ChatGPT Copy as Markdown with MathJax Support

Copy the chatGPT Q&A content as a markdown text, with MathJax Render Support, you can use this together with 'OpenAI-ChatGPT LaTeX Auto Render (with MathJax V2)' that adds support for math render, based on 'chatGPT Markdown' by 赵巍໖.

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Notice: you can use this together with 'OpenAI-ChatGPT LaTeX Auto Render (with MathJax V2)' that adds support for latex(math) render.


  • Perfectly support (rendered or not) latex equations being copied as markdown.
  • Copy the chatGPT Q&A content as a markdown text, with MathJax Render Support, based on 'chatGPT Markdown' by 赵巍໖,
  • More light-weight than 'ChatGPT Exporter'.
  • It has a more user-friendly interface than the original version, fixed bug on unordered list, supports code type being copied, and finally adds FULL support for MathJax rendered equations.
  • Thanks ChatGPT for technical support for writing the script and fixing the bug.

To use it just click the friendly 'Copy .md' button in the navigation bar.