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IMDb Info On Netflix

Detailed IMDB info to Netflix titles

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Detailed IMDb info to Netflix titles

-Searches IMDb titles for Netflix when you click Episodes & info / More info
-Shows the IMDb rating next to the IMDb hyperlink of that title.
-It automatically filters out TV Episode|Short|Video Game|Video type of results from IMDb search.
-It can sort the IMDb results depending on Netflix release year. It also deducts a year for each season that has passed. For example, Netflix shows "Vikings" as 2019 and 6 Seasons so the script will deduct 5 from 2019 and look for Vikings and order for 2014. *Year sort is commented out at the moment*.
-It can also search for the exact title to reduce IMDb results. *Commented out at the moment*
-Script automatically stops when you start to watch something.
-v1.2 Added an image to show if you have rated the title.