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WME Utils - HoursParser

Parses a text string into hours, for use in Waze Map Editor scripts

Script này sẽ không được không được cài đặt trực tiếp. Nó là một thư viện cho các script khác để bao gồm các chỉ thị meta // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name            WME Utils - HoursParser
// @namespace       WazeDev
// @version         2024.06.16.000
// @description     Parses a text string into hours, for use in Waze Map Editor scripts
// @author          MapOMatic (originally developed by bmtg)
// @license         GNU GPLv3
// ==/UserScript==

// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
class HoursParser {
    constructor() {
        this.DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK = {
            SS: ['saturdays', 'saturday', 'satur', 'sat', 'sa'],
            UU: ['sundays', 'sunday', 'sun', 'su'],
            MM: ['mondays', 'monday', 'mondy', 'mon', 'mo'],
            TT: ['tuesdays', 'tuesday', 'tues', 'tue', 'tu'],
            WW: ['wednesdays', 'wednesday', 'weds', 'wed', 'we'],
            RR: ['thursdays', 'thursday', 'thurs', 'thur', 'thu', 'th'],
            FF: ['fridays', 'friday', 'fri', 'fr']
        this.MONTHS_OF_THE_YEAR = {
            JAN: ['january', 'jan'],
            FEB: ['february', 'febr', 'feb'],
            MAR: ['march', 'mar'],
            APR: ['april', 'apr'],
            MAY: ['may', 'may'],
            JUN: ['june', 'jun'],
            JUL: ['july', 'jul'],
            AUG: ['august', 'aug'],
            SEP: ['september', 'sept', 'sep'],
            OCT: ['october', 'oct'],
            NOV: ['november', 'nov'],
            DEC: ['december', 'dec']
        this.DAY_CODE_VECTOR = ['MM','TT','WW','RR','FF','SS','UU','MM','TT','WW','RR','FF','SS','UU','MM','TT','WW','RR','FF'];
        this.THRU_WORDS = ['through', 'thru', 'to', 'until', 'till', 'til', '-', '~'];
        // eslint-disable-next-line global-require
        this.OpeningHours = require('Waze/Model/Objects/OpeningHour');

    parseHours(inputHours, locale) {
        let returnVal = {
            hours: [],
            parseError: false,
            overlappingHours: false,
            sameOpenAndCloseTimes: false

        let tfHourTemp, tfDaysTemp, newDayCodeVec = [];
        let tempRegex, twix, tsix;
        let inputHoursParse = inputHours.toLowerCase().trim();
        if (inputHoursParse.length === 0 || inputHoursParse === ',') {
            return returnVal;
        if (/24\s*[\\/*x]\s*7/g.test(inputHoursParse)) {
            inputHoursParse = 'mon-sun 00:00-00:00';
        } else {
            let today = new Date();
            let tomorrow = new Date();
            tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/\btoday\b/g, today.toLocaleDateString(locale, {weekday:'short'}).toLowerCase())
                .replace(/\btomorrow\b/g, tomorrow.toLocaleDateString(locale, {weekday:'short'}).toLowerCase())
                .replace(/\u2013|\u2014/g, "-")  // long dash replacing
                .replace(/[^a-z0-9\:\-\. ~]/g, ' ')  // replace unnecessary characters with spaces
                .replace(/\:{2,}/g, ':')  // remove extra colons
                .replace(/closed|not open/g, '99:99-99:99')  // parse 'closed'
                .replace(/by appointment( only)?/g, '99:99-99:99')  // parse 'appointment only'
                .replace(/weekdays/g, 'mon-fri').replace(/weekends/g, 'sat-sun')  // convert weekdays and weekends to days
                .replace(/(12(:00)?\W*)?noon/g, "12:00").replace(/(12(:00)?\W*)?mid(night|nite)/g, "00:00")  // replace 'noon', 'midnight'
                .replace(/every\s*day|daily|(7|seven) days a week/g, "mon-sun")  // replace 'seven days a week'
                .replace(/(open\s*)?(24|twenty\W*four)\W*h(ou)?rs?|all day/g, "00:00-00:00")  // replace 'open 24 hour or similar'
                .replace(/(\D:)([^ ])/g, "$1 $2");  // space after colons after words

