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AO3: [Wrangling] Count Wranglers on Subfandoms

On a fandom tag's Landing Page, writes out how many wranglers are currently assigned to the listed subfandoms

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Purpose: On a fandom tag's Landing Page, writes out how many wranglers are currently assigned to the listed subfandoms. Unwrangled fandoms are highlighted (yellow if you're on a light background, or rusty brown on a dark background) and get links to Edit the tag or Wrangle the child tags.

Instructions: If you're planning to run this on a huge fandom tree, DEFINITELY increase the interval variable (line#18). By default it's set to 5000 (5 secs), but you may want to increase this further. For something like DCU, you can crank this up to 10000 even, and just let it run quietly in the background for a while.