[GMT] Collage Extensions

Direct browsing from torrent pages; quick groups removal, custom quick Add To Collage form

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Added features:

On torrent grroup page:

- browse through collage from torrent group pages (simple click on collage size)
- quick remove from collage (Alt+click on collage name or from context menu in Firefox)
- custom quick add to collage sidebar form on trackers not having this by default
- quick subscribe to/unsubscribe from collage through FF context menu

On artist page:

- browse through collage from artist pages (simple click on collage size)
- quick remove from collage (Alt+click on collage name or from context menu in Firefox)
- custom quick add to collage sidebar form
- quick subscribe to/unsubscribe from collage through FF context menu

On collage page:

- quickly remove torrent/artist group from collage (Alt+click on group thumbnail/name or from context menu in Firefox)


- built-in torrent group inpage collage search workaround (proper handling of URI noncompliant literals in expression)