            // replace thru type words with dashes
            this.THRU_WORDS.forEach(word => {
                inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace( new RegExp(word, 'g'), '-');

        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/\-{2,}/g, "-");  // replace any duplicate dashes

        // kill extra words
        let killWords = 'paste|here|business|day of the week|days of the week|operation|times|time|walk-ins|walk ins|welcome|dinner|lunch|brunch|breakfast|regular|weekday|weekend|opening|open|now|from|hours|hour|our|are|and|&'.split("|");
            // Remove timezone abbreviations. See
        for (twix=0; twix<killWords.length; twix++) {
            tempRegex = new RegExp('\\b'+killWords[twix]+'\\b', "g");
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(tempRegex,'');

        // replace day terms with double caps
        for (let dayKey in this.DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK) {
            if (this.DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK.hasOwnProperty(dayKey)) {
                let tempDayList = this.DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK[dayKey];
                for (var tdix=0; tdix<tempDayList.length; tdix++) {
                    tempRegex = new RegExp(tempDayList[tdix]+'(?!a-z)', "g");
                    inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(tempRegex,dayKey);

        // Replace dates
        for (let monthKey in this.MONTHS_OF_THE_YEAR) {
            if (this.MONTHS_OF_THE_YEAR.hasOwnProperty(monthKey)) {
                let tempMonthList = this.MONTHS_OF_THE_YEAR[monthKey];
                for (var tmix=0; tmix<tempMonthList.length; tmix++) {
                    tempRegex = new RegExp(tempMonthList[tmix]+'\\.? ?\\d{1,2}\\,? ?201\\d{1}', "g");
                    inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(tempRegex,' ');
                    tempRegex = new RegExp(tempMonthList[tmix]+'\\.? ?\\d{1,2}', "g");
                    inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(tempRegex,' ');

        // replace any periods between hours with colons
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/(\d{1,2})\.(\d{2})/g, '$1:$2');
        // remove remaining periods
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/\./g, '');
        // remove any non-hour colons between letters and numbers and on string ends
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/(\D+)\:(\D+)/g, '$1 $2').replace(/^ *\:/g, ' ').replace(/\: *$/g, ' ');
        // replace am/pm with AA/PP
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/ *pm/g,'PP').replace(/ *am/g,'AA');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/ *p\.m\./g,'PP').replace(/ *a\.m\./g,'AA');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/ *p\.m/g,'PP').replace(/ *a\.m/g,'AA');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/ *p/g,'PP').replace(/ *a/g,'AA');
        // tighten up dashes
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/\- {1,}/g,'-').replace(/ {1,}\-/g,'-');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/^(00:00-00:00)$/g,'MM-UU$1');

        //  Change all MTWRFSU to doubles, if any other letters return false
        if (inputHoursParse.match(/[bcdeghijklnoqvxyz]/g) !== null) {
            returnVal.parseError = true;
            return returnVal;
        } else {
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/m/g,'MM').replace(/t/g,'TT').replace(/w/g,'WW').replace(/r/g,'RR');
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/f/g,'FF').replace(/s/g,'SS').replace(/u/g,'UU');

        // tighten up spaces
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/ {2,}/g,' ');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/ {1,}AA/g,'AA');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/ {1,}PP/g,'PP');
        // Expand hours into XX:XX format
        for (var asdf=0; asdf<5; asdf++) {  // repeat a few times to catch any skipped regex matches
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/([^0-9\:])(\d{1})([^0-9\:])/g, '$10$2:00$3');
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/^(\d{1})([^0-9\:])/g, '0$1:00$2');
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/([^0-9\:])(\d{1})$/g, '$10$2:00');

            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/([^0-9\:])(\d{2})([^0-9\:])/g, '$1$2:00$3');
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/^(\d{2})([^0-9\:])/g, '$1:00$2');
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/([^0-9\:])(\d{2})$/g, '$1$2:00');

            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/(\D)(\d{1})(\d{2}\D)/g, '$10$2:$3');
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/^(\d{1})(\d{2}\D)/g, '0$1:$2');
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/(\D)(\d{1})(\d{2})$/g, '$10$2:$3');

