Invidious (All Instances) Player And Tabs v.3

Invidious ( player with Tabs for Description / Comments / Videos Related

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Player stay fixed at the LEFT side.
- Title moved TOP of player
- Videos Related / Infos, Description / Comments on the RIGHT side ( visible on hover their own tabs)
So, you can watch the video AND read infos / Comments, choose next video without problem.
- Related Videos panel highlight on hover
- Top Nav compact
- Footer and Settings / infos for the video, visible on hover
- Support Dark and Light theme
- Support for all Instances - invidious API documentation repository
See too:
Invidious - Select Instances

Work fine with:
- Better Icons for Invidious by NotYou (2022):
"Using CSS icon alternatives instead of font variant."

About Invidious (in French):
Invidious : Regarder des vidéos Youtube sans les pubs !

And Its official site:
Invidious Invidious is an open source alternative front-end to YouTube.