else {
                        lg('[] Error Pin Button not found!');
    CFS.re_imp = function () {
        lg('[CFS.re_imp] ' + (JSON.stringify(CFS.conf)));
    CFS.re_exp = function () {
        lg('[CFS.re_exp] ' + (JSON.stringify(CFS.conf_def)));
    CFS.defconf = function () {
        delete CFS.conf;
        lg('[CFS.delconf] Deleting');
    CFS.resconf = function (RES) {
        var rebuild = false;
        lg('[CFS.resconf] Loading (Reseting?', is(RES, 'boolean'), ')');
        CFS.initconf(is(RES, 'boolean'));
            .forEach(function (key) {
                if (!def(CFS.conf[key])) {
                    CFS.conf[key] = CFS.conf_def[key];
                if (CFS.conf[key].use !== document.querySelector('#' + key + '_use')
                    .checked) {
                    document.querySelector('#' + key + '_opt label')
                    .forEach(function (key2) {
                        var el_key2 = document.querySelector('#' + key2 + '_vr');
                        if (!def(CFS.conf[key].vars)) {
                            CFS.conf[key].vars = CFS.conf_def[key].vars;
                        if (CFS.conf[key].vars[key2] !== el_key2
                            .value) {
                            el_key2.value = CFS.conf[key].vars[key2];
                            rebuild = true;
                if (rebuild) {
        lg('[CFS.resconf] Applied!');
    CFS.saveconf = function () {
        lg('[CFS.saveconf] COnfigs : ', CFS.conf);
        CFS.setValue('conf', encodeURI(JSON.stringify(CFS.conf)));
        lg('[CFS.saveconf] Saved!');
    CFS.colrs = function (el) {
        var rgb, rgb_col = el.value,
            text_col, yiq;
        lg('[CFS.colrs]: Recieved color: ' + rgb_col);
        rgb_col = name2col(rgb_col); = '1px solid black';
        if (/(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(rgb_col)) {
   = rgb_col;
            rgb =\d+/g);
            yiq = ((rgb[0] * 299) + (rgb[1] * 587) + (rgb[2] * 114)) / 1000;
            text_col = (yiq >= 128) ? '#000' : '#fff';
   = text_col;
            lg('[CFS.colrs] RGB col ', rgb_col, '; TEXT color', text_col, '( YIQ = ', yiq, ').');
            if (def(el.parentElement)) {
                    .replace(/_([a-zA-Z]+)$/, ""), rgb_col,[a-zA-Z]+)$/, ""));
        } else {
            lg('[CFS.colrs] Sorry, RGB col is wrong.');
   = '1px solid red';
    CFS.opts = function (el, val, vr) {
        lg('[CFS.opts] ', el, val, vr);
        var rebuild = false;
        if (!def(vr)) {
            if (def(CFS.conf[el])) {
                if (CFS.conf[el].use !== val) {
                    CFS.conf[el].use = val;
                    rebuild = true;
        } else {
            lg(CFS.conf[el].vars[vr], val, CFS.conf[el].vars[vr] !== val);
            if (CFS.conf[el].vars[vr] !== val) {
                CFS.conf[el].vars[vr] = val;
                rebuild = true;
        if (rebuild) {
    CFS.gray = function (el) {
        var sel =[a-zA-Z]+)$/, ""),
            group = document.querySelectorAll('.' + sel + "_v");
        lg('.' + sel);
        if (document.querySelector('#' + sel + "_use")
            .checked) {
  , function (el) {
        } else {
  , function (el) {
        CFS.opts(sel, document.querySelector('#' + sel + "_use")
    CFS.blur = function (el) {
        if (def(el.parentElement)) {
            CFS.opts(el.parentElement.classList.item(1).replace(/_([a-zA-Z]+)$/, ""),
                el.value,[a-zA-Z]+)$/, ""));
    CFS.font_blur = function (el) { = el.value;
    CFS.cr_el = function (type, par, clas, id, val) {
        var el = document.createElement(type);
        el.className = clas || '';
        id = id || '';
        val = val || ''; = id;
        switch (el.classList.item(0)) {
        case 'opt':
            el.onclick = function () {
                return CFS.gray(el);
        case 'lb':
            el.innerHTML = val;
            el.htmlFor = val + '_use';
        case 'cb':
            el.type = 'checkbox';
            el.checked = val;
            el.onblur = CFS.opts;
        case 'text':
            el.innerHTML = val;
        case 'vr':
            if (id === 'my_css_vr') {
                // el.innerHTML = val;
                el.value = val;
                el.rows = 5;
                el.cols = 15;
            } else {
                el.type = 'text';
                el.value = val;
            if (id.indexOf('color_vr') > -1) {
                el.onblur = function () {
                    return CFS.colrs(el);
            } else if (id.indexOf('font_vr') > -1) {
                el.onblur = function () {
                    return CFS.font_blur(el);
            } else {
                el.onblur = function () {
                    return CFS.blur(el);
        case 'bt':
            el.type = 'button';
            el.value = id;
   = 'cfs_' + id;
            el.onclick = val;
        case 'tg':
   = 'cfs_toggle';
            el.setAttribute('data-page-action', 'CFS');
            el.innerHTML = id;
            el.onclick = CFS.togw_wind;
        if (clas !== 'tg') {
        } else {
            par.insertBefore(el, par.firstChild);
        return el;
    }; /** CFS window END **/
    setTimeout(CFS.init, 500);