            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/(\D\d{2})(\d{2}\D)/g, '$1:$2');
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/^(\d{2})(\d{2}\D)/g, '$1:$2');
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/(\D\d{2})(\d{2})$/g, '$1:$2');

            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/(\D)(\d{1}\:)/g, '$10$2');
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/^(\d{1}\:)/g, '0$1');

        // replace 12AM range with 00
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace( /12(\:\d{2}AA)/g, '00$1');
        // Change PM hours to 24hr time
        while (inputHoursParse.match(/\d{2}\:\d{2}PP/) !== null) {
            tfHourTemp = inputHoursParse.match(/(\d{2})\:\d{2}PP/)[1];
            tfHourTemp = parseInt(tfHourTemp) % 12 + 12;
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/\d{2}(\:\d{2})PP/,tfHourTemp.toString()+'$1');
        // kill the AA
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace( /AA/g, '');

        // Side check for tabular input
        var inputHoursParseTab = inputHoursParse.replace( /[^A-Z0-9\:-]/g, ' ').replace( / {2,}/g, ' ');
        inputHoursParseTab = inputHoursParseTab.replace( /^ +/g, '').replace( / {1,}$/g, '');
        if (inputHoursParseTab.match(/[A-Z]{2}\:?\-? [A-Z]{2}\:?\-? [A-Z]{2}\:?\-? [A-Z]{2}\:?\-? [A-Z]{2}\:?\-?/g) !== null) {
            inputHoursParseTab = inputHoursParseTab.split(' ');
            var reorderThree = [0,7,14,1,8,15,2,9,16,3,10,17,4,11,18,5,12,19,6,13,20];
            var reorderTwo = [0,7,1,8,2,9,3,10,4,11,5,12,6,13];
            var inputHoursParseReorder = [], reix;
            if (inputHoursParseTab.length === 21) {
                for (reix=0; reix<21; reix++) {
            } else if (inputHoursParseTab.length === 18) {
                for (reix=0; reix<18; reix++) {
            } else if (inputHoursParseTab.length === 15) {
                for (reix=0; reix<15; reix++) {
            } else if (inputHoursParseTab.length === 14) {
                for (reix=0; reix<14; reix++) {
            } else if (inputHoursParseTab.length === 12) {
                for (reix=0; reix<12; reix++) {
            } else if (inputHoursParseTab.length === 10) {
                for (reix=0; reix<10; reix++) {

            if (inputHoursParseReorder.length > 9) {
                inputHoursParseReorder = inputHoursParseReorder.join(' ');
                inputHoursParseReorder = inputHoursParseReorder.replace(/(\:\d{2}) (\d{2}\:)/g, '$1-$2');
                inputHoursParse = inputHoursParseReorder;


        // remove colons after Days field
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/(\D+)\:/g, '$1 ');

        // Find any double sets
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/([A-Z \-]{2,}) *(\d{2}\:\d{2} *\-{1} *\d{2}\:\d{2}) *(\d{2}\:\d{2} *\-{1} *\d{2}\:\d{2})/g, '$1$2$1$3');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/(\d{2}\:\d{2}) *(\d{2}\:\d{2})/g, '$1-$2');

        // remove all spaces
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace( / */g, '');

        // Remove any dashes acting as Day separators for 3+ days ("M-W-F")
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace( /([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})/g, '$1$2$3$4$5$6$7');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace( /([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})/g, '$1$2$3$4$5$6');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace( /([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})/g, '$1$2$3$4$5');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace( /([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})/g, '$1$2$3$4');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace( /([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})-([A-Z]{2})/g, '$1$2$3');

        // parse any 'through' type terms on the day ranges (MM-RR --> MMTTWWRR)
        while (inputHoursParse.match(/[A-Z]{2}\-[A-Z]{2}/) !== null) {
            tfDaysTemp = inputHoursParse.match(/([A-Z]{2})\-([A-Z]{2})/);
            var startDayIX = this.DAY_CODE_VECTOR.indexOf(tfDaysTemp[1]);
            newDayCodeVec = [tfDaysTemp[1]];
            for (var dcvix=startDayIX+1; dcvix<startDayIX+7; dcvix++) {
                if (tfDaysTemp[2] === this.DAY_CODE_VECTOR[dcvix]) {
            newDayCodeVec = newDayCodeVec.join('');
            inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/[A-Z]{2}\-[A-Z]{2}/,newDayCodeVec);

