[RED] Import release details from Bandcamp

Lets find music release on Bandcamp and import release about, personnel credits, cover image and tags.

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So far beta, GM extensions => GM, Tamper-, Violentmonkey.

Lets find music release on Bandcamp. Imports album about, personnel credits, tags and cover image into existing release description, or inserts into new upload/request page (provided at least album title is filled-in). Does not substitute full scale YADG-like description makers.

When updated, please review and remove redundant and dummy tags (artist names, label names, etc.). Simple AI to opt-out pseudo tags is now implemented. Only tags used on site are now imported (new upload => at least one occurence, existing release update => at least three occurences).
Album about doesn't always contain relevant information too (needs to review as well).

Cover image is always updated from the medium (_10) size image. Not autorehosted, but if having installed Image Host Helper script, the cover is tried to rehost on the background.

Support for pre-search on page load

- add presearch-bandcamp=1 url parameter
Highlights the import button in linkbox in dependence on background search result (bold - at least one weak match, grayed - nothing found)

Integration into better.php pages

Currently supported method: notags