Greasy Fork is available in English.


My API for userscripts.

Script này sẽ không được không được cài đặt trực tiếp. Nó là một thư viện cho các script khác để bao gồm các chỉ thị meta // @require

/* exported UserscriptAPI */
 * UserscriptAPI
 * 需要引入模块方可工作,详见 ``。
 * @version
 * @author Laster2800
 * @see {@link UserscriptAPI}
class UserscriptAPI {
  /** @type {{[name: string]: Function}} 可访问模块 */
  static #modules = {}
  /** @type {string[]} 待添加模块样式队列 */
  #moduleCssQueue = []

   * @param {Object} [options] 选项
   * @param {string} ['default'] 标识符
   * @param {string} [options.label] 日志标签,为空时不设置标签
   * @param {Object} [options.wait] `wait` API 默认选项(默认值见构造器代码)
   * @param {Object} [options.wait.condition] `wait` 条件 API 默认选项
   * @param {Object} [options.wait.element] `wait` 元素 API 默认选项
   * @param {number} [options.fadeTime=400] UI 渐变时间
  constructor(options) {
    this.options = {
      id: 'default',
      label: null,
      fadeTime: 400,
      wait: {
        condition: {
          callback: result =>,
          interval: 100,
          timeout: 10000,
          onTimeout: options => this.logger[options.stopOnTimeout ? 'error' : 'warn']('executeAfterConditionPassed: TIMEOUT', options),
          stopOnTimeout: true,
          stopCondition: null,
          onStop: options => this.logger.error('executeAfterConditionPassed: STOP', options),
          stopInterval: 50,
          stopTimeout: 0,
          onError: (options, e) => this.logger.error('executeAfterConditionPassed: ERROR', options, e),
          stopOnError: true,
          timePadding: 0,
        element: {
          base: document,
          exclude: null,
          callback: el =>,
          subtree: true,
          multiple: false,
          repeat: false,
          throttleWait: 100,
          timeout: 10000,
          onTimeout: options => this.logger[options.stopOnTimeout ? 'error' : 'warn']('executeAfterElementLoaded: TIMEOUT', options),
          stopOnTimeout: false,
          stopCondition: null,
          onStop: options => this.logger.error('executeAfterElementLoaded: STOP', options),
          onError: (options, e) => this.logger.error('executeAfterElementLoaded: ERROR', options, e),
          stopOnError: true,
          timePadding: 0,

    /** @type {UserscriptAPIDom} */
    this.dom = this.#getModuleInstance('dom')
    /** @type {UserscriptAPIMessage} */
    this.message = this.#getModuleInstance('message')
    /** @type {UserscriptAPIWait} */
    this.wait = this.#getModuleInstance('wait')
    /** @type {UserscriptAPIWeb} */
    this.web = this.#getModuleInstance('web')

    if (!this.message) {
      this.message = {
        api: this,
        alert: this.base.alert,
        confirm: this.base.confirm,
        prompt: this.base.prompt,

    for (const css of this.#moduleCssQueue) {

   * 注册模块
   * @param {string} name 模块名称
   * @param {Object} module 模块类
  static registerModule(name, module) {
    this.#modules[name] = module

   * 获取模块实例
   * @param {string} name 模块名称
   * @returns {Object} 模块实例,无对应模块时返回 `null`
  #getModuleInstance(name) {
    const module = UserscriptAPI.#modules[name]
    return module ? new module(this) : null

   * 初始化模块样式(仅应在模块构造器中使用)
   * @param {string} css 样式
  initModuleStyle(css) {

   * UserscriptAPIBase
   * @version
  base = new class UserscriptAPIBase {
     * @param {UserscriptAPI} api `UserscriptAPI`
    constructor(api) {
      this.api = api

     * 添加样式
     * @param {string} css 样式
     * @param {Document | DocumentFragment} [doc=document] 文档
     * @returns {HTMLStyleElement} `<style>`
    addStyle(css, doc = document) {
      const { api } = this
      let style = null
      if (doc instanceof Document) {
        style = doc.createElement('style')
        style.className = `${}-style`
        style.textContent = css
        const parent = doc.head || doc.documentElement
        if (parent) {
        } else { // 极端情况下会出现,DevTools 网络+CPU 双限制可模拟
            condition: () => doc.head || doc.documentElement,
            timeout: 0,
          }).then(parent => parent.append(style))
      } else if (doc instanceof DocumentFragment) {
        style = document.createElement('style')
        style.className = `${}-style`
        style.textContent = css
      return style

     * 判断给定 URL 是否匹配
     * @param {RegExp | RegExp[]} regex 用于判断是否匹配的正则表达式,或正则表达式数组
     * @param {'OR' | 'AND'} [mode='OR'] 匹配模式
     * @returns {boolean} 是否匹配
    urlMatch(regex, mode = 'OR') {
      let result = false
      const { href } = location
      if (Array.isArray(regex)) {
        if (regex.length > 0) {
          if (mode === 'AND') {
            result = true
            for (const ex of regex) {
              if (!ex.test(href)) {
                result = false
          } else if (mode === 'OR') {
            for (const ex of regex) {
              if (ex.test(href)) {
                result = true
      } else {
        result = regex.test(href)
      return result

