Greasy Fork is available in English.


Dark themes, inline posts/comments, endless scrolling, subreddit filters, and other improvements for

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About redditmod

Random features for (the old interface, before the "new design").

I like Reddit Enhancement Suite but it's very bulky, and I only use a few features.



Does not support reddit's new design. You can use or disable the new design in your reddit account's user preferences.

Subreddit custom styles are not supported. Disable this in Reddit account Preferences (reddit/prefs):

  • Uncheck allow subreddits to show me custom themes



Easily filter a Subreddit by clicking (x) next to the subreddit name.

Filters are applied instantly to the page; no need to refresh.

The Subreddit Filter only applies to /r/all and /r/popular.

  • Will not filter posts on other pages (e.g. user pages, domain pages, your homepage).

List of filtered subreddits are in the My Subreddits dropdown on the top-left of the reddit page. (See screenshots)

  • Options to Enable/disable/forget Subreddit Filters (either individual subreddits or all-at-once)
  • NSFW filter hides/shows NSFW posts

Inline Content

Images, Videos, and website content are shown on-the-page by clicking the background of a post.

Supported media sites:

  • Imgur (images, videos, albums)
  • Gfycat
  • Giphy
  • Streamable
  • clilps
  • Flickr (high-res images)
  • Instagram (images and videos)
  • Xkcd (includes alt-text)
  • Cyanide & Happiness
  • Twitter

Some posts are expanded using Reddit's default expando (e.g. Self-posts, Youtube, Vimeo).

If a post links to a different reddit post (common in /r/bestof), the script will load comments from that post inline.

If a site is not supported or unknown, the script uses to "summarize" the article. Works great on Wikipedia links and most news articles, but it's not perfect.

Inline Comments

Clicking the X comments link under a post will expand that post's comments inline.

Comment trees can be collapsed by clicking anywhere on the comment.

Infinite Scrolling

Appends the next page's posts once you scroll to the bottom of the page. This can be turned off in the "Options" (menu at top-left of reddit page).

If you're like me and have lots of filters, the script will continue to load the "next page" until the screen is full of posts.

Color Themes

Defaults to the Dark-blue theme. Other themes are available:

Minimal Interface

  • Sidebar hidden by default; visible on-hover.