        // split the string between numerical and letter characters
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/([A-Z])\-?\:?([0-9])/g,'$1|$2');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/([0-9])\-?\:?([A-Z])/g,'$1|$2');
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.replace(/(\d{2}\:\d{2})\:00/g,'$1');  // remove seconds
        inputHoursParse = inputHoursParse.split("|");

        var daysVec = [], hoursVec = [];
        for (tsix=0; tsix<inputHoursParse.length; tsix++) {
            if (inputHoursParse[tsix][0].match(/[A-Z]/) !== null) {
            } else if (inputHoursParse[tsix][0].match(/[0-9]/) !== null) {
            } else {
                returnVal.parseError = true;
                return returnVal;

        // check that the dayArray and hourArray lengths correspond
        if ( daysVec.length !== hoursVec.length ) {
            returnVal.parseError = true;
            return returnVal;

        // Combine days with the same hours in the same vector
        var newDaysVec = [], newHoursVec = [], hrsIX;
        for (tsix=0; tsix<daysVec.length; tsix++) {
            if (hoursVec[tsix] !== '99:99-99:99') {  // Don't add the closed days
                hrsIX = newHoursVec.indexOf(hoursVec[tsix]);
                if (hrsIX > -1) {
                    newDaysVec[hrsIX] = newDaysVec[hrsIX] + daysVec[tsix];
                } else {

        const hoursObjectArray = [];
        const hoursObjectArrayMinDay = [];
        const hoursObjectArraySorted = [];
        let hoursObjectAdd;
        let daysObjArray;
        let toFromSplit;
        for (tsix=0; tsix<newDaysVec.length; tsix++) {
            hoursObjectAdd = {};
            daysObjArray = [];
            toFromSplit = newHoursVec[tsix].match(/(\d{2}\:\d{2})\-(\d{2}\:\d{2})/);
            if (toFromSplit === null) {
                returnVal.parseError = true;
                return returnVal;
            } else {  // Check for hours outside of 0-23 and 0-59
                var hourCheck = toFromSplit[1].match(/(\d{2})\:/)[1];
                if (hourCheck>23 || hourCheck < 0) {
                    returnVal.parseError = true;
                return returnVal;
                hourCheck = toFromSplit[2].match(/(\d{2})\:/)[1];
                if (hourCheck>23 || hourCheck < 0) {
                    returnVal.parseError = true;
                return returnVal;
                hourCheck = toFromSplit[1].match(/\:(\d{2})/)[1];
                if (hourCheck>59 || hourCheck < 0) {
                    returnVal.parseError = true;
                return returnVal;
                hourCheck = toFromSplit[2].match(/\:(\d{2})/)[1];
                if (hourCheck>59 || hourCheck < 0) {
                    returnVal.parseError = true;
                return returnVal;
            // Make the days object
            if ( newDaysVec[tsix].indexOf('MM') > -1 ) {
            if ( newDaysVec[tsix].indexOf('TT') > -1 ) {
            if ( newDaysVec[tsix].indexOf('WW') > -1 ) {
            if ( newDaysVec[tsix].indexOf('RR') > -1 ) {
            if ( newDaysVec[tsix].indexOf('FF') > -1 ) {
            if ( newDaysVec[tsix].indexOf('SS') > -1 ) {
            if ( newDaysVec[tsix].indexOf('UU') > -1 ) {
            // build the hours object
            hoursObjectAdd.fromHour = toFromSplit[1];
            hoursObjectAdd.toHour = toFromSplit[2];
            hoursObjectAdd.days = daysObjArray.sort();
            hoursObjectArray.push(new this.OpeningHours(hoursObjectAdd));
            // track the order
            if (hoursObjectAdd.days.length > 1 && hoursObjectAdd.days[0] === 0) {
                hoursObjectArrayMinDay.push( hoursObjectAdd.days[1] * 100 + parseInt(toFromSplit[1][0])*10 + parseInt(toFromSplit[1][1]) );
            } else {
                hoursObjectArrayMinDay.push( (((hoursObjectAdd.days[0]+6)%7)+1) * 100 + parseInt(toFromSplit[1][0])*10 + parseInt(toFromSplit[1][1]) );
        for (var hoaix=0; hoaix < hoursObjectArrayMinDay.length; hoaix++) {
        if ( !this._checkHours(hoursObjectArraySorted) ) {
            returnVal.hours = hoursObjectArraySorted;
            returnVal.overlappingHours = true;
            return returnVal;
        } else if ( this._hasSameOpenCloseTimes(hoursObjectArraySorted) ) {
            returnVal.hours = hoursObjectArraySorted;
            returnVal.sameOpenAndCloseTimes = true;
            return returnVal;
        } else {
            for ( var ohix=0; ohix<hoursObjectArraySorted.length; ohix++ ) {
                if ( hoursObjectArraySorted[ohix].days.length === 2 && hoursObjectArraySorted[ohix].days[0] === 0 && hoursObjectArraySorted[ohix].days[1] === 1) {
                    // separate hours
                    hoursObjectArraySorted.push(new this.OpeningHours({days: [0], fromHour: hoursObjectArraySorted[ohix].fromHour, toHour: hoursObjectArraySorted[ohix].toHour}));
                    hoursObjectArraySorted[ohix].days = [1];
        returnVal.hours = hoursObjectArraySorted;
        return returnVal;

