Edmentum Auto Tutorial

Clicks The "Next" Button And If Unavaliable Then Press "show sample answer" Then "submit" Then Repeats until Completed

Đây là phiên bản của script này, nơi mã nguồn đã được cập nhật. Hiện tất cả các phiên bản.

  • v2.0 29-04-2024
  • v2.0 29-04-2024

    FIRST UPDATE: i've added a download URL and update URL so you can now easily update and download the script and you get notified when the script gets updated :) i've also shortened the timing but also making sure it works as before, so now it zips past all tutorial questions like it's nothing so it's much much faster now, and i also have alot of plans that i'm working on for this script so stick around because this script is slowly going to improve.

  • v0.1 24-04-2024