     * 初始化 `urlchange` 事件
     * @example
     *  window.addEventListener('urlchange', e => { ... })
     *  window.addEventListener('urlchange', e => e.stopPropagation(), true)
     *  window.onurlchange = function(e) { ... }
     * @see {@link How to detect if URL has changed after hash in JavaScript}
     * @see {@link Event bubbles before captured on `window`}
    initUrlchangeEvent() {
      const win = typeof unsafeWindow === 'object' ? unsafeWindow : window
      if (win[Symbol.for('onurlchange')] === undefined) {
        let url = new URL(location.href)
        const dispatchEvent = () => {
          const event = new CustomEvent('urlchange', {
            detail: { prev: url, curr: new URL(location.href) },
            bubbles: true,
          url = event.detail.curr
          if (typeof window.onurlchange === 'function') { // 若直接调用则 eventPhase 不对,且会有一些其他问题
            // 这一方案只能让事件处理器属性在最后被激活,但正确的顺序是:
            // 要实现正确的顺序,需用 defineProperty 定义 onurlchange,但 Tampermonkey 已经定义了该属性
            // 尽管目前 Tampermonkey 定义的属性是可写的,但为了向前兼容性及简化代码考虑,决定采用当前方案
            window.addEventListener('urlchange', window.onurlchange, { once: true })
          document.dispatchEvent(event) // 在 window 上 dispatch 不能确保在冒泡前捕获,至少目前是这样

        history.pushState = (f => (...args) => {
          const ret = Reflect.apply(f, history, args)
          return ret
        history.replaceState = (f => (...args) => {
          const ret = Reflect.apply(f, history, args)
          return ret
        window.addEventListener('popstate', () => {
        win[Symbol.for('onurlchange')] = true

     * 生成消抖函数
     * @param {Function} fn 目标函数
     * @param {number} [wait=0] 消抖延迟
     * @param {Object} [options] 选项
     * @param {boolean} [options.leading] 是否在延迟开始前调用目标函数
     * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true] 是否在延迟结束后调用目标函数
     * @param {number} [options.maxWait=0] 最大延迟时间(非准确),`0` 表示禁用
     * @returns {Function} 消抖函数 `debounced`,可调用 `debounced.cancel()` 取消执行
    debounce(fn, wait = 0, options = {}) {
      options = {
        leading: false,
        trailing: true,
        maxWait: 0,

      let tid = null
      let start = null
      let execute = null
      let callback = null

      /** @this {*} thisArg */
      function debounced(...args) {
        execute = () => {
          Reflect.apply(fn, this, args)
          execute = null
        callback = () => {
          if (options.trailing) {
          tid = null
          start = null

        if (tid) {
          if (options.maxWait > 0 && - start > options.maxWait) {

        if (!tid && options.leading) {

        if (!start) {
          start =

        tid = setTimeout(callback, wait)

      debounced.cancel = function() {
        if (tid) {
          tid = null
          start = null

      return debounced

     * 生成节流函数
     * @param {Function} fn 目标函数
     * @param {number} [wait=0] 节流延迟(非准确)
     * @returns {Function} 节流函数 `throttled`,可调用 `throttled.cancel()` 取消执行
    throttle(fn, wait = 0) {
      return this.debounce(fn, wait, {
        leading: true,
        trailing: true,
        maxWait: wait,

     * 创建基础提醒对话框(异步)
     * 若没有引入 `message` 模块,可使用 `api.message.alert()` 引用该方法。
     * @param {string} msg 信息
    alert(msg) {
      const { label } = this.api.options
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        resolve(alert(`${label ? `${label}\n\n` : ''}${msg}`))

     * 创建基础确认对话框(异步)
     * 若没有引入 `message` 模块,可使用 `api.message.confirm()` 引用该方法。
     * @param {string} msg 信息
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>} 用户输入
    confirm(msg) {
      const { label } = this.api.options
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        resolve(confirm(`${label ? `${label}\n\n` : ''}${msg}`))

     * 创建基础输入对话框(异步)
     * 若没有引入 `message` 模块,可使用 `api.message.prompt()` 引用该方法。
     * @param {string} msg 信息
     * @param {string} [val] 默认值
     * @returns {Promise<string>} 用户输入
    prompt(msg, val) {
      const { label } = this.api.options
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        resolve(prompt(`${label ? `${label}\n\n` : ''}${msg}`, val))

   * UserscriptAPILogger
   * @version
  logger = new class UserscriptAPILogger {
    #logCss = `
      background-color: black;
      color: white;
      border-radius: 2px;
      padding: 2px;
      margin-right: 4px;

     * @param {UserscriptAPI} api `UserscriptAPI`
    constructor(api) {
      this.api = api

     * 打印格式化日志
     * @param {'info' | 'warn' | 'error'} fn 日志函数名
     * @param {*[]} message 日志信息
    #log(fn, ...message) {
      const output = console[fn]
      const label = this.api.options.label ?? ''
      const causes = []
      let template = null
      if (message.length > 0) {
        const types = []
        for (const [idx, m] of message.entries()) {
          if (m) {
            types.push(typeof m === 'string' ? '%s' : '%o')
            if (m instanceof Error && m.cause !== undefined) {
          } else {
            if (m === undefined) {
              message[idx] = '[undefined]'
            } else if (m === null) {
              message[idx] = '[null]'
            } else if (m === '') {
              message[idx] = '[empty string]'
            types.push(typeof message[idx] === 'string' ? '%s' : '%o')
        template = types.join(', ')
      } else {
        template = '[undefined]'
      output(`%c${label}%c${template}`, this.#logCss, null, ...message)
      for (const [idx, cause] of causes.entries()) {
        output(`%c${label}%c${idx + 1}-th error is caused by %o`, this.#logCss, null, cause)

     * 打印日志
     * @param {*[]} message 日志信息
    info(...message) {
      this.#log('info', ...message)

     * 打印警告日志
     * @param {*[]} message 警告日志信息
    warn(...message) {
      this.#log('warn', ...message)

     * 打印错误日志
     * @param {*[]} message 错误日志信息
    error(...message) {
      this.#log('error', ...message)