Crunchyroll Queue Fixer

fixes for crunchyroll queue page. put shows with new episodes at top; always show "no image" icon on shows with no new episodes.

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Sometimes on Crunchyroll after you watch the latest episode of a show it doesn't change the icon to show the black "coming soon" image. This can make it harder to know which shows have more episodes for you to watch and overall is just visually inconsistent. This script fixes that. If you've finished watching a show and Crunchyroll hasn't added a placeholder for the next ep yet then this will change the icon.

This script will also rearrange your queue so that shows with new episodes are moved to the top. This results in a nice clean page where shows you can watch are at the top and all other shows are below with the standard black "Coming Soon" image. You can temporarily disable this rearranging by adding ?norearrange to the end of the url, e.g., to order the queue. See pics for details.