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Review: Tệ - Script không hoạt động

Posted: 02-03-2024

Script is not appearing all the options, am I missing something?

Posted: 02-03-2024

Script is not appearing all the options, am I missing something?

This occurs in any pixiv page, whether bookmarks or not, even when manually enabling links

Posted: 13-03-2024

Yeah, same happens to me for over a month now :'(

philimaoTác giả
Posted: 13-03-2024

Script is not appearing all the options, am I missing something?

Sorry for the late response. Could you please show me the screenshot of your console? There must be an error message showing the reason. It still works fine for myself in Chrome + Tampermonkey.

philimaoTác giả
Posted: 13-03-2024

Script is not appearing all the options, am I missing something? This occurs in any pixiv page, whether bookmarks or not, even when manually enabling links

The script just matches https://www.pixiv.net/users/* , where the star could be your PID or others'. The buttons will show when the script gets your PID and it's your homepage.

Posted: 04-04-2024

Here's what My concole gives

Script is not appearing all the options, am I missing something? This occurs in any pixiv page, whether bookmarks or not, even when manually enabling links

The script just matches https://www.pixiv.net/users/* , where the star could be your PID or others'.
The buttons will show when the script gets your PID and it's your homepage.

philimaoTác giả
Posted: 06-04-2024

Hi Killer7, Please check the other post https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/423823-pixiv%E6%94%B6%E8%97%8F%E5%A4%B9%E8%87%AA%E5%8A%A8%E6%A0%87%E7%AD%BE/discussions/224295 to see if you encountered with the same problem

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