MB Release Seeding Helper

Give better clues on reusing of existing releases/recordings for new release

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Bạn có thế thích [GMT] Edition lookup by CD TOC

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Áp dụng cho

Cooperative script for Edition lookup by CD TOC. Tested on TM/FF/Win11, other managers/browsers/platforms unguaranteed. Active on new release page and so far two features added:

Similarity score on duplicates subpage

Provides similarity rate between seeded release and suggested duplicates to be safe inheriting same tracklists (detail on click). The feature expects prefilled (imported) data from external source on open but should activate with blank form too, after adding some media/tracks.

Visual diff seeded tracks against assigned recordings and association bubble (recordings subpage)

Highlights differences between seeded tracklist and assigned recordings/association candidates (either prefilled from external source or inherited from existing release).

Known bugs and limitations: