Bỏ qua Tất cả Các liên kết ngắn

Bỏ qua tất cả các trang web liên kết ngắn tự động bỏ qua các trang web liên kết gây phiền nhiễu, trực tiếp đến đích của bạn

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Câu hỏi/Bình luận

Posted: 10-01-2024

[feature request]
hey I just made these bypasses for these 2 shortlinks.
It would be nice if you want to copy the code and add them to your script:
- desbloquea.me - https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/484488 - example: 'https://desbloquea.me/s.php?i=VjJ0YWEyRXlTbk5oTTJ4WVZrWndUbHBXVW5KTlZteDBUVlZrYTFJd2NIZFViRkpoWVcxR1ZXRkVWbGhXYkZZMFdrY3hZVk5YU2tWWGJYUllVbFpWTlE9PQ=='
- lanza.me - https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/484487 - example: 'https://lanza.me/2nZb'

I got the examples by trying to download a movie from this website: https://www.latinomegahd.net/

Posted: 14-01-2024
Edited: 14-01-2024

I forgot to mention:

These sites have the same bypass as 'desbloquea.me':

// @match https://divxto.site/s.php?i=*
// @match https://drivelinks.me/s.php?i=*
// @match https://acortame-esto.com/s.php?i=*
// @match https://super-enlace.com/s.php?i=*
// @match https://short-info.link/s.php?i=*
// @match https://ddtorrent.live/s.php?i=*
// @match https://enlace-protegido.com/s.php?i=*
// @match https://recorta-enlace.com/s.php?i=*

For example:


I got that link from trying to download a torrent from https://zonatorrent.in/movies/hablame/#!

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