    // function to check overlapping hours
    _checkHours(hoursObj) {
        if (hoursObj.length === 1) {
            return true;
        var daysObj, fromHourTemp, toHourTemp;
        for (var day2Ch=0; day2Ch<7; day2Ch++) {  // Go thru each day of the week
            daysObj = [];
            for ( var hourSet = 0; hourSet < hoursObj.length; hourSet++ ) {  // For each set of hours
                if (hoursObj[hourSet].days.indexOf(day2Ch) > -1) {  // pull out hours that are for the current day, add 2400 if it goes past midnight, and store
                    fromHourTemp = hoursObj[hourSet].fromHour.replace(/\:/g,'');
                    toHourTemp = hoursObj[hourSet].toHour.replace(/\:/g,'');
                    if (toHourTemp <= fromHourTemp) {
                        toHourTemp = parseInt(toHourTemp) + 2400;
                    daysObj.push([fromHourTemp, toHourTemp]);
            if (daysObj.length > 1) {  // If there's multiple hours for the day, check them for overlap
                for ( var hourSetCheck2 = 1; hourSetCheck2 < daysObj.length; hourSetCheck2++ ) {
                    for ( var hourSetCheck1 = 0; hourSetCheck1 < hourSetCheck2; hourSetCheck1++ ) {
                        if ( daysObj[hourSetCheck2][0] > daysObj[hourSetCheck1][0] && daysObj[hourSetCheck2][0] < daysObj[hourSetCheck1][1] ) {
                            return false;
                        if ( daysObj[hourSetCheck2][1] > daysObj[hourSetCheck1][0] && daysObj[hourSetCheck2][1] < daysObj[hourSetCheck1][1] ) {
                            return false;
        return true;

    _hasSameOpenCloseTimes(hoursObj) {
        var fromHourTemp, toHourTemp;
        for ( var hourSet = 0; hourSet < hoursObj.length; hourSet++ ) {  // For each set of hours
            fromHourTemp = hoursObj[hourSet].fromHour;
            toHourTemp = hoursObj[hourSet].toHour;
            if (fromHourTemp !== '00:00' && fromHourTemp === toHourTemp) {
                // If open and close times are the same, don't parse.
                return true;
        return false;

    _sortWithIndex(toSort) {
        for (var i = 0; i < toSort.length; i++) {
            toSort[i] = [toSort[i], i];
        toSort.sort(function(left, right) {
            return left[0] < right[0] ? -1 : 1;
        toSort.sortIndices = [];
        for (var j = 0; j < toSort.length; j++) {
            toSort[j] = toSort[j][0];
        return toSort;