Pano Detective

Find the exact time a Google Street View image was taken (default coverage)

Tác giả
Cài đặt hàng ngày
Số lần cài đặt
Đánh giá
1 0 0
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Đã tạo
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How to Use:

  1. Ensure the script is loaded in the webpage where Google Street View is embedded.

  2. Navigate to any location in Google Street View.

  3. Click on the "calendar" icon added by the script to display the exact capture time of the street view image. If the button does not appear, please refresh the page.

  4. Click on the "download" icon added by the script to download the panorama of current location.

  5. Press 'Ctrl' and 'X' at the same time to copy the short link.


Currently the script could only resolve default coverage while historical coverage are unable to be captured.

You could also modify the date and time format in the code to suit your preference.