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Hide specified works on AO3
Those tags (and all others which can appear in the "required tags" section of the work blurb) should now be blocked in version 1.9.
Please use the full text of the required tag that you want to block - you can see it by hovering over the icon:
How do I filter Explicit and Mature works using AO3 Savior?
I am trying to use AO3 Savior to filter Explicit works at AO3. I used the tagblacklist line (line 25). I can filter tags listed under warnings, category, fandoms etc, but the tags listed under ratings don't work. Is there a way I can do this?
This is My line 25 from AO3 Savior
tagBlacklist: ['Mature', 'Underage', 'Explicit'],
Underage is blocked, but the other 2 are not. How can I get it to work?