黄金右键-灵活控制视频倍速-Golden Right-Flexibly control the playback rate of videos

按住"→"键倍速播放, 松开"→"键恢复原速, 灵活追剧看视频~ 支持所有H5视频的网站(YouTube、腾讯视频、优酷、番剧等); Press and hold the right arrow key (→) to set the video playback rate faster. Release the key to restore the original rate

Tác giả
Cài đặt hàng ngày
Số lần cài đặt
Đánh giá
35 0 1
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Đã cập nhật
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Áp dụng cho
Tất cả trang web

Features 功能

This script allows you to control video playback rate and fast-forward on HTML5 video players. Press and hold the right arrow key (→) to triple the playback speed. Release the key to restore the original rate. A single press of the right arrow key will fast-forward the video by 7 seconds. You can adjust the speed rate and fast-forward duration by modifying the faster_rate and add_time variables in the script.

此脚本可在HTML5视频播放器上控制视频播放速度和快进。按住右箭头键(→)将播放速度提高三倍。松开键恢复原始速率。单击右箭头键将视频快进7秒。您可以通过修改脚本中的faster_rateadd_time 变量来调整速度率和快进持续时间。

Support 支持

The script supports all websites that use HTML5 video players, such as YouTube, Douyin, Tencent Video, Youku, and more. If the script interferes with the website's original shortcut functions, you can exclude the current website in the Tampermonkey settings.



Others 其他

You're welcome to publish upgraded versions of this script or incorporate it into existing video tool scripts.


References 参考

This script was inspired by the "HTML5 Video Player Mini Tools" available at: https://bbs.kafan.cn/thread-2093014-1-1.html
