[TS] Linx Amender

Generic tracking/redirection/open-in-new-tab removal; Amend page title; URL redirector; and more power functionality. Has rules for Pixiv, deviantArt, twitter, youtube, blogger, Batota etc.

< Feedback on [TS] Linx Amender

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 23-01-2015

feature req: script editor UI

2 things that would improve the internal script editor in my opinion...

1) when clicking 'edit' button, make the size the same as the script list UI by increasing the height of all edit controls except the description edit control
2) close on Esc key press

TimidScriptTác giả
Posted: 23-01-2015
Edited: 23-01-2015

1) Currently, there is no scroll if the window gets too big. The only thing that would get resized is the URL. But problem here is if you add too many attribute rules, it will go over the window size without scroll. I can make the URL textbox set by script setting, so instead of 3 lines big (I think), you can set it according to your wants. So 10 lines big.
The others are single line boxes apart from description.

2) That's a good idea.

I will try to include them in the next update, which there is no set date. Currently I've a new feature that is half written but stopped until I can have more time on to work on it.

Posted: 23-01-2015

hi Timid
rather then my 1st idea, what about moving the controls from the editor to the main window where the scripts are listed?

so you'd then have only 1 UI and when you click on a script title in the (now scrollable) list, it's contents would be written to the edit controls in the same window

that sounds like a grand idea... to me anyway :)
simpler, less fuss
and it would be nice to see the source of the online scripts without having to copy them, which you could now do

another thing i wanted to mention is syntax highlighting, but if you didn't want to bother with that potential mess, you could add a button to edit with an external editor

TimidScriptTác giả
Posted: 24-01-2015
Edited: 24-01-2015


I had this in the predecessor "Direct Outgoing Links", and it was abysmal. Also code wise, it becomes messy and harder to add functionality.

1) I can make it so, it saves the size of the sizeable box, if you change their height and width. So it remembers, last sizes used. I think that the best solution.

Personally I like it small and I like to actually see the listing behind. Reason I recently added the apply button is because when I change the URL rules, I press apply and I can see the filter working (the letter button "W"), and see it if it works or not. So no more edit -> accept -> check -> edit -> accept etc..

I assume you know, but, the letters on the left side are filters. The "W" filters all rules that do not apply to the current website.

2) You can always press copy and then cancel. It won't save anything and you can look at the source. If you want to look at the JSON source, I do not see the reason for it, but you can find it here.

3) I do not know what you mean syntax highlighting. Where would you use that? The only place that can be highlighted is the regular expressions, and that would be 100% pointless. The rest is just normal text.

4) I cannot open external editors from the JS scripts. For something like that one would need to write an extension, something I know nothing about.

Posted: 24-01-2015

re #1 - sounds good to me
re #3 - for the scripts - JS, CSS - totally not important, just a nice convenience


TimidScriptTác giả
Posted: 24-01-2015

Yes, you would use it in the JS and CSS scripts. But too difficult to write.

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