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CoinMarketCap Widget with Refresh (READ DESC.)

Embed widget in the current webpage with various refresh mechanisms

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What it does?: this script is supposed to do is show you the price of 1 Bitcoin in USD (or any other currency of your liking).

What are my problems?: The refresh mechanism doesn't work and i've found that the price doesn't change unless you hard reset the webpage.

What have i thought of adding?: Adding a draggability function and adding 'dark mode' and a function that add a refresh button (so the user can refresh the widget on click of a button and not at random intervals unless user would like to) but will need to figure out the actual refresh function before working on something like that LOL.

Rating(1-10): 5

Overall: This script would be nice if it actually works, people who contribute will be added as a partner/co-author of script.

Notes: This is the first of many scripts that im going to be publishing because im publishing all the scripts ive been working on over the past years wether they are finished or not so i can give other Coders/Scripters something to do.

Note to contributors: i will actively help with finishing unfinished scripts whenever someone shows me they have intrest in finishing said Script(s).

Update 1: (add here)

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