IMDb to CMA Link Creator

Adds a link on by the celebrity's name to the search results for them on

// ==UserScript==
// @name IMDb to CMA Link Creator
// @namespace
// @description Adds a link on by the celebrity's name to the search results for them on
// @match **
// @version 1.0d
// @copyright 2011+, Lassik
// ==/UserScript==

 * This script is very simple and is only really a few actual   *
 * lines of code. I heavily commented this script so that it    *
 * would be easy to understand for anyone wanting to adjust it  *
 * to fit their needs or just to know what is being done.       *

 * Change the variable below if you'd like to use a different   *
 * site other than Celebrity Movie Archive                      *
var searchURL = "";
 * Change the variable below if you'd like the text for the     *
 * created link to say something else. You can also comment it  *
 * out and uncomment the line below it if you'd like the        *
 * Celebrity Movie Archive fav icon image to show instead of    *
 * text.                                                        *
var linkText = "CMA";
//var linkText = "<img src='' />";

 * The following if statement is just used to verify that       *
 * you're on the actual celebrity's page vs the page of a movie *
 * they were in.                                                *
if(window.location.href.indexOf('name') != -1) {

   * Grabbing the existing links on the page.                     *
  var pageLinks = document.getElementsByClassName("infobar")[0].innerHTML;
   * Grabbing the celebrity's name.                               *
  var celebName = document.getElementsByClassName("header")[0].innerHTML;
   * Replacing the spaces with + signs for a proper URL format.   *
   * Yes I know I could just use the encodeURIComponent()         *
   * function but since it's just spaces i'm working with, why    *
   * bother.                                                      *
  celebName = celebName.replace(/\s/g, "+");
   * There's an extra space at the end of the name that ends up   *
   * being an additional + sign. The following line just knocks   *
   * it off.                                                      *
  celebName = celebName.slice(0, -1);
   * Building the link from all the collected data.               *
  var cmaLink = "&nbsp;<span>|</span> " + "<a href='" + searchURL + 
                 celebName + "' target='cma'>" + linkText + "</a>";
   * Inserting the link in to the page.                           *
  document.getElementsByClassName("infobar")[0].innerHTML = pageLinks + cmaLink;

 * The following if statement is just used to verify that       *
 * you're on the page of a movie vs the actual page for the     *
 * celebrity themselves.                                        *
if(window.location.href.indexOf('title') != -1) {

   * There are 2 different styles of pages depending on if you're *
   * looking at the full cast of a movie or just the original     *
   * overview page that only shows a few main cast members. The   *
   * following if statement is used to verify which page you're   *
   * looking at.                                                  *
  if(window.location.href.indexOf('combined') != -1) {

     * Createing an array of all the links containing the           *
     * celebrity's names. (full cast page)                         *
    var celebArray = document.getElementsByClassName("nm");

     * The following loop just cycles through the array that was    *
     * created earlier, inserting the new links.                    *
    for (i=0; i<celebArray.length; i++) {
       * Grabbing the celebrity's name from the link within the array *
       * that was created above.                                      *
      var celebName = celebArray[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML;
       * Replacing the spaces with + signs for a proper URL format.   *
      celebName = celebName.replace(/\s/g, "+");
       * Building the link and inserting it in to the page.           *
      celebArray[i].innerHTML = celebArray[i].innerHTML + 
                                "&nbsp;<span>|</span> " + "<a href='" + 
                                searchURL + celebName + "' target='cma'>" + 
                                linkText + "</a>";
  }else {
     * Createing an array of all the links containing the           *
     * celebrity's names. (brief cast page)                         *
    var celebArray = document.getElementsByClassName("cast_list")[0].

     * The following loop just cycles through the array that was    *
     * created earlier, inserting the new links.                    *
    for (i=0; i<celebArray.length; i++) {

       * Grabbing the celebrity's name from the link within the array *
       * that was created above.                                      *
      if(celebArray[i].innerHTML.indexOf('span') != -1) { 
        var celebName = celebArray[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].
         * Replacing the spaces with + signs for a proper URL format.   *
        celebName = celebName.replace(/\s/g, "+");
         * Building the link and inserting it in to the page.           *
        celebArray[i].innerHTML = celebArray[i].innerHTML + 
                                  "&nbsp;<span>|</span> " + "<a href='" + 
                                  searchURL + celebName + "' target='cma'>" + 
                                  linkText + "</a>";

 * The following if statement is just used to verify that       *
 * you're on a list page.                                       *
if(window.location.href.indexOf('list') != -1) {

   * Createing an array of all the links containing the           *
   * celebrity's names.                                           *
  var celebArray = document.getElementsByClassName("info");

   * The following loop just cycles through the array that was    *
   * created earlier, inserting the new links.                    *
  for (i=0; i<celebArray.length; i++) {
     * Grabbing the celebrity's name from the link within the array *
     * that was created above.                                      *
    var celebName = celebArray[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML;
     * Replacing the spaces with + signs for a proper URL format.   *
    celebName = celebName.replace(/\s/g, "+");
     * Building the link and inserting it in to the page as long as *
     * the list item on the page is a celebrity's name. The if      *
     * statement is used to verify that.                            *
    if (celebArray[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href.indexOf('name') != -1) {
      celebArray[i].innerHTML = celebArray[i].innerHTML + "<a href='" + 
                                searchURL + celebName + "' target='cma'>" + 
                                linkText + "</a>";