Sleek YouTube Downloader

A simple tool that adds YouTube-style buttons for multi-format downloading. Lighter than most download scripts.

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A simple, light script that adds YouTube-style download buttons next to the subscribe button. The buttons, their download formats, and their CSS are placed at the top of the script for easy user access. Lighter than most scripts. Supports FireMonkey.

You can easily add, remove, or edit the existing buttons by changing the buttons array at the top of the script. The supported formats are MP4 for video, and MP3, WAV, M4A, WEBM, AAC, FLAC, OPUS, and OGG for audio. The default buttons are MP3 and MP4. Downloads use

Note: When downloading entire playlists, requires you to manually set the format for each video.
Note: Under the new UI, channel names may get cut off earlier and elements may overlap at small window sizes.
Note: As of writing this, there is no consistent border-radius (button roundness) variable yet. If you still have the old UI, set border-radius to 2px for the old style buttons (as seen in screenshots).