[UPDATED JUNE2022] Roblox Small Server Joiner

Adds a button to automatically find and join the smallest roblox server possible

Cài đặt script này?
Script được tác giả gợi ý

Bạn có thế thích [DEPRECATED] Roblox Ascending Server List

Cài đặt script này
Tác giả
Cài đặt hàng ngày
Số lần cài đặt
Đánh giá
2 0 1
Phiên bản
Đã tạo
Đã cập nhật
Giấy phép
Áp dụng cho


Check out this better alternative that I made: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/446947-works-june2022-roblox-ascending-server-list
This one only gives you a button to join the server with lowest amount of players and might not always work however the alternative let's you get all servers starting from low player count.
Edit: This script is no longer necessary & is outdated as roblox made a sorting update https://twitter.com/Bloxy_News/status/1554269785638125568

Automatically joins the smallest roblox server possible (empty server joiner)

Button is under the servers tab.
Don't republish this as a copy
If you're tabbed out when it finished getting a server roblox won't let you join.