Youtube: expand description and long comments; show all the replies

Video description, long comments and list of subscriptions are expanded automatically; all the replies are shown after pressing "Show more replies" button

Đây là phiên bản của script này, nơi mã nguồn đã được cập nhật. Hiện tất cả các phiên bản.

  • v1.2.15 29-08-2024

    Added: option to expand long replies to comment

  • v1.2.14 12-08-2024

    Fixed: Chrome issue with 'TrustedHTML' assignment

  • v1.2.13 09-08-2024
  • v1.2.12 24-07-2024

    Fixed: sudden scroll down after video description is expanded

  • v1.2.11 10-07-2024

    Any action can be deactivated now in settings

  • v1.2.10 27-05-2024

    Fixed: live streams

  • v1.2.9 01-04-2024

    Added: Compatibility with Tabview Youtube script

  • v1.2.8 28-03-2024

    Fixed: updated design of comments

  • v1.2.7 19-03-2024

    Fixed expanding of all the replies

  • v1.2.6 06-03-2024

    Fixed: comments in shorts

  • v1.2.5 04-03-2024

    Various fixes

  • v1.2.4 16-11-2023

    Added ability to expand Shorts comments

  • v1.2.3 08-08-2023

    Fixed: expansion of description in some cases (thanks to gcobc12632)

  • v1.2.2 31-05-2023

    Minor fixes for speed

  • v1.2.1 21-12-2022

    Minor improvements

  • v1.2 17-12-2022

    Changed: more complicated mechanism to observe page changes

  • v1.1.1 16-12-2022
  • v1.1 15-12-2022

    Changed: new mechanism to observe page changes

  • v1.0.7 11-10-2022

    - expanding of list of subscriptions

  • v1.0.6 09-10-2022

    - issue with expanding long comments in notification submenu

  • v1.0.5 08-10-2022

    - showing all the replies after pressing "View all N replies" button

  • v1.0.4 06-10-2022

    - expanding of community posts

  • v1.0.3 04-08-2022

    - script did not work in Chrome

  • v1.0.2 27-07-2022

    - replies are expanded now in community posts too

  • v1.0.1 22-07-2022

    - do not expand long comments in notifications

  • v1.0 24-06-2022