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Suno Playlist Sorter

Shows the number of likes beside each music track on playlist pages on and allows sorting the playlist by likes.

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Suno Playlist Sorter

Suno Playlist Sorter

Shows the number of likes beside each music track on playlist pages on and allows sorting the playlist by likes.

Key Features

  • Automatically fetches and displays the number of likes for each music track on playlist pages.
  • Adds a "Show Likes" button to fetch and display the likes for all tracks at once.
  • Adds a "Sort by Likes" button to sort the tracks in descending order based on the number of likes.


On Suno Music playlist pages, you will notice the following changes:

  1. Show Likes Button: Click this button to fetch and display the number of likes for each track on the current playlist.
  2. Track Likes: Once the "Show Likes" button is clicked, the number of likes will be shown beside each music track on the playlist.
  3. Sort by Likes Button: Click this button to sort the tracks in descending order based on the number of likes. The playlist will be rearranged accordingly.


The script is prone to bugs, so I recommend you preload (scroll all the way to the end) to load the playlist and then you can sort by likes. Otherwise the next songs won't load after you have sorted (Due to the hardcoded nature of the website)


  • 2023-04-11 (1.0): Initial release.


This userscript is released under the GNU GPLv3 license.