hello, the script doesn't seem to be adding the house number to the RPP right now. the traingle is being places of the segment HN and street name added like usual but the HN isn't added to the RPP. i'm not seeing any errors in the console. i tested this with only this script on. here is the console: WME HN2POI: Waiting Waze... userscript.html?name=WME%20Housenumbers%20to%20POI.user.js&id=63ff3e58-2cb5-48da-b5b5-086fa696418b:137 WME HN2POI: Ready... userscript.html?name=WME%20Housenumbers%20to%20POI.user.js&id=63ff3e58-2cb5-48da-b5b5-086fa696418b:137 WME HN2POI: UI initialized... userscript.html?name=WME%20Housenumbers%20to%20POI.user.js&id=63ff3e58-2cb5-48da-b5b5-086fa696418b:137 WME HN2POI: Creating POIs from HouseNumbers userscript.html?name=WME%20Housenumbers%20to%20POI.user.js&id=63ff3e58-2cb5-48da-b5b5-086fa696418b:137 WME HN2POI: Creating POIs from HouseNumbers
hello, the script doesn't seem to be adding the house number to the RPP right now. the traingle is being places of the segment HN and street name added like usual but the HN isn't added to the RPP. i'm not seeing any errors in the console. i tested this with only this script on. here is the console:
WME HN2POI: Waiting Waze...
userscript.html?name=WME%20Housenumbers%20to%20POI.user.js&id=63ff3e58-2cb5-48da-b5b5-086fa696418b:137 WME HN2POI: Ready...
userscript.html?name=WME%20Housenumbers%20to%20POI.user.js&id=63ff3e58-2cb5-48da-b5b5-086fa696418b:137 WME HN2POI: UI initialized...
userscript.html?name=WME%20Housenumbers%20to%20POI.user.js&id=63ff3e58-2cb5-48da-b5b5-086fa696418b:137 WME HN2POI: Creating POIs from HouseNumbers
userscript.html?name=WME%20Housenumbers%20to%20POI.user.js&id=63ff3e58-2cb5-48da-b5b5-086fa696418b:137 WME HN2POI: Creating POIs from HouseNumbers
thanks for any help