
Smooth scrolling on pages using javascript

Đây là phiên bản của script này, nơi mã nguồn đã được cập nhật. Hiện tất cả các phiên bản.

  • v12 18-01-2024
  • v11 18-01-2024
  • v10.1 28-08-2021

    UPDATE (28.8.2021):

    Stopped using scrollBy for now because it messes up some pages scroll badly.

  • v10.0 16-05-2021
  • v9.6 26-05-2019 Fix for pages with "scroll-behavior: smooth;".
  • v9.5 19-05-2019 Added support for different e.deltaMode (pixel, line, page -scrolling handled correctly now).
  • v9.3 19-05-2019 Switched to more standardized "wheel" event:
  • v9.2 19-05-2019 Hotfix for event binding (again for firefox).
  • v9.2 19-05-2019 Another attempt to fixing firefox support.
  • v9.1 19-05-2019 Potential fix for Firefox where scroll was missing e.path property.
  • v9.0 18-05-2019 Changed from timer based animations, to requested animation frames (much much smoother and better overall, with automatic fps scaling)
  • v8.1 19-09-2018 Added additional check for "is body scrollable"?
  • v8 14-09-2018 Possible fix for wrong body/html scrollable detection.
  • v7 11-09-2018 Turned off debug.
  • v7 06-09-2018 Further simplified scrollbar and scroll detection (hopefully final)
  • v6 06-09-2018 Fixed some scroll problems with html/body elements, simplified scroll limit detection.
  • v5.5 17-03-2018
  • v5.4 10-03-2018 Small fixes.
  • v5.2 08-03-2018 Added possibility to require as node.js script and exposed window.Smoothscroll object.
  • v5.1 08-03-2018 Renamed variables and did some cleanup.
  • v5.0 08-03-2018 Completely rewrote from scratch. Should be much more reliable and responsive now. Settings removed for now though. (edit settings inside script if you need)
  • v3.1 05-03-2018
  • v3.0 08-12-2017 Slightly improved scrolling animation and fps handling.
  • v2.9 17-08-2017 Minor tweaks and code cleanup.
  • v2.8.1 05-08-2017 Quickfix.
  • v2.8 05-08-2017 Reworked animation.
  • v2.7 27-07-2017 Experimental update. Might be final version if no problems occur.
  • v2.6 17-12-2016 Small change to dynamicfps scaling.
  • v2.5.2 12-12-2016 Minor smoothness change to default values.
  • v2.5.1 12-12-2016 Quickfix.
  • v2.5 12-12-2016 Added new kind of dynamicfps, script will run at lower fps if there is framedelay between animations.
  • v2.4.2 23-11-2016 Quickfix.
  • v2.4.1 23-11-2016 Tweaked some default values and setting scale.
  • v2.4 23-11-2016 Updated scroll logic. !!!CHECK YOUR CONFIGS AND RESET EVERYTHING TO DEFAULTS!!!
  • v2.3 06-11-2016 Decreased possible conflicts and unwished scrolls when webpages change scroll themselves.
  • v2.2 01-11-2016
  • v2.2 01-11-2016 Code cleanup. (Now that jQuery is gone, scroll is much better and much less cpu intensive)
  • v2.1 01-11-2016 Scroll should now be about the same as before.
  • v2.0.1 01-11-2016 Slight change to new scroll animation.
  • v2.0 01-11-2016 Removed jQuery.
  • v1.3 28-10-2016 Updated to use internal jQuery data instead of writing directly into DOM elements. (Should be a lot less cpu intensive and more smooth now)
  • v1.2 27-10-2016 Some optimizing.
  • v1.1.1 06-10-2016 Small fixes and performance improvements
  • v1.1.0 06-10-2016 Some bugfixing (hopefully)
  • v1.0.9.2 19-07-2016 removed config loading and config menu for now (some weird problems)
  • v1.0.9.1 17-07-2016 small mistake whoops
  • v1.0.9 17-07-2016 kinda experimental update, aimed to make smoother scroll by adjusting fps better
  • v1.0.8.5 04-07-2016 Small hotfix + changes to default values.
  • v1.0.8 04-07-2016 Improved fps and reduced some scroll lag.
  • v1.0.7 19-06-2016

Hiển thị mọi phiên bản của script