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1. 本项目基于GPL-3.0-only,完全开源,免费,仅供技术学习和交流,开发者团队并未授权任何组织、机构以及个人将其用于商业或者盈利性质的活动;
2. 不能使用本项目进行任何盈利性活动;
3. 未来也不会将其用于开展营利性业务;
4. 个人或者组织,机构如果使用本项目产生的各类纠纷,法律问题,均由其本人承担;
5. 如果您开始使用本项目,即视为同意项目免责声明中的一切条款,条款更新不再另行通知。

License statement.
1. this project is based on GPL-3.0-only, completely open source, free of charge, for technical learning and communication only, the developer team has not authorized any organizations, institutions and individuals to use it for commercial or profit-making activities.
2. not to use this project for any profit-making activities.
3. it will not be used to conduct for-profit business in the future.
4. individuals or organizations or institutions will be responsible for all kinds of disputes and legal issues arising from the use of this project.
5. If you start using this project, you agree to all the terms and conditions in the project disclaimer, which will be updated without notice.