Solved Media Plus

Auto-Solve Media image CAPTCHAs, Plus edition.

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Auto-Solve Media image CAPTCHAs, Plus edition.

Attention: This script is solely intended for the use of educational purposes only and not to abuse any website. The solving speed depends on your PC's compute power and Internet Connection.


- Added multithreading
- Added more texts
- Added multi Solve Media captcha support
- Added configurable auto-focus
- Added configurable auto-solver
- Added configurable "Find vulnerable captchas"

Alert: By having the "Find vulnerable captchas" option activated, web pages that do not contain vulnerable solvemedia captchas will reload:

- It is possible that at some point solvemedia will not generate vulnerable captchas, so the bot would continually refresh the page in the hope of looking for a vulnerable captcha.
- It is possible that Solved Media Plus stops reloading the web if the captcha is vulnerable but could not be solved.

You can report errors, provide a screenshot of the vulnerable captcha that could not be solved and, if possible, open the browser console and send us the solution of the captcha provided in the console by Solved Media Plus.

You can try Solved Media Plus here: