Quotes Filter - MAL

Hide quotes from ignored users.

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Bạn có thế thích Friend Requests Fix - MAL

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How to Install on Mobile? (Click here)

*Works on kiwi browser or any mobile browser that lets you install userscripts and/or tampermonkey.

Ignoring users on MAL doesn't hide their quotes from other users, with this script you can accomplish that and fully ignore any users you want!!!

Simply open https://myanimelist.net/editprofile.php?go=forumoptions the first time you use the script and the script will get the list with all user names you ignored so far.

To update the ignored users list just open https://myanimelist.net/editprofile.php?go=forumoptions again.

*The script has been created by me (hacker09), and I now give ShaggyZE the right to update this script only to make it work by doing minor modifications, like fixing selectors, etc. I will personally and continuously check for improvements, issues, and updates on this script often as well.