
Tự động tìm các trang web được phân trang tiếp theo và chèn vào trang hiện tại để cuộn vô hạn. Hỗ trợ hàng ngàn trang web mà không cần bất kỳ quy tắc nào.

< Feedback on Pagetual

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 22-04-2023

Could you please update rule for javlibrary again because current rule will be break some pages as videocomments.php or userposts.php. It will clear all values of all comment from begin with page 2 to endpage. Current rule only ok with vl_update.php, vl_newrelease.php, vl_newentries.php, vl_mostwanted.php, vl_bestrated.php.



Thank you so much.

hoothinTác giả
Posted: 22-04-2023
Edited: 22-04-2023

Use iframe

Posted: 22-04-2023

Use iframe

It's working now. Thanks for your support.

Posted: 29-04-2023

Sorry, could you please add 1 more action that auto click the "See All comments" button.

U can check this link

Thank you so much

hoothinTác giả
Posted: 29-04-2023
        "name": "JAVLibrary auto click comments_all",
        "url": "^https?://www\\.javlibrary\\.com/",
        "example": "",
        "include": "#video_comments_all>a",
        "autoClick": "#video_comments_all>a"
Posted: 30-04-2023

Works great!!. Thank you for your support.

Posted: 30-04-2023

The lastpage from BT4G site can't loading. Can you please help me fix this thing?

You can check this link

Thank you so much.

hoothinTác giả
Posted: 03-05-2023

Sorry, I can't visit this site in my location. But I made some optimization on latest version. Try and let me know if it is fixed.

Posted: 03-05-2023

error message

Posted: 03-05-2023

Sorry, I can't visit this site in my location. But I made some optimization on latest version. Try and let me know if it is fixed.

I have checked, it's working good with the latest version. Thank you for your support.

Posted: 26-05-2023

@hoothin I’m sorry to bother you again but can you tell me if there is any way to use another userscript with your userscript pagetual. I have written a userscript to automatically click on links that contain text I want, this is the code of it.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Autoclick
// @match*
// @exclude*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() { 'use strict';

var links = document.querySelectorAll("#content .text a");

for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if (links[i].textContent.includes(">>-->GDRIVE<<=>>STREAMSB<<=>>STREAMHIDE<<=>>VIDOZA<<=>>MULTUP<--<<") || links[i].textContent.includes(">>-->GDRIVE<<=>>STREAMSB<<=>>MULTIUP<<=>>STREAMHIDE<<=>STREAMWISH<--<<") ) {[i].href, "_blank");


It only runs ok if those comments are on page 1. If I run your userscript then the next pages it can’t get data to run. Is there any way to run both userscripts together, can you help me. Thank you very much.

hoothinTác giả
Posted: 26-05-2023
Edited: 26-05-2023

Two ways to reach that.

  1. Add your code to pageAction with custom rule.
  2. Otherwise, enable your Autoclick userscript and click 'force join' in Pagetual.
Posted: 26-05-2023

Two ways to reach that.

  1. Add your code to pageAction with custom rule.
  2. Otherwise, enable your Autoclick userscript and click 'force join' in Pagetual.

I have tried adding my code to pageAction with customrule but it always reports json error when I click save. Is there anything I did wrong? This is the code I inserted to save. Can you help me see where I went wrong?

"pageAction": "var links=document.querySelectorAll("#content .text a");for(var i=0; i < links.length; i++) {if (links[i].textContent.includes(">>-->GDRIVE<<=>>STREAMSB<<=>>STREAMHIDE<<=>>VIDOZA<<=>>MULTUP<--<<")||links[i].textContent.includes(">>-->GDRIVE<<=>>STREAMSB<<=>>MULTIUP<<=>>STREAMHIDE<<=>STREAMWISH<--<<")){[i].href,"_blank");}}"

hoothinTác giả
Posted: 26-05-2023
Edited: 26-05-2023

You need to escape " to \" in json. And the document need to be replaced to doc to match the exact document on next page.

And pageAction is for custom rule on single site, not for input like that.

I think the second way is the easier way in this case. You just need to click 'force join' under command menu.

Posted: 26-05-2023

You need to escape " to \" in json. And the document need to be replaced to doc to match the exact document on next page.

And pageAction is for custom rule on single site, not for input like that.

I think the second way is the easier way in this case. You just need to click 'force join' under command menu.

I see so i will be used the second way. Thank for your suport.

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